- Academic Advising
- Academic and Student Affairs
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Degree Programs
- Academic Learning Compacts (ALCs)
- Academic Program Review
- Academic Support and Information Services (OASIS), Office of
- Academic Works
- Accounting Program
- Accounts Payable (Controller)
- Accreditation
- ADA Compliance Office
- ADA - Section 504 Coordination
- A & P Association
- Administration & Finance
- Administrative and Professional Association
- Admissions
- Admissions Application
- Admissions Events
- Admissions Requirements (Freshman)
- Admissions Staff and Counselors
- Admissions Viewbook
- African American Faculty & Staff Association (AAFSA)
- Alumni Association
- American Sign Language (ASL) Lab
- Annual Giving
- Application Deadlines
- Apply to UNF
- Archaeology Laboratory
- Arena
- Army-ROTC
- Art, Art History and Design, Department of
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Assessment
- Athletics
- Calendar of Events
- Camps (Recreation)
- C.A.M.P. Osprey
- Campus Planning, Design & Construction
- Campus Map
- Campus Technology Services, Office of
- Campus Tours
- Campus Visits
- Canvas
- Career Services
- Catalogs, Undergraduate and Graduate
- Center for Aging Research
- Center for Instruction & Research Technology (CIRT)
- Center for Nutrition and Food Security
- Center for Professional Development and Training (CPDT)
- Chartwells
- Cheerleading
- Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of
- Clery Act Committee
- Clery Act Information
- Clinical and Applied Movement Sciences, Department of
- Club Sports
- Coastal & Marine Biology Flagship Program
- Coggin College of Business
- College of Arts and Sciences
- College of Computing, Engineering and Construction
- College Tour
- Commencement
- Communication, School of
- Community Alliance for Student Success
- Community and Culture
- Community Engagement and Partnerships
- Community Impact Study
- Competitive Sports
- Compliance
- Compliance, Ethics and Risk Oversight Committee (CEROC)
- Computing, School of
- Connections Student Mentoring Program
- Construction Management, Department of
- Consumer Information
- Contact Admissions
- Contact Information
- Controller's Office
- Convocation
- Counseling Center
- Course Schedule
- Criminology and Criminal Justice, Department of
- Crisis Management
- Cross Country, Men's
- Cross Country, Women's
- Center for Cybersecurity
- Eco-Adventure
- Economics Program
- Educational Clinical Experiences Office
- Emergency Information
- Emergency Telephones
- Employee Education Program
- Employment
- Engineering, School of
- English, Department of
- English Language Program
- Enrollment Services
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Environmental Science Degree
- Equal Opportunity and Inclusion
- Experiential Learning, Office of
- Expression on Campus
- Fact Sheet
- Faculty and Staff Directory
- Faculty Association
- Faculty Excellence and Academic Engagement
- Faculty Excellence, Office of (OFE)
- Faculty Handbook
- Faculty Profiles
- Family Weekend
- Fellowships, Office of
- Field House
- Final Exam Schedule
- Finance Program
- Financial Aid
- Financial Planning Program
- Financial Systems (see Project Management Office)
- Fine Arts Center
- FinTech
- First Year Advising
- Fitness Center
- Fitness Room, Hicks Hall
- Flagship Programs
- Florida Blue Center for Ethics
- Florida Institute of Education (FIE)
- Food Service Advisory Council
- Food Services
- Foundation Scholarships
- Fraternity & Sorority Life
- Freshman Admissions
- Gallery of Art
- Game Room
- General Counsel
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDRP)
- General Education
- General Information
- Giving Day
- Gladys Prior Awards
- Golf, Men's
- Golf, Women's
- Golf Complex at the Hayt Learning Center
- Government Relations
- Graduate Programs (Catalog)
- Graduate School, The
- Graduation Ceremony
- Group Fitness
- Group Visits
- Identification Card
- Immunization
- In-Person Tours
- Incoming First-Year Checklist
- Information Technology Services (ITS)
- Inside (UNF Newsletter)
- Institute of Environmental Research and Education
- Institute of Police Technology & Management (IPTM)
- Institutional Biosafety Committee
- Institutional Effectiveness, Office of
- Institutional Research, Office of
- Instructional Satisfaction Questionnaire (ISQs)
- Interdisciplinary Progams, Office of
- Internal Auditing
- International Business Flagship Program
- International Center
- International Student Admissions
- Intramural Sports
- Management, Department of
- Mail (Postal Services)
- Majors and Minors
- Map and Directions
- Marketing Program
- Marketing and Communications
- Master Plan
- Mathematics and Statistics, Department of
- Medical Compliance
- Media Relations
- Military and Veterans Resource Center
- Mission Statement
- MOCA Jacksonville (Museum of Contemporary Art)
- Movies on the House
- Mudlark: An Electronic Journal of Poetry & Poetics
- Music, School of
- myWings Portal
- National Recognition
- National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
- National Writing Project at UNF
- Nature Trails
- NCAA Compliance
- News, UNF
- Newspaper, Spinnaker
- Non-Degree Seeking Students
- Northeast Florida Center for Community Initiatives (CCI)
- Northeast Florida Center for Science Technology Engineering and Math Education (NEFSTEM)
- Nutrition and Dietetics Flagship Program
- Nursing Flagship Program
- OASIS, Office of Academic Support and Information Services
- Ogier Gardens
- On Campus Transition Program
- One-Stop Student Services
- Open House
- Organizational Chart
- Orientation, New Faculty
- Orientation, New Students
- Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)
- Osprey 1Card
- Osprey Connector
- Osprey Involvement Center
- Osprey Map (Degree Tracking; formerly Academic Roadmaps)
- Osprey Plaza Pavers
- OSPREY Teacher Residency (OTR) Program
- Osprey Update for Faculty& Staff
- Osprey Update for Students
- Parent and Family Orientation
- Parking Advisory Council
- Parking & Transportation Services
- Payroll
- Peace Corps Prep Program
- Philosophy and Religious Studies, Department of
- Physical Facilities
- Physical Therapy, Department of
- Physics, Department of
- Planning and Budget, Office of
- Police Department (UPD)
- Policies
- Political Science and Public Administration, Department of
- Post-Baccalaureate
- Postal Services
- Pre-Law Program
- Pre-Med Program
- President's Office
- Presidential Appointed Committees
- Presidential Cabinet Members
- Print Services
- Procurement Card (PCard)
- Procurement Services
- Professional and Lifelong Learning
- Project and Portfolio Management, Office of
- Prospective Student Events
- Provost's Office
- Psychological and Brain Sciences, Department of
- Public Health, Department of
- Public Opinion Research Laboratory
- Public Policy Events, Office of
- Silverfield College of Education and Human Services
- Safe Ospreys App
- Schedule a Visit
- Scholarships
- Scholarships, Brooks College of Health
- Scholarships, Coggin College of Business
- Scholarships, College of Arts & Sciences
- Scholarships, College of Computing, Engineering and Construction
- Scholarships, College of Education and Human Services
- Scholarships, Freshmen
- Scholarships, Graduate Students
- Scholarships, Study Abroad
- Scholarships, Transfer Students
- Senior Citizen Waiver/Lifetime Learner
- Service Learning and Civic Engagement, Office of
- Shuttle Service
- Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
- SMART Center
- Soccer, Men's
- Soccer, Women's
- Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work, Department of
- Softball
- Space Committee
- Special Collections (Library)
- Spinnaker Media
- Spinnaker Radio (WSKR)
- Sport Data Analytics Lab (S.D.A. Lab)
- State Employee Fee Waiver
- STEP (Solve, Tinker, Explore, and Play) Lab
- Strategic Plan
- Student Academic Success Services (SASS)
- Student Accessibility Center (SAC)
- Student Accountability & Resolution (Conduct)
- Student Complaints
- Student Emergency Relief Fund (apply)
- Student Fee Committee
- Student Financial Services
- Student Government
- Student Handbook
- Student Health Insurance
- Student Health Services
- Student Life, Office of
- Student Media
- Student Ombuds
- Student Service Departments
- Student Success, Office of
- Student Tickets, Athletics
- Student Union, John A. Delaney
- Student Wellness Complex
- Study Abroad (Coggin College)
- Study Abroad (Global Engagement)
- Study Abroad (International Center)
- Supporting Our Students (SOS)
- Summer Pathways
- Sustainability Committee
- Swimming & Diving
- Taylor Engineering Research Institute
- Teaching, Learning and Curriculum, Department of
- Textbook Adoption, Affordability and Transparency
- Taylor Leadership Institute
- Tennis, Men's
- Tennis, Women's
- The College Tour
- Tickets, Athletics
- Title IX
- Track & Field, Men's
- Track & Field, Women's
- Transcripts
- Transfer to UNF (Admissions)
- Transient Student
- Transportation & Logistics Flagship Program
- Treasury
- Tuition and Fees
- Tuition Scholarship Program
- Tutoring
- Undergraduate Admissions
- Undergraduate Admissions Events
- Undergraduate Programs (Catalog)
- Undergraduate Research, Office of
- UNF Arts, Culture and Life Newsletter
- UNF Brand
- UNF Common Application
- UNF Constitution
- UNF Ethics Hotline
- UNF Foundation
- UNF Journal
- UNF MedNexus
- UNF Newsroom
- UNF Online (Distance Learning)
- UNF Parents Hub
- UNF Preschool
- UNF Timeline
- UNF Writing Center
- United Faculty of Florida (UFF)
- Universal Design for Innovation in Training and Education (UNITE) Design Lab
- University Center, Adam W. Herbert
- University Development and Alumni Engagement
- University Police Department (UPD)
- UPS Store
- University Support Personnel Association (USPA)