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2024-2025 University Catalog
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Silverfield College of Education and Human Services Graduate Degrees

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The Silverfield College of Education and Human Services has long valued its role in the preparation of school and human services professionals. The ever-broadening, increasingly diverse needs of society have created a continuing demand not only for qualified educators, but also for other professionals who are equipped to make an impact on children and adults with whom they work. Graduate students may choose from a wide variety specialization concentrations. Within each major, one or more concentrations exist that enable students to design a strong professional program of study tailored to the student's specific goals.

Consistent with its commitment to accountability and to the success of graduate students during their time of matriculation, the College requires that students in all graduate programs be assessed at various transition points during their programs of study. At each transition point, faculty utilize specific data on student progress to make important decisions about continuation in the program. Transition point assessments are interspersed throughout a student’s program and include measures such as formal evaluation of admission criteria; individual course assessments; formal faculty review of student performance at particular intervals within a program; program-required examinations, theses, or dissertations; completion of capstone courses; and formal review of student progress at the time of program completion. Information about transition points used within specific program of study may be obtained by contacting the department office in which the program is offered.

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Master's Degree Program

The programs leading to the Master of Education degree have as their primary objective the preparation of educators and human services professionals. Master’s programs are offered in educational leadership school leadership/administrator certification as well as concentrations in higher education administration, advanced teaching and learning, educational technology leadership and athletic administration; elementary education with concentrations in professional education, literacy and TESOL as well as graduate certificates in early childhood and TESOL; secondary education with a professional education concentration; special education with deaf education, disability services, applied behavior analysis, autism, and exceptional student education concentrations, a Master of Science degree in ASL/English interpreting; and the Master of Education in counselor education (school counseling concentration).

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Master of Education in Elementary Education

This Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum's graduate program assists learners in developing personal and professional competencies needed for successful instruction in today's public schools. This goal is achieved through programs emphasizing individually meaningful instruction, the use of innovative materials, and the application of theoretical concepts in laboratory and clinical experiences.

The department offers a wide array of graduate studies for teachers and other educational professionals. In meeting those diverse needs, the department offers three categories of studies at the graduate level.

Category I - Master’s Degree Programs for Teachers with Professional Certificates
Programs for certificated teachers who desire to extend their professional skills and knowledge leading to the awarding of a Master of Education degree are the primary means for pursuing graduate study within the department. The central mission of these programs is to extend and enhance the instructional expertise of the professional teacher. These programs make provisions for "add-on" endorsements to the initial teaching certificate and expand the teacher's certified areas on instruction. The areas of M.Ed. in Elementary Education include the concentrations of P-12 TESOL and Literacy.

Category II - Master’s Degree Programs for Uncertified Post-baccalaureate Students
These programs are for graduate students who do not hold professional teaching certificates but who wish to obtain a Master of Education degree. The areas of the M.Ed. in Education include the concentration of Professional Education with various options of specifications including: Prekindergarten/Primary, Elementary, P-12 TESOL, Technology, and Literacy.

Category III - Non-degree Studies that Lead to a Certificate
These studies are content focused programs that lead to certificates awarded by the University of North Florida. A baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution, either in education or a non-education field is required to purse the certificates.

The Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood Education (ECE) emphasizes the professional preparation of students at the graduate levels for a range of careers in early childhood education (children 0-8) within diverse community contexts. The completion of six Early Childhood Education graduate courses provides preparation for working with young children and their families and communities. This program prepares candidates for a highly specialized role and offers a dynamic combination of state-of-the-art theoretical courses and practical application of learning in field education.

The Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) provides students with advanced knowledge in the education of ELLs (English Language Learners) of any age. The completion of six TESOL graduate courses awards a candidate a TESOL certificate from the University of North Florida and qualifies a candidate to apply for ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) endorsement to be added to his/her existing Florida teacher's certificate. Coursework covers the ESOL domains of linguistics, assessment, culture, methods, and curriculum.

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Master of Education in Early Childhood Leadership

The Early Childhood Educational Leadership Program is a graduate level program leading to a master's degree. The Master of Education program includes a specialization in Educational Leadership, Policy, and Advocacy specifically in the area of early childhood. This specialization is an interdisciplinary program designed for people who work or wish to work as a leader in the field of early childhood education. Information in this degree supports the development of leadership skills to serve in positions within community, state, and national agencies, in both the public and private sector that focus on supporting the healthy development, growth, and education of families and children. This specialization provides grounding in social, historical, philosophical, developmental, educational, and international perspectives of leadership and early childhood education.

Master of Arts in Teaching: Secondary Education

The Master of Arts in Teaching is a teacher prep inspired program that allows students to earn a MAT degree in under 18 months. It is designed for individuals who possess a baccalaureate degree and desire to teach secondary English, History, Math, Foreign Language, or Biology/Chemistry/Physics. There may be opportunities for financial aid and in some cases, full tuition coverage for College of Arts and Sciences graduates with degrees in STEM-related fields.

Students will complete school placements within Duval County Public Schools throughout the school year; thus, students will complete clinical, field experience hours all year long along with coursework. Courses within the program will be in the summer B schedule with the sequence culminating in summer A the following year: Summer B- Fall - Spring - Summer A.

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Master of Education in Special Education

The graduate program in special education prepares graduate students to assume positions as professional practitioners who work with exceptional individuals. The majority of these practitioners become teachers in self-contained classes or resource rooms, while others serve in positions such as consulting teacher, behavior analyst, parent-infant specialist, or American Sign Language/English Interpreting. Practitioners may serve individuals with special needs ranging from preschool through adulthood. Additionally they may work with the families of individuals with special needs

The graduate special education program offers five concentrations. The first concentration in exceptional student education is for students working toward initial state certification in special education. The second concentration is for students working toward initial certification in deaf education (currently on hold). The third option is a concentration in disability services designed for students interested in serving individuals with disabilities in general education classes or non-educational settings. The fourth concentration is for students interested in specialization in applied behavior analysis, and the fifth concentration is in the area of autism while a Master of Science degree is also offered in ASL/English Interpreting.Majors in special education consist of a minimum of 30 credits of graduate study. An individually designed program of study for each student is developed by the student in collaboration with his or her faculty advisor. Admission into the Exceptional Student Education graduate program does not require the GRE but the GRE is required for other programs. A minimum undergraduate grade point average (GPA) of a 3.0 is also required. If the applicant's undergraduate GPA is less than a 3.0, a minimum score of 153 on the verbal portion and 144 on the quantitative portion of the GRE is required. Students not meeting minimum criteria for admission may be considered for admission under the UNF/College exceptions policy. The program makes special provisions for admitting students with disabilities. Admission also requires the submission of three letters of recommendation. Note: All applications, transcripts, test scores, and supporting documents must be sent directly to The Graduate School, University of North Florida, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32224. All students enrolled in Silverfield College of Education and Human Services courses that require a field or clinical component and/or are taught at a school site are mandated by state law to be fingerprinted and cleared prior to being permitted on elementary and secondary school campuses. Students should be aware that noncompliance with fingerprinting requirements will result in the inability to complete course requirements. Contact the Office of Academic Support and Information Services, (904) 620-3934, for information regarding fingerprinting procedures.

Special Education Concentrations

Exceptional Student Education Concentration The Exceptional Student Education concentration is designed for those students seeking initial certification as teachers of students with exceptionalities. The program of study is designed to offer graduate students the preparation needed for Florida state certification in exceptional student education, K-12.

Disability Services Concentration The disability services concentration in special education is available for professionals who serve individuals with disabilities in special and general education and in settings other than schools. This concentration allows individuals to pursue graduate study in special education and in various cognate areas in education but does not lead to teacher certification. The program of study consists of a minimum of 36 credit hours and is individually designed.

Deaf Education Concentration The Deaf Education concentration is designed for those students seeking initial certification as teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing. The program of study is designed to offer graduate students the preparation needed for Florida state certification in Deaf Education, K-12. Students who have completed their undergraduate degree in Deaf Studies at UNF have already met the "pre-requisite "course requirements.

Applied Behavior Analysis Concentration The Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) concentration is designed to prepare individuals to assume positions as professional clinical practitioners who work with exceptional individuals and are interested in behavioral assessment and appropriate interventions and in preparing for the BCBA or BCaBA examinations.

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Master of Education in Counselor Education

The SOAR School Counseling Program at the University of North Florida prepares counselors who have developed strong basic counseling, relational, and reflective skills; who demonstrate sufficient multicultural content knowledge, skills, and practices; who practice from a sound foundation of theoretical and research-based knowledge; who hold and maintain a strong counselor identity; and who possess and exhibit the personal and professional dispositions necessary to work effectively as school counselors.

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Master of Education in Educational Leadership

The Silverfield College of Education offers several concentrations within the Master of Education (M.Ed) in Educational Leadership. This Degree is for professionals who desire to continue their studies in their respective fields of study.

Educational Leadership Concentrations

Athletic Administration The Athletic Administration track is designed for individuals who aspire to obtain careers in athletic administration at educational institutions. Today's athletic administrator must be well prepared to work in a diverse and challenging environment. As interscholastic and intercollegiate athletics continue to grow, so does the demand for trained professionals equipped with the necessary skills to provide positive leadership in those unique and specific educational settings.

Early Childhood Educational Leadership The Early Childhood Educational Leadership Program is a graduate level program leading to a Master's degree. The Master of Education program includes a specialization in Educational Leadership Policy, and Advocacy specifically in the area of early childhood. This specialization is an interdisciplinary program designed for people who work or wish to work as a leader in the field of early childhood education. Information in this degree supports the development of leadership skills to serve in positions within community, state, and national agencies, in both the public and private sector that focus on supporting the healthy development, growth, and education of families and children. This specialization provides grounding in social, historical, philosophical, developmental, educational, and international perspectives of leadership and early childhood education.

Educational Technology Training and Development The graduate degree in Educational Technology, Training and Development is a master's program that encourages students to improve their professional practice using learning theory, technology, and leadership skills.

School Leadership
This concentration is a state-approved program that carries the endorsement for educational leadership needed by teachers who wish to move into administration in the public school system. The program consists of 39 semester hours of core major and elective requirements. One year of teaching experience and a valid teaching certificate are required.

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Master of Science in ASL/English Interpreting

The ASL/English Interpreting master's degree is a Master of Science degree with concentrations in interpreting and pedagogy and is designed for those students seeking advanced preparation as sign language interpreters or instructors. The University of North Florida's interpreting programs are committed to upholding the National Interpreter Educational Standards as formulated by the Conference of Interpreter Trainers. The master's degree concentration is offered in a distance-friendly modality with online, three weekend-per-semester/online, and a five day summer session/online formats to accommodate students who do not live in northeast Florida. The program is developed in accord with current spoken and signed language research and target interpreters who aspire to become nationally certified.

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Master of Science in Higher Education Administration

This degree is designed for those seeking a career in Higher Education ranging from entry-level to mid-management, as well as all areas of college and university operations, including academic affairs, student services, enrollment management, financial aid, residence life, business affairs, physical plant, budget & finance, public safety, athletic administration, technology, development and grant writing.

Higher Education Administration Concentrations

General Higher Education Track: This is for students interested in administrative careers throughout the university. These can include, but are not limited to academic advising, enrollment services, development and alumni affairs, finance and administration, graduate studies, and technology.

Student Affairs This is for students interested in careers in student life. These can include, but are not limited to residence life, campus activities, Greek life, career services, student conduct and judicial affairs, campus recreation, diversity and cultural inclusion.

International Higher Education This is for students interested in careers directing or coordinating study abroad programs, international student recruitment, international student programming. Students earning the international higher education track are also prepared for careers at international universities or with third party study abroad providers

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Specialist in Educational Leadership (Ed.S)

The Purpose of the Ed.S in Educational Leadership is the development of leadership knowledge, theory, and practice situated around local community and organizational contexts. The program is designed to 1)support the development of student understanding of how change occurs for individuals, organizations, and communities; 2) deepen student practical, theoretical, and research knowledge regarding how leaders can work effectively with others to support those change processes; and 3) nurture student development of skills and practices needed to support and lead efforts for organizational and community change.

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Doctoral Program

The college offers a program of advanced graduate study leading to a Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership. The program includes course work in specific areas of study and requires satisfactory performance on a comprehensive examination and completion of a dissertation. Students are admitted to a doctoral cohort who complete the majority of their course work together. Admissions requirements and a description of the program of study are included below.

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Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership

The interdisciplinary Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership program supports the development of educational leaders, with a focus on providing the knowledge, vision, and commitment to the improvement of education through a variety of leadership roles. The program draws on the expertise of faculty from several departments and other instructional resources of the University.

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