Coggin College of Business Graduate Academic Policies
- Required GPA
- Graduate GPA Calculation Policy
- Probation/Suspension Policy
- Prerequisite/Co-requisite Policy
- Incomplete Grade Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Appealing an Academic Decision
- Foundation Requirements
- Directed Independent Studies
- Transfer of Graduate Credits from another College or University
- Policy on Multiple Concentrations
- Additional Policies and Procedures
Required GPA
Students graduating with a graduate degree or graduate certificate from the Coggin College of Business must earn a minimum of "C" or better in all coursework taken toward their current program.
Concentration courses must be complete with a grade of "B" or better.
Final Semester Courses:
All students are required to maintain a minimum 3.0 UNF GPA at the 6000 level prior to enrolling in:
- MAN 6726 Advanced Business Policy (MBA)
- MAN6724 Strategy for Business (MsM)
- TRA 6906 Research Practicum (MSLSCM)
- CEN 6940 Computing Practicum (MSBA)
Graduate GPA Calculation Policy
The Graduate GPA will be calculated from courses reflected on the Degree Evaluation. This calculation will also include all courses that are repeated. Grade forgiveness is not permitted at the Graduate level.
Probation/Suspension Policy
If a graduate student's current Term GPA, Program GPA, or Institutional GPA drops below 3.0, the student will be placed on probation. Probationary status will remain in effect until the institutional GPA is above a 3.0.
If both the current term and total institution GPA fall below 3.0 during the next term of enrollment, the student will be suspended.
First suspension: the student is not allowed to enroll in courses for one semester.
Second suspension: the student is not allowed to enroll in courses for two semesters.
Third suspension: the student is not allowed to enroll in courses for at least three semesters (i.e., one full calendar year). Students wishing to be readmitted to the Coggin College of Business after a third suspension must reapply through The Graduate School.
If on probation, a student cannot take the following courses:
Prerequisite / Co-requisite* Policy
Students enrolled in Coggin College of Business courses are responsible for assuring they have satisfactorily met requirements for all prerequisite/co-requisite courses. The student's professor, the department chairperson, or the Graduate Program Director has the discretionary authority to dismiss any student from related courses who has not fully complied with this policy. Fees will not be refunded for dismissal from a course by one of the parties listed above if the dismissal is for lack of required prerequisites or co-requisites.
- * Prerequisite = "Taken before"
- * Co-requisite = "Taken at the same time"
Incomplete Grade Policy
Faculty members in the Coggin College of Business may give a grade of "I" (incomplete) if special circumstances exist. Occasionally, because of sickness or other emergencies, a faculty member may choose to assign an "I" grade. The "I" grade can only be given when the student has completed a substantial part of the course and is passing the course, but because of an emergency cannot complete some final course requirements. For example, a final exam or a term paper may need to be completed. In these cases, an "I" grade may be assigned, and a definite time for completing the course requirements must be given. The maximum time allowed to remove a grade of "I" is one calendar year or graduation, whichever comes first.
In addition to recording the "I" on the online grading system, an "Assignment of Incomplete Grade" form must be completed by the instructor. This form should give specific details on how the "I" grade is to be resolved. An "I" grade should never be assigned prior to the withdrawal date and should also never be used for the purpose of allowing a student to completely retake a course. Students may not re-register for any course in which an incomplete grade was received. Students may not graduate with outstanding "I" grades.
Attendance Policy
Effective Fall 2003, students are required to attend the first class meeting. Registered students who do not attend the first day of class may be dropped from the course at the discretion of the instructor. Many professors require attendance to all meeting sessions of their course. Attendance guidelines are generally set by each individual professor. Students with extenuating extenuating circumstances beyond their control who are unable to attend the first class meeting must notify the instructor. Contact the UNF Operator at 620-1000 for departmental phone numbers.
NOTE: Non-attendance does not guarantee a student will be dropped from the course(s). Students are fee liable for all courses for which they are registered for unless dropped. Students must drop themselves by the add/drop deadline from all courses they do not plan to attend.
Appealing an Academic Decision
Learn about the policy for appealing an academic decision.
Foundation Requirements
The business graduate foundation course requirements consist of a set of subjects considered by the graduate faculty as required for graduate study in the MAcc and MBA degrees programs.
The MsM, MSLSCM and MSBA degree programs do not require foundation courses.
Refer to the program Degree Evaluation for specific foundation course requirements.
A student who has earned a "C" or higher in the foundation courses or the equivalent coursework are not required to take foundation courses. A student who has not satisfied specific foundation course requirements will be required to take the appropriate courses at UNF.
Directed Independent Study
The intent of a Directed Independent Study (DIS) is to allow a student to pursue a selected topic in greater depth, through research and writing, under the direction of a Coggin College of Business graduate faculty member. This type of course experience differs from required and regularly offered courses that usually involve classroom interaction. No more than three (3) credit hours of DIS may be counted toward graduation requirements. Directed Independent Study require an institutional graduate GPA of 3.5 or better and prior approval by the instructor and the graduate program director.
Graduate Transfer Credits
A maximum of 12 credit hours of 6000 level course work may be transferred from another AACSB accredited institution or an appropriately accredited international institution once reviewed for equivalency.
Criteria for review:
Multiple Concentrations
Students pursuing the MBA degree are not required to choose a concentration. However, MBA students may pursue a maximum of two concentrations. Taking courses toward a concentration does not guarantee the respective concentration will be reflected on a student's transcript or degree evaluation. The concentration must be formally declared. Students should contact their graduate academic advisor for additional information. A grade of a "B" or better is required for all concentration courses at the time of graduation.
Additional Policies and Procedures
This catalog does not encompass all policies and procedures for the graduate programs in the Coggin College of Business. Please see the graduate handbook or contact the graduate academic advisor for clarification or additional information.