ASL/English Interpreting: Community Interpreting
College: | Education and Human Services |
Degree: | Bachelor of Science |
Major: | ASL/English Interpreting |
Concentration: | Community Interpreting |
Effective Term: | Fall 2024 |
The Osprey Map provides a term-by-term sample schedule for each undergraduate academic program at the University of North Florida. It is designed to guide students in the selection of courses each term. The "Mile Marker" courses are those courses that should be completed before or by the end of that term. Following the sample schedule, and completing the mile marker courses at the appropriate point of your undergraduate career, will facilitate graduation in four years. The term-by-term model assumes full-time enrollment. For students enrolled part-time, the sample schedule and mile markers should be followed based on the number of credits completed. The Osprey Map should be used in consultation with an academic advisor.
The Community Interpreting concentration offers UNF students the opportunity to pursue a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in ASL/English Interpreting from the time they enter as freshmen. The program prepares students for entry level work as signed language interpreters who work in a variety of community settings that may include education, medical, employment, and other public venues. Students may declare a major and be fully admitted to advanced coursework following successful completion of program prerequisite courses and other admission criteria. This major admits 30 students in the fall term. Students are not guaranteed admission and cannot take upper division courses in the major (starting in Term 5) until admitted into the program.
Find information regarding Specialized Admissions screening on the ASL/English Interpreting webpage. The following courses must be completed or in progress to qualify for Specialized Admissions Screening:
- ASL2140 American Sign Language I (B grade or better)
- ASL2150 American Sign Language II (B grade or better)
- INT1000 Introduction to Interpreting (B grade or better)
- ENC1101 (GW) Rhetoric and Writing (B grade or better)
- ASL4131 American Sign Language III (C grade or better)
- ASL4211 American Sign Language IV (C grade or better)
- ASL3514 Deaf Culture (C grade or better)
- INT3011 Linguistics for Interpreters (C grade or better)
- INT2010 Discourse Analysis (C grade or better)
- INT2113 English and ASL Sight Translation (C grade or better)
- INT2303 Field Experience (C grade or better)
Career Planning
Engaging in career planning activities is significant to student success. UNF offers customized career centers to deliver targeted programs, events, services and resources. First-Year and Exploratory students should visit the Career Services webpage and Sophomore or higher level students with a declared COEHS major should visit the Office of Academic Support and Information Services (OASIS).
Students should refer to their personalized Degree Evaluation provided by an academic advisor and to other university resources for additional university and college-specific policies. Visit the undergraduate university catalog for more information.
Summer terms may be utilized to facilitate graduation in four years.
- Visit the university catalog for a list of General Education requirements. An Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree from a Florida public university, state college or community college satisfies UNF general education and Gordon Rule requirements. Math selection is contingent upon appropriate placement score, the student's major and credit received through accelerated mechanisms (Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Dual Enrollment, etc).
- Visit the American Sign Language (ASL)/English Interpreting Undergraduate Program webpage for additional information including admission criteria, faculty contact names and for a complete list of Community Interpreting prerequisites. A "B" grade or higher is required in the following program prerequisites: ASL2140 American Sign Language I; ASL2150 American Sign Language II; INT1000 Introduction to Interpreting; and ENC1101 (GW) Rhetoric and Writing. A "C" grade or higher is required in remaining program prerequisites: INT2113 English to ASL Sight Translation; INT2303 Interpreting Field Experience; INT2010 Discourse Analysis and INT2204 Interpreting in Community Setting. A 2.75 grade point average (GPA) is required for admission and must be maintained to stay enrolled in the program.
- Students are encouraged to speak with the Interpreting Program Director regarding questions about the Interpreting profession and may communicate with faculty and department personnel via email at:
- For additional information on advising services visit the Office of Academic Support and Information Services (OASIS) webpage.
- A minimum grade of "C" is required in all course work earned for the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree. However, a cumulative 2.75 GPA must be maintained to stay enrolled in the program.
- The CASLI Generalist Knowledge Exam may be taken as early as Term 4. The CASLI Generalist Knowledge Exam must be passed prior to enrolling in INT4947 Interpreting Practicum in Term 8.
- Students must complete an application for INT4947 Interpreting Practicum (taken in Term 8), by October 1 of the previous year. Visit the American Sign Language (ASL) / English Interpreting Undergraduate Program webpage for the application link.
- Civic Literacy Requirement: Prior to graduation from a Florida state university, students must demonstrate competency in civic literacy through successful completion of a civic literacy course (AMH 2010, AMH 2020, or POS 2041) and by achieving a passing score on an assessment. Consult an academic advisor, the university catalog and visit the Civic Literacy webpage for additional information.
- A minimum of 120 semester hours (48 hours at the upper 3000/4000 level) is required for the bachelor's degree. Students may require additional free elective credits to reach 120 hours. See academic advisor or Degree Evaluation for details.
Term 1: Attempted Hours 0-15
Schedule | Credit Hours | |
IDS1932 (GW) First-Year Writing Seminar OR ENC1101 (GW) Audience and Purpose | 3 | |
ASL2140 American Sign Language I (Program Prerequisite) | 4 | |
INT1000 Introduction to Interpreting (Program Prerequisite) | 3 | |
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) | 3 | |
Total Hours: | 13 | |
Mile Marker(s) ASL2140 American Sign Language I Minimum Grade B INT1000 Introduction to Interpreting Minimum Grade B |
Term 2: Attempted Hours 16-30
Schedule | Credit Hours |
ENC1101 (GW) Audience and Purpose OR IDS1932 (GW) First-Year Writing Seminar (Select the course not taken in Term 1) |
3 |
ASL2150 American Sign Language II (Program Prerequisite) | 4 |
ASL3514 Deaf Culture | 3 |
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) | 3 |
Total Hours: | 13 |
Mile Marker(s) ENC1101 (GW) Audience and Purpose Minimum Grade B ASL2150 American Sign Language II Minimum Grade B |
Summer 1
Schedule | Credit Hours |
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) | 3 |
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) | 3 |
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) | 3 |
Total Hours: |
9 |
Term 3: Attempted Hours 31-45
Schedule | Credit Hours | |
Select a second Gen Ed Written Communication Course (See Degree Evaluation) | 3 | |
ASL4131 American Sign Language III | 3 | |
INT3011 Linguistics for Interpreters | 3 | |
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) | 3 | |
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) | 3 | |
Total Hours: | 15 | |
Mile Marker(s) ASL4131 American Sign Language III Minimum Grade C INT3011 Linguistics for Interpreters Minimum Grade B |
Term 4: Attempted Hours 46-60
Schedule | Credit Hours | |
ASL4211 American Sign Language IV | 3 | |
INT2113 English and ASL Translation (Program Prerequisite) | 3 | |
INT2303 Interpreting Field Experience (Program Prerequisite) | 3 | |
INT2010 Discourse Analysis (Program Prerequisite) | 3 | |
Students must pass Specialized Admissions Screening during Term 4 for admission into ASL/English Interpreting-Community Interpreting in Term 5 (Fall Term of Junior Year) | ||
The CASLI Generalist Knowledge Exam may be taken as early as Term 4. | ||
Total Hours: | 12 | |
Mile Marker(s) ASL4211 American Sign Language IV Minimum Grade C INT2113 English and ASL Translation Minimum Grade C INT2303 Interpreting Field Experience Minimum Grade C INT2010 Discourse Analysis Minimum Grade C |
Summer 2
Schedule | Credit Hours | |
INT2204 Interpreting in Community Sett (Program Prerequisite) (INT2204 must be completed with a C grade or higher prior to entering program in Fall term, Term 5) | 3 | |
Select a General Education Course (See Degree Evaluation) | 3 | |
Total Hours: | 6 | |
Mile Marker(s) INT2204 Interpreting in Community Sett Minimum Grade C All ASL Comm.Interp Program Prerequisites General Education Requirements |
Term 5: Attempted Hours 61-75
Schedule | Credit Hours | |
INT3134 Applied Ethics in Interpreting (Offered Fall term only) | 3 | |
INT3205 Cognitive Processing (Offered Fall term only) | 3 | |
ASL3226 Advanced ASL Proficiency (Offered Fall term only) | 3 | |
INT3290 Interpreting Skill Dev I (Offered Fall term only) | 3 | |
Total Hours: | 12 | |
Mile Marker(s) INT3134 Applied Ethics in Interpreting Minimum Grade C INT3205 Cognitive Processing Minimum Grade C ASL3226 Advanced ASL Proficiency Minimum Grade C INT3290 Interpreting Skill Dev I Minimum Grade C 2.75 GPA |
Term 6: Attempted Hours 76-90
Schedule | Credit Hours | |
INT4410 Interpreting for DeafBlind (Offered Spring term only) | 3 | |
INT4461 Technology and Interpreting (Offered Spring term only) | 3 | |
INT3275 ASL Prosody (Offered Spring term only) | 3 | |
INT4404 Interpreting in Ed Settings (Offered Spring term only) | 3 | |
INT4291 Interpreting Skill Dev II (Offered Spring term only) | 3 | |
Students must submit a practicum "Notice of Intent" in Term 6 for Course: INT4947 Practicum (Taken in Term 8) | ||
Students mus take and pass the CASLI Generalist Knowledge Exam no later than Term 7 | ||
Total Hours: | 15 | |
Mile Marker(s) INT4410 Interpreting for DeafBlind Minimum Grade C INT4461 Technology and Interpreting Minimum Grade C INT3275 ASL Prosody Minimum Grade C INT4404 Interpreting in Ed Settings Minimum Grade C INT4291 Interpreting Skill Dev II Minimum Grade C 2.75 GPA Civic Literacy Requirement |
Summer 3
Schedule | Credit Hours | |
INT4292 Interpreting Skill Dev III (Offered Summer term only) | 3 | |
Select a General Education Course, if needed (See Degree Evaluation) | 3 | |
Total Hours: | 6 | |
Mile Marker(s) INT4292 Interpreting Skill Dev III Minimum Grade C Summer Residency Requirement 2.75 GPA |
Term 7: Attempted Hours 91-105
Schedule | Credit Hours | |
INT3951 (CD)Serv Lrng Deaf Community (Offered Fall term only) | 3 | |
INT3270 Adv ASL Classifiers Interp (Offered Fall term only) | 3 | |
INT3411 Deaf Perspectives on Interpret (Offered Fall term only) | 3 | |
INT4293 Interpreting Skill Dev IV (Offered Fall term only) | 3 | |
Submit application for INT4947 Interpreting Practicum (Taken in Term 8) by October 1 | ||
Students must complete a minimum of 100 observation hours by Term 7 | ||
Total Hours: | 12 | |
Mile Marker(s) INT3951 (CD)Serv Lrng Deaf Community Minimum Grade C INT3270 Adv ASL Classifiers Interp Minimum Grade C INT3411 Deaf Perspectives on Interpret Minimum Grade C INT4293 Interpreting Skill Dev IV Minimum Grade C 2.75 GPA |
Term 8: Attempted Hours 106-120
Schedule | Credit Hours |
INT4947 Interpreting Practicum | 6 |
Total Hours: | 6 |
Total Program Hours: |
120 |