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Coggin College of Business
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Warsaw, Poland

Auckland is located in the northern part of the North Island. It is New Zealand's largest and most cosmopolitan city with a population of 1.2 million and 27% born in other countries. The urban area is twice the size of London, and the city has a wide mix of cultures. Theater, art and leading-edge fashion provide an array of cosmopolitan experiences. Auckland's climate is mild. From December to March (summer), the average temperature ranges between 68 and 77˚F. From June to August (winter), the average temperature range is between 50 and 59˚F.

New Zealand

About AUT University

AUT University is conveniently located in the city center. The focus at AUT University is providing a pragmatic 'real world' approach to business, ensuring excellence in learning and teaching and developing outstanding graduates for professional practice in business. AUT Business School is one of the largest business schools in New Zealand.The classes are small, usually 20-30 students, providing an interactive learning environment with emphasis on the integration of theory and business practice. Academic staff work closely with students, providing guidance and advice for their study and research, and the university's close links with industry mean that coursework and research are relevant to professional practice.


AUT Business School
WF Building, City Campus
42 Wakefield Street
Auckland City

Ms. Jacklyn Lim
International Manager


AUT University Academics

Academic Calendar

The fall semester ("semester 2") runs from mid-July to mid-November; the spring semester ("semester 1") runs from late February to late June.

View the AUT University Academic Calendar.


Students participating in a semester exchange to AUT University are only allowed to take courses through the business school. Students would have to pay a large fee for any courses taken outside of the business school.

For staff or students wanting to access paper (or course) descriptors or class times for Semester One and Two, this information is not accessed through AUT's main university website but through AUTOnline. AUTOnline is an access point for students to get their online materials for classes such as readings or Powerpoint slides, but also for class timetables. It can be a little confusing for students who are not familiar with AUT websites.

Here are the steps to follow to find information on class timetables and paper (or course) descriptors for each semester.

  1. Go to AUTOnline
  2. On the top right menu and select Open Organisations
  3. Select the tile for Business Undergraduate Programme Information

  4. For course descriptions: on the left menu shaded black, scroll down to Course Descriptors & Course Study Guides

  5. For schedules: on the left menu shaded black, scroll down to Timetables -  semester 1 = spring; semester 2 = fall

Postgraduate (Graduate)
  1. Go to AUTOnline
  2. On the top right menu and select Open Organisations
  3.  Select the tile for Business School - Postgraduate Programme Information
  4. On the left menu shaded black, click on

    Study Planning 20xx

  5. To access paper descriptors, look under where it says "Step 2 - Specialisations" and you will see a list of the majors offered in the Business School. By clicking on these majors, a list of all the papers offered under that major can be found. You can also find all the relevant paper descriptors here.

  6. To access timetables, look under where it says "Step 3 - Timetables."

    Please note that timetables are only finalised approximately 6 months before the semester is due to start.


Credit & Grade Conversions

For details on grade conversions, see your study abroad advisor.  Credit conversions can be found on our Credit Conversion page.

Students are expected to take the equivalent of 12 UNF credits while abroad at AUT for fall or spring semesters.


AUT University Application Process

Step 1: 

Submit the following items directly to the Global Engagement Office (Building 10, Room 2125) not to the exchange partner or other UNF offices:

  • Exchange Semester Study Abroad Application Form 
  • Copy of valid passport 
  • Updated resume

DEADLINE: March 1 for fall semester and September 1 for spring semester

Step 2:

Your study abroad advisor will sent your nomination to AUT. Soon after, AUT will send an email with instructions to apply online. Students must submit the following documents to their online application for AUT:

  • Copy of valid passport
  • OFFICIAL UNF transcripts
  • Passport sized photo
  • Resume (MBA students only)

DEADLINE: May 1 for fall semester and October 1 for spring semester


AUT University Housing & Cost


AUT University's Accommodation Office works with you find accommodations in Auckland. Rent for furnished communal apartments ranges from $450-$650 per month, depending on preferences. It is common to pay a deposit of one month's rent and a small contract fee.

Note: Students are responsible for finding their own housing if they choose not to find housing through AUT.


UNF students participating in a semester exchange program will pay UNF tuition. Students will be responsible for all other expenses (i.e. flight, meals, housing, etc.). See your study abroad advisor for an estimated cost for one semester at AUT.

Note: We recommend using Oanda as a currency converter when determining your budget.


Please view our Study Abroad Funding webpage for information about scholarships other funding opportunities.