Research Resources
Coggin College of Business is committed to providing faculty and students with industry-standard resources to produce cutting-edge business and economic research and instruction. The list summarizes the research databases and software applications made available by the Coggin College of Business. The list continues to expand with faculty needs. CCB faculty and students can access many other databases, applications, and resources provided via Thomas G. Carpenter Library, Center for Instruction and Research Technology (CIRT), and Information Technology Services (ITS), which we do not repeat on the list below.
Wharton Research Data System (WRDS) | COMPUSTAT | CRSP | CRSP-COMPUSTAT merged database | Bloomberg Terminals (12) | S&P NetAdvantage
SAS | Stata | SPSS | LISREL | NVivo | ARCGIS | DroneDepoly | Skydio 3D | Telemetry Extractor
The College has established numerous research grant programs to provide financial support and incentives for high-impact research.
- Coggin High-Impact Research Recognition Program (CHIRRP)
- Rewarding publications in top-tier, high-impact, peer-reviewed journals
- McLaughlin Summer Research Grants (MSRG)
- Providing financial support to multiple high-impact research projects every summer (CFP in early Spring)
- Traynham/Coggin Summer Research Grants (TCSRG)
- Providing financial support to multiple high-impact research projects every summer (CFP in early Spring)
- Societal Impact Faculty Development Grants (SIFD)
- Providing financial support to research and teaching projects with a focus on one or more UNSDG categories (CFP in late Spring)
- Crowley Center for Transportation and Logistics White Paper Grants
- Providing financial support for white paper reports focusing on the transportation and logistics sector
- PAPER Institute Grants
- Providing financial support for research focusing on businesses in the paper industry
Several Business Centers housed in the Coggin College of Business have a research focus include: (Note: CCB also houses other non-research oriented Business Centers.)
- Crowley Center for Transportation and Logistics (CCTL)
- With an industry-specific research focus on transportation, logistics, and supply chain management
- Local Economic Indicators Project (LEIP)
- With a general economic research focus on producing key economic indicators for the Jacksonville area
- PAPER Institute
- With an industry-specific research focus on the paper industry