Exchange Program Grade Conversions
The tables below are intended to assist students studying abroad through the Coggin College of Business at one of UNF's exchange partner universities. Each institution has its own grading system which must be translated into UNF's local system. Students should contact their study abroad advisor if they have any questions about their university's grade conversion table.
These conversion tables are based on input from UNF partner universities and World Education Services, and they are only valid for UNF students transferring courses back from an exchange program at a UNF partner university, through the Coggin College of Business. Click the subheadings below to view details.
Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM)
ZSEM Grade UNF Assigned Grade 5
90-100%: Odlican (Excellent)A 4
79-89%: Vrlo Dobar (Very Good)A- 3
66-78%: Dobar (Good)B 2
50-65%: Dovoljan (Satisfactory)C 1
0-49%: Nedovoljan (Failing)F -
Audencia Business School, EM-Normandie, European Business School Paris, and KEDGE Business School
French Grade UNF Assigned Grade 15-20 A 14-14.9 A- 12-13.9 B+ 11-11.9 B 10.5-10.9 C+ 10-10.4 C 8-9.9 D 0-7.9 F ESC Rennes School of Business
ESC Rennes Grade UNF Assigned Grade A (70-100%) A B (65-69%) B+ C (58-64%) B D (50-57%) C+ E (40-49%) C Fx, F (0-39%) F -
Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mosbach at Bad-Mergentheim (DHBW)
DHBW Grade UNF Assigned Grade 1.0-1.5 A 1.6-2.5 A- 2.6-3.5 B 3.6-4.0 C 4.1-5.0 F Hochschule Bremen
Bremen Grade UNF Assigned Grade 1.0-1.5 A 1.6-2.5 A- 2.6-3.5 B 3.6-4.0 C 4.1-5.0 F BE P NB/EN F PV/KV I Technology Arts/Sciences (TH Koln)
TH Koln Grade UNF Assigned Grade 1.0-1.6 A 1.7-2.2 A- 2.3-2.6 B+ 2.7-3.2 B 3.3-3.6 B- 3.7-3.9 C+ 4.0-4.9 C 5.0 F -
University of Pecs (UP)
UP Grade UNF Assigned Grade 5
Jeles (Excellent)A 4
Jó (Good)B 3
Közepes (Average)C 2
Elégséges (Pass)C 1
Elégtelen (Fail)F -
University of Verona
Verona Grade UNF Assigned Grade A+, A A A- A- B+ B+ B B B- B- C+ C+ C C C-, D+, D D D-, F F -
Radboud University Nijmegen School of Management (RU-NSM)
RU-NSM Grade UNF Assigned Grade 8.0-10
(ZG)A 7.0-7.75
(Z)B 6.0-6.75
(RV)C 5.0-5.75
(VLD, V)D 0-4.75
(O, NVD)F -
University of Warsaw (UW)
UW Grade UNF Assigned Grade 5 A 4-4.9 B 3-3.9 C 0-2.9 F -
Université de Neuchâtel (UNINE)
UNINE Grade UNF Assigned Grade 5.5-6.0 A 5.0-5.4 A- 4.5-4.9 B 4.0-4.4 C 0-3.9 F -
Universidad de Alicante (UA)
UA Grade UNF Assigned Grade 7.8-10 A 7.5-7.7 A- 7.0-7.4 B+ 6.5-6.9 B 6.0-6.4 B- 5.5-5.9 C+ 5.0-5.4 C 0-4.9 F Universitat Ramon Llull (URL-Blanquerna)
URL-Blanquerna Grade UNF Assigned Grade 7.8-10 A 7.5-7.7 A- 7.0-7.4 B+ 6.5-6.9 B 6.0-6.4 B- 5.5-5.9 C+ 5.0-5.4 C 0-4.9 F Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC)
URJC Grade UNF Assigned Grade 9.0-10 A 7.0-8.9 B 5.0-6.9 C 0-4.9 or SS F Universidad de Valencia (UV)
UV Grade UNF Assigned Grade 7.8-10 A 7.5-7.7 A- 7.0-7.4 B+ 6.5-6.9 B 6.0-6.4 B- 5.5-5.9 C+ 5.0-5.4 C 0-4.9 F -
United Kingdom
University of Hertfordshire (UH), England
UH Grade UNF Assigned Grade 70-100 A 65-69 A- 60-64 B+ 50-59 B 45-49 C+ 40-44 C 0-39 F Abertay University (AU), Scotland
AU Grade UNF Assigned Grade A, A+ A B+ B+ B B C+ B- D+, C C D D MF, F, NS F
Asia and Pacific Rim
China and Taiwan
Beijing International Studies University (BISU)
BISU Grade UNF Assigned Grade 85-100 A 75-84 B 60-74 C 0-59 F Peking University HSBC Business School (HSBC)
HSBC Grade UNF Assigned Grade TBD A TBD B TBD C TBD F Shih Chien University
Shih Chien Grade UNF Assigned Grade TBD A TBD B TBD C TBD F -
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management (RCOEM)
RCOEM Grade UNF Assigned Grade TBD A TBD B TBD C TBD F -
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU)
APU Grade UNF Assigned Grade 80-100 A 70-79 B 60-69 C 0-59 F -
New Zealand
AUT University
AUT Grade UNF Assigned Grade A+, A A A- A- B+ B+ B B B- B- C+ C+ C, C- C D F -
South Korea
Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
SKKU Grade UNF Assigned Grade A+, A
A B+
B+ B
B C+
C+ C
C D, D+
Latin America
Universidad Austral
Austral Grade UNF Assigned Grade 8-10 A 6-7 B 4-5 C 0-3 F -
Universidad Mayor (UM)
UM Grade UNF Assigned Grade 6.25-7 A 6.0-6.24 A- 5.75-5.99 B+ 5.25-5.74 B 5.0-5.24 B- 4.75-4.99 C+ 4.0-4.74 C 1.0-3.99 F -
Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresa (IPADE)
IPADE Grade UNF Assigned Grade 9.0-10.0 (A, B+) A 8.0-8.9 (B, B-) B 7.0-7.9 (C) C 0-6.9 (F) F Universidad de las Americas Puebla (UDLAP)
UDLAP Grade UNF Assigned Grade 9.0-10.0 A 8.0-8.9 B 6.0-7.9 C 0-5.9 F -
Universidad de Montevideo (UM)
UM GradeUNF Assigned Grade11-12 (A-, A)A9-10 (B, B+)A-8 (B-)B+7 (C+)B6 (C)C2-5 (D)D0-1 (E, F)F