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The Graduate School

Admitted, now what? FAQs

Congratulations on your acceptance to the UNF Graduate School! Check out our FAQs below and contact us if you have further questions!
  • How do I accept or decline my admission?
    You'll need to complete the Reply to Offer of Admission through your Application Status Portal. There is no fee associated with an admission confirmation.
  • Can I defer my admission?

    Yes, in some cases you may defer your admission. A deferment may be requested for the two consecutive terms immediately preceding your initial term of admission. The program must admit for the requested term unless written approval from the program director is received. Programs that only admit once a year are not eligible for an admission deferment. 

    The deadline to request to defer admission is a month before the application deadline of the following semester. Students who miss the deadline to defer must contact the Graduate School to request a new application to apply again.

    • Fall - November 1st
    • Spring- March 15th
    • Summer - July 1st
  • What happens if I do not enroll in courses for the term I am admitted to?
    If you don't enroll for the term admitted to your application will be canceled for non-matriculation. You will need to reapply for admission to a future term should you seek enrollment.
  • What happens if I do not attend for any term after my first term?

    Once admitted, graduate students are expected to maintain continuous enrollment in order to make progress towards degree. The continuous enrollment requirement begins with the initial graduate matriculation term. The Graduate School monitors continuous enrollment and reserves the right to take action if a student fails to maintain continuous enrollment. Students who cannot maintain continuous enrollment should seek a Leave of Absence as outlined in the Graduate Student Enrollment Requirements.

    In the event continuous enrollment is broken, you will need to reapply for admission. Your first step is to verify the next available term in which you can apply by reviewing your Graduate ProgramYou will be held to the admission standards and deadlines for the new term in which you are applying. Test scores and transcripts are automatically carried to new applications, however updated transcripts may be required.
  • Holds

    Many holds can be cleared from your myWings account.

    1. Click the Hold's tile
    2. A list of your holds will load, at the bottom click How to Clear Holds
    3. There should be information on each hold with who to contact and how to remove them. Hyperlinked holds can be removed by clicking on them and completing the requested action.
    4. We also recommend you click on the What's Next tile. From this tile, you'll be able to access a variety of beneficial options.

    Common Hold Types

  • I was provisionally admitted, what does this mean?

    Provisional admission means you must meet the requirements of your Graduate Program Director within your first term in order to gain full admittance to the program. Please contact your Graduate Program Director for specific requirements. 

    At the end of your first term, your Graduate Program Director will notify us to either (1) approve your full admission to the program, or (2) dismiss you from the program. Fully admitted students will be able to continue within the program. If dismissed, your Graduate Program Director will notify you that you did not meet the provisional admission requirements, you will be dropped from all future coursework, and a hold preventing future registration will be placed on your account.
  • Who is my advisor/director?

    Graduate student academic advising is typically performed by the Graduate Program Director but may be accomplished by a combination of professional academic advisors and faculty members. Students should contact the Graduate Program Director if they are not sure who their advisor is.

  • How do I register? Where do I find my registration time ticket?

    Registration information can be found on the Records and Registration site. Here, you will find important tools, including the Registration Guide and Registration Add Errors you may encounter. Please refer to the UNF Course Catalog for information regarding offered courses. All holds on your student account will need to be cleared prior to being able to register. While many will clear instantly, some, such as Campus Clarity, take 24 hours. If you don’t know what courses to register for, please contact your Graduate Program Director for guidance on course options.

    To locate your registration time ticket:

    1. Login to myWings
    2. Select the Registration tile
    3. Select Registration and Course Planner
    4. Select Prepare for Registration
    5. Input the term you are looking for, then you will see your registration status and time ticket information

    If you would like to confirm your registration:

    1. Login to myWings
    2. Select the Student Records tile
    3. Select Academic Records
    4. Select Class Schedule Detail
    5. Choose the applicable term

    Degree-seeking graduate students typically receive time tickets for the earlier part of registration week.

    Non-degree seeking graduate students (i.e. those admitted as graduate non-degree or transient) are assigned a registration time ticket for the Space Available registration date. This registration date is generally the last business day before classes begin for the term. Graduate non-degree course registration requires permission from the Graduate Program Director prior to registration. In order to request a registration override:

    1. Login to myWings
    2. Select the Student Records tile
    3. Select Student Forms from the menu
    4. Select the Online Forms, Appeals and Petitions button
    5. Under Records and Registration, select Registration Override Request
    6. Complete the form and submit

  • What is the cost of tuition?

    The Tuition & Fees site details the costs of graduate school. Certain programs have specially-approved tuition rates. 

    UNF also offers an exclusive graduate tuition rate for UNF bachelor's seeking students and recent graduates. For more information, please refer to the Exclusive Graduate Tuition Rate.
  • Is there a graduate course withdrawal policy?
    While there is not a specific graduate withdrawal policy, some programs do require pre-approval in order to withdraw from a course. It is advised to first consult with your Graduate Program Director before withdrawing from any course.
  • As a current graduate degree seeking student, how do I change my concentration or major, or add a certificate?

    If you are an active, degree-seeking graduate level and want to change your concentration or major, you will need to submit a Change of Concentration or Change of Major online form request through myWings. If you would like to add or change a certificate program, you will need to submit a Change of Major online form request through myWings. If your status is inactive, or you have not been admitted into a degree-seeking program, you will need to apply for graduate admissions. For more information, please check out our Change of Concentration or Major page!