DL Coaches
DL Coaches are a type of instructional support for online courses. DL Coaches work under the direction of the instructor of record and assist the instructor with the facilitation and maintenance of the course.
Departments are encouraged to use DL Coaches in courses in which they can have a positive impact on access and student learning by facilitating engagement. Multiple coaches may be used in large enrollment courses.
UNF Online provides each college with annual funding for DL Coaches based upon their proportion of the University’s DL SCH.
The role of the DL Coach includes, but is not limited to, communicating with the instructor as needed, posting announcements, assisting students with technical questions, participating in discussions, and documenting student comments, questions, and concerns.
For more information about the tasks that can be assigned to DL Coaches, view Tasks for Academic DL Coaches and Identifying Differences Between a DL Coach and SI Leader.
Instructors working with DL Coaches can schedule an appointment with an Instructional Designer in CIRT to discuss best practices for using a coach in their course. The instructional designer can assist the instructor with developing a Course Facilitation Plan that will guide their work with the DL Coach.
Instructors can add DL Coaches to their course with the TA role.
DL Coaches should complete CIRT's Canvas Orientation for Academic Coaches training course. The course provides FERPA guidelines and more details about the DL Coach role, as well as a basic overview of Canvas and best practices for communication and facilitation. The training is designed to help coaches become more familiar with the tools available to instructors and should take approximately 3 hours to complete.
To enroll a DL Coach in the training course and verify their completion, follow these instructions:

DL Coaches should be student employees. There may be circumstances under which a department considers hiring a retired employee or current staff member in the coach role. Please consult with HR on the correct process in those cases.
Acceptable Job Titles: 'DL Coach' or 'DL Coach Graduate Assistant'
Do Not Use: Other Job Titles
*Note: Per DL funding guidelines, a DL Coach may not be classified as a Graduate Teaching Assistant.
DL Coach pay ranges from $12 - $17 per hour. Course level, credit hours, and type of work play a role in the assigned hourly rate and hours per week. For example, positions requiring more cognitive effort on the part of the DL Coach (e.g., online meeting with students vs. counting how many responses each student left in the weekly discussion board) could justify a higher hourly rate.
Graduate students hired as DL Coach Graduate Assistants should be classified under position 93XX85 and class code 9185. Refer to the HR ePAF Training Manual, Section 9.1 for XX position number replacement codes. (https://www.unf.edu/hr/pay-leave/epaf.html)
Other questions about hiring a DL Coach should be referred to Human Resources. Hiring resources are also located on the HR website.
Undergraduate and other non-GA DL Coaches
DL Coaches typically work 5-10 hours per week. Assigned hours must comply with all UNF HR regulations.
Most DL Coaches should submit timesheets. In some pay periods they may not work their full hours but they should not exceed their allotted hours per period. If the assigned work cannot be completed in allotted hours, coaches should talk to their assigned instructor about restructuring their time/work.
DL Coach Graduate Assistants
In accordance with university regulations, a graduate student hired to work as a DL Coach Graduate Assistant at a minimum of .25 FTE (minimum of 10 hours per week), who is, for tuition purposes, an out-of-state resident, will have the out-of-state tuition waiver applied to their account. The out-of-state tuition waiver is only good for semesters during which the student is employed. Students must maintain the position for the duration of the term or the out-of-state tuition waiver will be removed. See the Graduate School’s Graduate Assistantships and Fellowships webpage for more information about eligibility requirements. DL Coach-Graduate Assistants do not receive in-state tuition waiver.
Semester stipends for DL Coach Graduate Assistants can be set using normal GA pay practices. For example, if the department wants to pay them $15 per hour and they’ll work 20 biweekly hours for 9 pay periods: $15x20x9 = $2700 stipend. HR provides student ePAF dates.