Economics & Geography has a busy summer racking up accomplishments
Summers might often seem like a time to slow down and take it easy. That was not the case for the Coggin College Department of Economics & Geography, as faculty members and students scored several accomplishments during the hottest part of the year.
There was a substantial list of accolades. They include:
- Dr. Nilufer Ozdemir, Department of Economics and Geography, received the 2023 UNF Excellence in Online Teaching award.
- Dr. Madeline Zavodny, Department of Economics and Geography, received a Coggin High-Impact Research Recognition Program (CHIRRP) award for her co-authored article “U.S. Immigration from Latin America in Historical Perspective” published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives.
- In May, the Department of Economics and Geography inducted seven economics graduates into Omicron Delta Epsilon, the international economics honor society. The students included: Erik Caldwell, Teagan McKay, Leeanne Vega, Naima Chehade, Alison Hulse, Kavya Menon and Robert Ward.
- Also in May, the Department of Economics and Geography recognized Teagan McKay with the 2023 Stephen J. Shapiro Outstanding Economics BA Graduate Award, and recognized Adeline Bishop with the 2023 Joseph M. Perry Outstanding BBA Graduate Award.