Preferred Name and Pronouns
Click here to view the full Preferred Name and Pronoun Use Policy
The University of North Florida has a stated vision of promoting a campus-wide environment in which University leadership and each department manifests the valuing of diversity by leveraging the power of inclusion. In keeping with the vision, the University of North Florida will allow students, staff and faculty the right to choose a preferred name and pronoun in selective academic and functional areas.
Where does a preferred first name appear?
Preferred names and pronouns will be used in lieu of the legal first name when it is not necessary for the legal name to be used. Preferred names and pronouns will be used across University systems where available. Currently, preferred names will only appear on UNF email, Canvas, and the UNF Directory. Faculty, staff and students are expected to facilitate the use of preferred name and pronouns upon request.
How can students request to update or use a preferred first name/pronouns?
Students who did not submit their preferred name and/or pronouns during the application process may provide a preferred first name and preferred pronouns via the Personal Information Update Form, linked below. The University reserves the right to remove a preferred name if it is used inappropriately or for misrepresentation. In cases of alleged inappropriate use or misrepresentation, students will be referred to Student Conduct to determine the appropriateness of use.
Students can submit the completed form to One-Stop Student Services at Documentation of the preferred first name is not required, but the student will need to provide a copy of their photo ID or driver's license for identification verification.