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Programs for the Florida Blue Center for Ethics

2024-2025 Events


October 14-18, 2024: Ethics Week at UNF

November 2024: UNF Ethics Bowl Team participates in Southeast Regional Collegiate Ethics Bowl Competition

February 1, 2025: First Coast High School Ethics Bowl

Summer 2025: UNF Ethics Academy

Please also check out related events sponsored by the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies here

Ethics Bowl at UNF

Ethics Bowl team debating

The Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) Ethics Bowl combines the excitement and fun of a competitive tournament with a valuable educational experience for undergraduate students. Recognized widely by educators, the Ethics Bowl has received special commendation for excellence and innovation from the American Philosophical Association, and received the 2006 American Philosophical Association/Philosophy Documentation Center's 2006 prize for Excellence and Innovation in Philosophy Programs. The format, rules, and procedures of the Ethics Bowl all have been developed to model widely acknowledged best methods of reasoning in practical and professional ethics.

In the Ethics Bowl, a moderator poses questions to teams of three to five students. Questions may concern ethical problems on wide ranging topics, such as the classroom (e.g. cheating or plagiarism), personal relationships (e.g. dating or friendship), professional ethics (e.g. engineering, law, medicine), or social and political ethics (e.g. free speech, gun control, etc.) Each team receives a set of ethical issues in advance of the competition, and questions posed to teams at the competition are taken from that set. A panel of judges evaluates answers; rating criteria are intelligibility, focus on ethically relevant considerations, avoidance of ethical irrelevance, and deliberative thoughtfulness.

The Florida Blue Center for Ethics is a sponsor of three areas related to Ethics Bowl: The UNF Ethics Bowl Team, the First Coast Ethics Bowl, and the UNF Ethics Academy

North Florida Philosophy Slams

Mihana speaking at a philosophy slam

Dive into deep discussions and communal reflections on life’s philosophical questions at our Philosophy Slams! Hosted on the patio of Sahara Cafe & Bar (10771 Beach Blvd. Ste 110, Jacksonville, FL), these engaging events take place once a month from 6:30-8:00 PM during the academic year.

Each Philosophy Slam kicks off with a concise, thought-provoking presentation lasting about 15 minutes, followed by an hour of informal open discussion. These gatherings are designed for anyone interested in exploring philosophical ideas in a relaxed and welcoming setting.

Whether you’re a philosophy enthusiast or just curious, Philosophy Slams offer a fantastic opportunity to engage with intriguing concepts and connect with fellow thinkers. Don’t miss out on this chance to ponder life’s big questions and enjoy stimulating conversation. Join us each month for an enriching experience!

Spring 2025 Philosophy Slam Lineup

This year, each philosophy slams will focus on one influential thought experiment. The thought experiment will be briefly explained and motivated, then the floor will be opened for questions and comments.

  • January 22: Do Charis Exist? (6:30pm - 8:00pm)
  • February 12: What's the Meaning of Life? (6:30pm - 8:00pm)
  • March 12: Are We Living in a Simulation? (6:30pm - 8:00pm)
  • April 2: Gross or Immoral? (6:30pm - 8:00pm)
  • May 7: Surprise (6:30pm - 8:00pm)

How to Ruin Dinner Podcast


Banner for How to Ruin Dinner Podcast with subtitle conversations from the University 

You remember your mother’s admonition: “never talk sex, politics or religion at the dinner table”; she was probably right, but we aren’t eating. We are, however, serving up conversations about religion, and, never fear that will lead to sex and politics. Method, meaning and scholarship will also be under discussion as we talk with scholars about their work in the field of religious studies.

Subscribe to the Podcast in iTunes!

… or copy and paste the feed location, or feed link, below to your podcast app:

Hosts and guest recording an episode of the podcast seated at a table with microphones

Ethics Week: Oct. 14-18, 2024


Ethics Week at UNF is a week dedicated to raising awareness of ethical issues across different disciplines, promoting constructive conversations about ethical issues, and highlighting faculty and student ethics-related research. 

Ospreys Engaging Ethics Logo