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Silverfield College of Education and Human Services
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TESOL Educational Technology Graduate Certificate - ONLINE

The online certificate in TESOL-Educational Technology focuses on the key concepts teacher candidates need to effectively integrate technology into Teaching English for Speakers of Other Language (TESOL) and discover current and future trends in TESOL and educational technology, along with strategies for implementing these trends in diverse domestic and international community contexts. This certificate program is available fully online, giving candidates the flexibility to take classes from nearly anywhere in the world. This 18-credit certificate program can be completed in one academic year in conjunction with another master's program, or on its own as a stand-alone program.

View Official Course Catalog

The online Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages-Educational Technology has temporarily suspended enrollment and is not enrolling students at this time.

Strengths of UNF's TESOL Program

  • Thoughtfully designed program to prepare students with both the linguistic and pedagogical tools to educate ESL learners.
  • Provide opportunities to be in a field of education to practice what was learned during the course
  • Assist prospective teachers to receive a professional credential that may assist them in successful or better employment opportunities in other countries.
  • Opportunities to get teacher education course teaching position related to TESOL in the higher education field.

Suggested Course Sequence

Fall Spring Summer
TSL 6345 TSL 6325 [as needed]
TSL 6254 EME 6601  
EME 5403

(or EDA 6271)

EME 6046  


Estimated time to complete: 1 year

Terms Offered: Every Fall, Spring and Summer (as needed)

Delivery: Online

Deadlines: Fall, August 1; Spring, December 1; Summer, March 15

Tuition and Fees: Visit the UNF Tuition and Fees site for more information

Special Notes: Select credits from this program may later be applied toward the master's program in curriculum and instruction/TESOL concentration or instructional technology.

All certificate courses can be applied for teacher recertification in all fields.

Apply Online


TESOL Director, or 

Dr. Terry Cavanaugh, Instructional Technology,