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Board of Trustees



Committee action is reported as a recommendation for consideration and action by the Board. If the Board, however, authorizes a committee to act on a matter referred to it, the chair of the committee shall report the action taken to the Board at its next scheduled meeting.


Any committee of the Board may meet upon call of its chair to carry out its duties and responsibilities. Meetings shall be noticed under the procedures established for the university Board of Trustees.

  • Academic & Student Affairs Committee

    The Academic and Student Affairs Committee shall review and recommend for consideration by the Board policies related to the academic functions, and the quality of nonacademic student life, encouraging innovation in such programs and initiatives. The chair of the Board shall appoint the members of the Academic Affairs Committee and designate one (1) to serve as the committee chair and one (1) as the committee vice chair.

    Committee Members:

    1. Allison Korman Shelton, Vice Chair
    2. Jason Barrett
    3. Michael Barcal
    4. Mike Binder
    5. Jay Demetree
    6. Christopher Lazzara
    7. Steve Moore
    8. Kevin Hyde (ex officio)
    Academic and Student Affairs Committee Charter 
  • Finance and Facilities Committee

    The Finance and Facilities Committee shall review and recommend for consideration by the Board policies related to the financial functions of the university, and its affiliated organizations, and policies affecting physical plant and real property. The chair of the Board shall appoint the members of the Finance and Facilities Committee and designate one (1) to serve as the committee chair and one (1) as the committee vice chair.

    To the best of her or his ability, the Board chair will ensure that the chair of the Finance and Facilities Committee has applicable financial knowledge and that the membership of the committee includes the most fiscally knowledgeable trustees.

    Committee Members:

    1. John Gol, Chair
    2. Jay Demetree, Vice Chair
    3. Jason Barrett
    4. Michael Barcal
    5. Mike Binder
    6. Christopher Lazzara
    7. Paul McElroy
    8. Steve Moore
    9. Nik Patel
    10. Kevin Hyde (ex officio)
    Finance and Facilities Committee Charter
  • Audit and Compliance Committee

    The Audit and Compliance Committee shall assist the Board in discharging its oversight responsibilities. The Audit and Compliance Committee will oversee the financial operations and reporting process for both the university and its direct support organizations ("DSO"). The committee will review: 1) the university's internal financial controls and processes; 2) the internal audit function; 3) the independent audit process; and 4) the DSO and university processes for monitoring compliance with applicable laws and regulations, meeting regulatory requirements and promoting ethical conduct. The chair of the Board shall appoint the members of the Audit and Compliance Committee, which shall include the chair of the Board, and designate one (1) to serve as the committee chair and one (1) as the committee vice chair.

    Committee Members:

    1. Paul McElroy, Chair
    2. Jill Davis, Vice Chair
    3. John Gol
    4. Nik Patel
    5. Kevin Hyde (ex officio)
    Audit and Compliance Committee Charter
  • Governance Committee

    The Governance Committee shall review and recommend for consideration by the Board various Board functions. The Committee's responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, periodically reviewing the Board's by-laws and operating procedures, initiating board training when appropriate, initiating the evaluation of Board performance and periodically reviewing Board governance. The Governance Committee shall review and recommend for consideration by the Board the development and implementation of a trustee engagement plan designed to strengthen strategic partnerships, visibility, and ambassadorship. The chair of the Board shall appoint the members of the Governance Committee and designate one (1) to serve as the committee chair and one (1) as the committee vice chair.

    Committee Members:

    1. Kevin Hyde, Chair
    2. Nik Patel, Vice Chair
    3. Jason Barrett
    4. John Gol
    5. Allison Korman Shelton
    6. Paul McElroy 
    Governance Committee Charter
  • Strategic Plan Implementation and Monitoring Committee

    Committee Members:

    1. Jason Barrett, Chair
    2. Allison Korman Shelton
    3. Paul McElroy
    4. Nik Patel
    5. Kevin Hyde (ex officio)
    Strategic Plan Monitoring and Implementation Committee Charter
  • Ad Hoc Committee

    The chair of the Board may establish additional ad hoc committees, composed of a minimum of three (3) members, as deemed necessary for the orderly conduct of the business of the Board.