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Silverfield College of Education and Human Services
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Master of Science in ASL/English Interpreting

Educational Interpreting Concentration

The Educational Interpreting Concentration is currently admitting students for the Fall 2024 Cohort grant-funded scholarships are available (limited number). 

The Educational Interpreting Concentration (EIC) is designed to meet the needs of (a) pre-certified students who aspire to national certification and work within K-12 settings as an educational interpreter or, (b) certified interpreters who seek to increase their specialized interpreting skill sets and knowledge base about educational interpreting in K-12 settings. The program includes 30 credit hours of courses in education, mentoring, research, service learning, and interpreting in K-12 educational settings. You can review the sample, anticipated sequence of courses (see button above) to see the classes that will be a part of the program. 

The EIC is offered via distance learning (no need to relocate). The master's program is developed in accordance with current spoken and signed language research and strives to provide students a foundation in interpreting studies literature, a deep understanding of the specialization of educational interpreting, and a growth mindset for lifelong learning and skills development. 

The program admits students each fall, and the application deadline is August 1 

If you would like more information, email us at    

  • Course Sequence - Fall 2023 Admits

    Major:  ASL/English Interpreting

    Concentration:  Educational Interpreting

    Program Format:  The program is fully online and most classes will include some synchronous online meetings.  

    Program Notes:  This program admits Fall term only and courses are offered in a 5-term rotation, 2 courses per term. Although the program allows part time attendance, students who opt to take fewer classes than are offered will delay graduation for at least one year as courses are offered in a rotation. Courses are only offered once in a 5-semester cycle.  The course sequence below is designed to give you an idea of when courses will be offered, but it is subject to change.

    Course Sequence Year 1
    Fall 1 (2023) Spring 1 (2024) Summer 1 (2024)

    EEX 5053 Foundations of Exceptional Education and Services

    INT 5408 Interpreting in Educational Settings

    INT 5457 Interpreting in Intercultural Contexts

    INT 6415  DeafBlind Interpreting

    INT 6105 Foundations of Interpreting Studies

    INT 5805 Mentoring in Interpreter Education


    Course Sequence Year 2
    Fall 2 (2024) Spring 2 (2025)  

    INT 5405  Interpreting Academic Subjects

    INT 6911 Applied Research in Interpreting

    INT 5932 Issues and Trends in Educational Interpreting

    INT 6946 Interpreting Internship


  • Course Sequence - Fall 2024 Admits

    Major:  ASL/English Interpreting

    Concentration:  Educational Interpreting

    Program Format:  The program is fully online and most classes will include some synchronous online meetings.  

    Program Notes:  This program admits Fall term only and courses are offered in a 5-term rotation, 2 courses per term. Although the program allows part time attendance, students who opt to take fewer classes than are offered will delay graduation for at least one year as courses are offered in a rotation. Courses are only offered once in a 5-semester cycle.  The course sequence below is designed to give you an idea of when courses will be offered, but it is subject to change.


    Course Sequence Year 1
    Fall 1 (2024) Spring 1 (2025)  Summer 1 (2025)

    INT 6405  Interpreting Academic Subjects

    INT 6911 Applied Research in Interpreting

    INT 5457 Interpreting in Intercultural Contexts

    INT 6932 Issues and Trends in Educational Interpreting

    INT 5408 Interpreting in Educational Settings

    INT 5805 Mentoring in Interpreter Education


    Course Sequence Year 2
    Fall 2 (2025) Spring 2 (2026)

    EEX 5053 Foundations of Exceptional Education and Services

    INT 6105 Foundations of Interpreting Studies

    INT 6415  DeafBlind Interpreting

    INT 6946 Interpreting Internship