Budget and Allocations Committee
The Budget and Allocations Committee Chair is tasked with running meetings of the Budget and Allocations Committee which is charged with allocating funds for Special and Travel requests. The char and committee also assist the Student Body Treasurer in creating an annual budget report of $5 million.
Club Funding Information
Registered Student Organizations seeking funding for any items, services, or special events can request funding from Student Government (SG). Student Government Funding is not mandatory for any Registered Student Organization, but if an RSO would like to receive funding they must comply with the SG Title VIII: Finance Code and Provisionary Language, and Title XI: The Executive Agency Statute of the SG Constitution & Statutes. Please remember that under no circumstances may the University's tax-exempt number be used by an RSO, student organization, or club. To apply for your organization to become tax-exempt, please contact the local IRS offices.
Student Government Funding Requests
There are several ways a student may receive funding from Student Government. As an individual student, you may request travel funding up to $500 from Student Government. As an eligible registered student organization, your organization may request travel funding up to $2,000. Your organization may also request special funding for events, supplies, and equipment. For more information on travel or special funding, please contact the Student Government Budget and Allocation Chairperson at Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) may request on-campus funds by filling out a Grant Request from OIC. Please see the Osprey Involvement Center's Funding Page for a detailed explanation of the entire process.