Online Program Development
Develop a New or Existing Online Program
The University of North Florida supports the development of distance learning to meet the needs of students in a manner that is consistent with our mission. The University provides centralized oversight through UNF Online to ensure compliance with current policy and state and federal regulations. Distance learning at UNF adheres to the same standards and rigor expected from on-ground courses and programs. UNF complies with the Principles of Good Practice defined by the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) standards for distance education. Institutions accredited by SACSCOC are required to notify the Commission of any substantive change, which includes adding distance education at 50% or more for the mode of program delivery to an existing face-to-face program. The notification to SACSCOC must take place before reaching the 50% threshold. Contact the Director of Academic Programs in Academic Affairs to initiate the notification.
Programs delivered as Primarily Online or Fully Online (i.e., at least 80% of coursework is delivered via distance learning) at UNF require an approved Distance Education Delivery Proposal. This approval process is solely focused on delivery mode and does not address the program curriculum. All new degree programs must follow the New Major/Degree Program Process for curriculum development as established in UNF Policy 2.0040P.
Program Development Timeline
Departments interested in offering a new or existing program in a distance learning modality are encouraged to review the program development process. CIRT and UNF Online provide a variety of administrative and faculty support services for program development and delivery. In general, program development can take 18 – 24 months, depending on the number of courses and the availability of faculty to participate in the process.
Online program development occurs in five phases outlined below:
Phase I
Interest and Feasibility -
Phase II
Proposal and Approvals -
Phase III
Program Planning -
Phase IV
Program Development -
Phase V
Delivery & Continuous Improvement
Phase I. Interest and Feasibility
Considerations for online delivery include but are not limited to state authorization, practica/internships, SACSCOC notification, international students, military affiliates, and program modality. UNF Online can provide market research data to assist departments in determining program feasibility. Departments interested in offering a new or existing program in a distance learning modality are encouraged to start the conversation by reaching out to Assistant Vice-President of Digital Learning and Innovation, Dr. Deb Miller, Dr. Miller can answer questions about the program development process and discuss various available services.
When a department chooses to move forward with program development, the next step is the completion and approval of a Distance Education Delivery Proposal presented in the next phase.
Phase II. Proposal and Approvals
Once the academic department decides the online program is feasible for distance education delivery, the next step is to complete a Distance Education Delivery Proposal and submit it to Dr. Deb Miller,
Note: The proposal is for delivery mode only and does not address the program curriculum. All new degree programs must follow the New Major/Degree Program Process for curriculum development as established in UNF Policy 2.0040P.
This phase is considered complete once the proposal has been approved.
Phase III. Program Planning
Program development planning begins at the intake meeting. The meeting serves to clarify program details, establish expectations, ensure necessary supports and procedures are in place, and discuss services such as faculty training, course development, enrollment management support, and student services. The department chair, program director, and key staff from UNF Online and CIRT take part in the meeting.
Phase IV. Program Development
Following the intake meeting, CIRT will schedule a kickoff meeting with the program director and faculty to review the proposed development timeline and discuss faculty training and support, program course-design templates, specialized course tools, media production, and the Quality Matters (QM) internal review process.
To ensure timely and effective program development, regular communication between key stakeholders—including the program director, faculty course developers, and instructional designers—will follow an agreed-upon timeline. Program development typically takes 18 to 24 months, depending on the number of courses and faculty availability. Instructional designers from CIRT coordinate with faculty course developers, ensuring collaboration on planning, designing, and developing online coursework aligned with national standards in course design and best practices for distance learning. Using the Canvas platform, the team will optimize courses for student engagement, accessibility, and quality. Regular checkpoints and quality reviews will monitor progress and guide improvements.
Completion of this phase represents a significant milestone that indicates the following has occurred:
- Faculty scheduled to develop or deliver courses within the online program have completed the Teaching Online Foundation Course (TOL).
- Courses within the online program scheduled and delivered as distance learning follow the Quality Assurance measures outlined in UNF's DL policy. Each course in the program must obtain the Florida High Quality (HQ) course design designation within two years of initial delivery and renew that indicator every five years. Courses that have already been reviewed remain valid until expired.
Phase V. Program Delivery and Continuous Improvement
During this phase, the focus is on maintaining strong communication among stakeholders and providing ongoing support as needed during scheduled annual meetings. UNF is committed to continuously improving the design, delivery, and technology of its online programs to ensure a high-quality experience for both students and instructors. As part of this commitment, UNF Online recommends national QM certification for all coursework after three years of program delivery. UNF Online works closely with key program stakeholders to determine whether QM certification would benefit the program and its stakeholders.
For more information about the national QM certification for online programs, contact Kevin Hulen,