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Human Resources

Departmental Promotion and Internal Recruitment

Whenever possible, the University of North Florida will seek opportunities to promote current employees. Employees may be eligible for promotional opportunities where managers have determined that a recruitment within the University would be in the best interest of the department. There are two methods by which an employee may be internally promoted and/or recruited.

Departmental Promotion

Where a vacancy exists or becomes available in a department or unit, managers will be able to identify and promote staff within their same department or unit who have demonstrated the skills, ability and performance level to be successful in a higher-level position.

Eligible employees must:

  • Meet the minimum qualifications for the position to which they are being promoted
  • Have “satisfactory” or above performance ratings currently on file
  • Must satisfy the probationary period requirements of the current position, if applicable

To ensure fairness and equity in review, decisions to promote within a department will require consultation with the Office or Human Resources and the approval of the appropriate higher-level supervisor.

  • Managers must follow the departmental promotion process, which must also include a rationale for the selection
  • Managers must meet with the Assistant VP/Chief Human Resources Officer, or designee, prior to promoting an employee.
  • The Assistant VP/Chief Human Resources Offer, or designee, will collaborate with the Director of Equal Opportunity & Inclusion as appropriate.
  • The Director of Equal Opportunity & Diversity will need to be consulted if the promotion is in a unit that has been identified as having not met representation requirements as per the annual Affirmative Action Plan.

Managers will be held accountable for those decisions.

  • Managers will be responsible for informing the members of their staff of their decision prior to the employee starting in the new position.
  • For positions of director level and above, approval of the appropriate divisional vice president is required.
  • The divisional vice president will meet with the Director of Equal Opportunity & Inclusion to review the utilization data for the respective department or unit in keeping with the University’s commitment to diversity and representation at all levels.
  • The vice president will advise the President of the proposed action.

Internal Recruitment

Managers may open a position to all current University employees, and only current UNF employees will be eligible to apply.

  • Managers must complete a recruitment request and indicate on the recruitment request that it is an internal recruitment request. Departments are required to provide justification for the internal recruitment. 
  • All requests must be reviewed and approved by Human Resources. The Assistant VP/Chief Human Resources Officer and the Director of Equal Opportunity & Inclusion will need to be consulted in the decision to exercise this option in a unit that has been identified as having not met representation requirements as per the annual Affirmative Action Plan.
  • All internal recruitments will be posted online through the current job openings web page.
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