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Florida Teacher Certification Renewal Requirements

If you are employed by a public school district in Florida, request a district application form for certificate renewal from your school district and submit the completed application form to your employing school district. If you are employed by a private school, or if you are not currently employed as an educator, request Application Form CG-10R from your school district or the Bureau of Educator Certification and submit the completed application to the Bureau of Educator Certification. Renewal requirements must be completed prior to expiration of the current Professional Certificate. A completed application form CG-10R and 6 semester hours of college credit or the equivalent are required for renewal. It is the responsibility of each applicant to obtain current information regarding renewal requirements from the employing school district, non public school, or Bureau of Educator Certification.

Application for Renewal

The Application Form (CG-10R) and the appropriate fee (currently $75.00 for each content area) must be submitted during the last year of the validity period of the certificate and prior to the expiration of the Professional Certificate. However, the renewal application may be submitted after the expiration of the Professional Certificate if the following criteria are met:

  • Appropriate renewal requirements must have been completed prior to expiration of the Professional Certificate and;
  • Renewal Application (Form CG-10R), $75.00 application fee, and a $30.00 late fee are submitted to the Bureau of Teacher Certification prior to July 1 of the year following expiration of the certificate.

College Credit Equivalency

Sixty (60) in-service points in an approved Florida master in-service program are equivalent to three (3) semester hours of college credit. A passing numerical score on the Florida subject area test specific to the coverage to be renewed is equivalent to three (3) semester hours of college credit.

Retention of Subjects on Certificates

Six (6) semester hours of college credit to include at least one (1) semester hour in teaching students with disabilities (SWD) must be earned during each renewal period to renew your certificate. A grade of at least a "C" must be earned in each college course used for renewal. In the event a subject is deleted from the certificate due to in-completion of renewal requirements, all requirements which are in effect when an application is submitted to add the subject to the certificate again must be completed.

  • Retaining One Subject Area

    Complete three (3) semester hours in the subject shown on your certificate, and complete three (3) semester hours in any other subject.

  • Retaining Two Subject Areas

    Complete three (3) semester hours in each subject area on your certificate.

  • Retaining More Than Two Subject Areas

    To retain more than two subjects on your certificate, you may use two consecutive validity periods. If you choose to use two validity periods, you must complete at least 6 semester hours of college credit during each validity period as described below:

    • First Renewal Period

      Complete a minimum of six (6) semester hours, which includes three (3) semester hours in at least one of the subjects shown on the certificate. This will retain all subjects for the next validity period.

    • Second Renewal Period

      Complete a minimum of six (6) semester hours, which includes at least three (3) semester hours in each additional subject you want to retain. If you have more than four subjects you want to retain, you must complete more that six (6) semester hours or equivalent during the second validity period. A subject that has not been renewed during two successive validity periods will be deleted from the certificate.

Appropriate College Courses for Certificate Renewal

College credits acceptable for certification purposes must be completed at a college or university accredited by one of the six regional accrediting associations as specified in Rule 6A-4.003. The following courses are appropriate for renewing your Professional Certificate and retaining subject areas on your certificate:

  • Content course specific to the subject area
  • An education course specific to the subject area
  • A computer literacy, computer applications, and computer education course
  • An exceptional student education course
  • An ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) course
  • Drug abuse, child abuse and neglect, or student dropout prevention
  • Training related to School Improvement Goals, such as:
    • Content - English, economics, mathematics, science, social sciences, foreign languages, humanities, global economy, technology, ecology, first aid health, and safety.
    • Classroom Strategies - Cooperative learning, problem solving skills, critical thinking skills, classroom management, child development, collaboration techniques for working with families, social services, or child guidance and counseling.
    • School Administration Accountability - Instructional design, leadership skills, school and community relations, school finance, school facilities, school law, or school organization.
    • Vocational and Adult Education Accountability - Adult learning, principles of adult or vocational education vocational education for students with special needs, or vocational guidance.

Contact Information

To contact the Bureau of Teacher Certification:

Florida Department of Education

1-800-445-6739 (in-state)

1-850-245-5049 (out-of-state)

Correspondence Inquiries:

Bureau of Educator Certification

Suite 201 - Turlington Building

325 West Gaines Street

Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400