Frequently Asked Questions - Supplier
Bid Portal (Jaggaer)
What is the difference between the Bid Portal and Supplier Portal?
The UNF Bid Portal (Jaggaer) is where UNF Procurement Services electronically posts and receives responses to solicitations. All solicitation-related documents and public meetings will be posted on the UNF Bid Portal. You may view solicitations by clicking on the View as PDF link provided under the details column of each advertisement or by creating a login and password in the Jaggaer system. You must create a login and password to submit a response to a solicitation. For questions specific to a solicitation, you may contact the person listed in the solicitation as the contact.
The UNF Supplier Portal (Workday) is separate from the UNF Bid Portal. All UNF approved suppliers information will be stored in the UNF Supplier Portal and all Purchase Orders will be generated from the Supplier Portal. New suppliers must register to do business with UNF by clicking on the New Supplier Registration Form button on the UNF Procurement Services homepage.
Can I submit pricing or a proposal in-person like I have in the past?
Responses will only be accepted electronically through the UNF Bid Portal. Responses delivered in-person, by mail, by fax, or by email will be deemed non-responsive. -
Do I have to be registered as a supplier to submit a response to a solicitation?
Suppliers do not have to be registered as a UNF Supplier to submit a response to a solicitation. However, Suppliers must complete the Bid Portal application process to obtain a login and password prior to submitting a response. Once completed, you will receive an email from with an invitation to the UNF Bid Portal. You can then click on the link provided to create a username with your email address and a password. If you have an existing account on UNFs Bid Portal, you would simply log in to view and respond to the solicitation.
When submitting a response to a solicitation, are suppliers allowed to upload more than one document per question?
The system will only take one File Upload per question in the Questions section. If more than one file is needed to answer the question, it is recommended that you combine files into one document. Supplemental files may also be uploaded in the Supplier Attachments section. -
Can I attend a bid opening? If so, how?
The meeting information for bid openings is available on the UNF Bid Portal . The public is welcome to attend any upcoming bid opening. Bid openings will be held on the Tuesday listed as the Close Date at 2:00 PM EST. To attend online, the individual will need to supply their name and email address via the provided registration link. For voice call, dial (301) 715-8592 and enter Meeting ID. -
What if I lose my password to the UNF Bid Portal?
Contact Jaggaer Support for password reset.
- After entering your email address, please click on “Trouble Logging In”
- Use the link to submit a ticket
- Call (800) 233-1121, Option 3.
- How long does it take to receive an invitation after completing the Bid Portal application?
What if the supplier contact responsible for updating the UNF account is associated with a different Jaggaer record?
Contact the Supplier Help Team at They will send an email to the existing supplier’s designated contact inviting them to the Bid Portal. -
Our company’s Primary Contact is no longer with the company and I need to gain access to the portal. What do I do?
Submit a support ticket at support/supplier-support/. -
What does Jaggaer do with the information I enter into my profile? Will it be sold or used for any purpose not described in this registration process?
See Jaggaer’s privacy policy at
Supplier Portal (Workday)
What is the difference between the Bid Portal and Supplier Portal?
The UNF Bid Portal (Jaggaer) is where UNF Procurement Services electronically posts and receives responses to solicitations. All solicitation-related documents and public meetings will be posted on the UNF Bid Portal. You may view solicitations by clicking on the View as PDF link provided under the details column of each advertisement or by creating a login and password in the Jaggaer system. You must create a login and password to submit a response to a solicitation. For questions specific to a solicitation, you may contact the person listed in the solicitation as the contact.
The UNF Supplier Portal (Workday) is separate from the UNF Bid Portal. All UNF approved suppliers information will be stored in the UNF Supplier Portal and all Purchase Orders will be generated from the Supplier Portal. New suppliers must register to do business with UNF by clicking on the New Supplier Registration Form button on the UNF Procurement Services homepage.
What is a "supplier"?
A supplier is any individual, company, or organization that may receive payment from UNF Accounts Payable. This includes payments on purchase orders (POs) and non-PO payments, such as honorariums and awards. -
Why do I need to register my company’s information into UNF’s Supplier Portal?
The University only issues payments to registered entities. Registration allows you to provide required tax, diversity, insurance, and other information through a secure website. As a registered supplier (or individual), you maintain the current information about (you or) your business by completing the Existing Supplier Maintenance Form located on the Supplier Resources page. -
I am a current UNF supplier. Do I still need to register my company information into the portal?
If you are a current UNF supplier or have done business with us in the past, your information may already be stored within our database. To access or update your information, you will need to complete the Existing Supplier Maintenance Form located on the Supplier Resources page. -
What information is needed to complete the New Supplier Registration Form?
The registration form will request your company’s information, including but not limited to your company’s legal name, doing business as (DBA), contact information, Tax Identification Number (TIN), remittance information, and insurance. Diverse and small business information will also be requested.
How long will it take to complete the New Supplier Registration Form?
The registration form will take approximately 15 minutes to complete on average, provided you have all the required information on hand.
How will I know UNF has received my registration?
You will also receive an email confirming your registration from the Supplier Help Team.
How do I access UNF’s Supplier Portal?
Suppliers can no longer access their supplier record; however, updates can be made through the Existing Supplier Form. -
I have questions that these FAQs cannot answer. Who should I contact?
If you have further questions, you may contact the Supplier Help Team at
Where is the Procurement Services office located?
The Procurement Services office is located in Hicks Hall (Bldg. 53), Suite 2950, at 4892 First Coast Technology Parkway. -
Where can I find information regarding Central Receiving?
Visit the Central Receiving webpage for information regarding the receiving operation. -
How can I find out who to contact in Procurement Services regarding a particular purchase?
A list of the buyers and their commodity assignments can be found on the department’s website through the Commodity Assignments link. -
What are the University’s payment terms?
The University’s payment terms are Net 40 days per Florida Statute 55.03(1).
When are service or entertainment agreement used?
Service agreements are used when hiring an independent contractor to perform a contractual service for the University. Contractual service is defined as the rendering by a contractor of its time and effort rather than the furnishing of specific commodities. The term applies only to those services rendered by individuals and firms who are independent contractors. Contractual service does not include the furnishing of labor or materials or selection of professional services for the construction, renovation, repair, modification, or demolition of facilities or real property. The entertainment agreement should be used when hiring an independent contractor for entertainment purposes.
Credit Letter
Who should I contact for the University's letter of credit?
Please email for the University's credit information.
Foreign Suppliers
I am not a US Citizen or permanent resident of the United States for federal tax purposes. How do I know if I need to complete a W-9 or a W-8?
W-9 forms are to be completed by US Citizens, permanent residents and resident aliens for federal tax purposes. W-8 forms are to be completed by non-resident aliens for federal tax purposes. -
How do I know if I am a resident alien or a non-resident alien for federal tax purposes?
Federal tax status is determined by performing the substantial presence test. It is not based on your current address or if you have a US SSN or ITIN. -
Which version of form W-8 do I need to complete?
W-8 BEN is used only for individuals.
W-8 BEN-E is for all other entities, unless form W-8 ECI, W-8 EXP or W8-IMY are appropriate.
W-8 ECI is used when an entity has a US branch (not a subsidiary) and is engaged in a US trade or business thru a permanent establishment. The entity files a US tax return. To be valid the form should contain a foreign address, US address and US EIN.
If the US organization is a subsidiary, it is a US person for federal tax purposes and should complete a W-9.
W-8 EXP is used when the foreign entity is a governmental entity or not-for-profit organization claiming exemption from Chapter 3 withholding tax under a specific IRC provision.
W-8 IMY is used when the foreign entity is either an intermediary not acting for its own account or is a fiscally transparent entity—either for U.S. income tax purposes or for income tax purposes in its resident country, such as a foreign trust or foreign partnership. Additional forms are required for each beneficial owner based on their tax status.
I already have a UNF ID. Why am I being asked to complete a new W-8?
Unlike W-9 forms which do not expire, W-8 forms do. In general, W-8 forms are valid from the date signed until the last day of the third succeeding calendar year. -
If I provide all the services outside the United States, do I still need to complete a W-8 form?
Yes, the W-8 form is used to claim foreign status. If all compensated services are being performed outside the United States, please indicate this during registration and complete the foreign source certification.