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Parking and Transportation Services


How to Pay


link button to click on in order to pay the online parking ticket

You may pay your ticket online or in person at Building 52 (Parking & Transportation Services). This office does not accept cash payments. 

***14 calendar day example: If you get a ticket on a Tuesday, 14 calendar days is the second Monday, not the second Tuesday. Avoid this mishap and a late fee by submitting payment on time.***

Ticket Appeals

link to click on to appeal a ticket online

To file an appeal, please review the Ticket Appeals process. Once you complete the form it will be reviewed by an appeal committee.

Ticket Rates

Parking Violations 


$20 Fine $30 Fine $40 Fine  $60 Fine $100 Fine $250 Fine Fees:
Parked Overtime (20 - 40 minutes) Fire Lane Parking Parked Overtime (more than 40 minutes) Valid Reserve Permit Required Altered/Counterfeit Permit Expired/Illegal Use of Disability Permit Collection Fee (per ticket)    $10.00
License Plate Obscured/Missing Unlawful Possession of Parking Permit Valid Disability Permit Required Immobilization (boot) Fee    $50.00
Vehicle parked in Motorcycle Space Late Fee - Disability Ticket  $25.00
No Overnight Parking Late Fee - Non-Disability Ticket  $10.00
No Parking Area Late Fee - Unpaid Permit Purchase  $10.00
Non HUC (Herbert University Center) Patron Tow Fee   $50.00
Nose-In Parking Required
ADA Placard/Hangtag Obscured
Obstructing Traffic
Parked before 4PM
Parked on Grass
Parked Over Space Line
Shared Permit Violation 
Valid Faculty Staff Permit Required
Valid Housing "A" Permit Required
Valid Housing "B" Permit Required
Valid Housing "F" Permit Required
Valid Blue Permit Required
Valid Gray Permit Required
Valid Motorcycle Permit Required
Valid Green Permit Required
EV Station Charging Required



UPD Violations 

Fine Cost
Bike Ticket $30
Skateboard Violation  $30
Violation of Pedestrian Zone $30



How can I avoid getting a ticket?

Avoid parking:

  • on the grass or 
  • in a space that is specially marked outside of the allowable spaces from the permit you have ordered. Please review information listed on permit types and parking spaces allowed,
  • Each ramp parking space has a visual white line at the back end and vehicles or items attached to vehicles cannot extend over this line when parked in these spaces. Tickets will be issued to vehicles not parked within the identifiable space boundaries.

What if I don't pay?

If a ticket is not paid within 14 calendar days, a $10 late fee will be added to the ticket amount.

For students:
A hold will be placed on your record, which will inhibit you from registering for classes, requesting transcripts to be sent to a prospective employer or to apply for grad school or transfer to a school in another location. Once you pay the fine, please be aware that it may take 4 - 24 hours for the record hold to be released.

For staff:
The total may be withdrawn from your disbursement.

For visitors:
Late fees and other penalties, including vehicle immobilization, may be assessed.

Why is a boot locked on my vehicle?

A boot is often enforced when at least one of the following have occurred: 

  • Three unpaid tickets 
  • Illegally parked in a service area
  • Illegally parked in a fire lane 
  • Illegally parked in Lot 7 located by Skinner-Jones Hall (Building 4)
  • Illegally parked in a marked 'Reserved' space 
  • Illegally parked in a disability space (without a displayed disability placard or abusing the use of the placard)

Removing a boot from my vehicle

Immediately call Parking & Transportation Services at (904) 620-2815. To avoid vehicle damage, please do not attempt to remove the boot yourself or drive the vehicle with it on.

Have a question, concern or suggestion?

Please e-mail us at