Student Permit Information
Spring term Parking Permit Sales
Spring term parking permits and upgrades began December 3. For more information, view types of permits/rates, student parking FAQs or the parking portal to manage your account. Currently, the Blue Lot Annual and Blue Lot Term permits are sold out. Gray Lot Annual and Term are available for purchase.
Parking Services Program Communications
Parking Services is able to send parking information to your personal email address in addition to your UNF email account. This includes groups that have an annual or term permit as well as those that purchase daily passes. The information that will be sent to your personal email account will be for parking communications only. To add your personal email address:
- Log into the myWings portal
- Select “Student Records” (if you are a student) or “Employee Records” (for faculty/staff), then “Parking Account”
- Click on “Edit Contact Information”
- Edit, add or set contact information as the primary
- It is recommended to continue to view your UNF email as it is the primary point of communication for any UNF department
- Contact Parking Services at
(904) 620-2815 to delete any information, such as license tag numbers or mailing addresses
The submission of your personal email address is not a requirement. Should you choose not to submit your personal email address, communications will continue to be delivered through the Osprey Update, UNF email accounts and the Parking website. For additional assistance, contact Parking Services at
(904) 620-2815 or email