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Human Resources

Qualifying Status Change

Benefit changes can be made only during the annual open enrollment period (generally in the month of October). Certain changes can be made during the plan year if you have a qualifying status change event, for example:

  • Marriage or divorce
  • Death of a spouse or dependent
  • Birth or adoption or legal guardianship of a dependent
  • Change from part-time (less than 30 hours per week) to full-time (30 or more hours per week) employment or vice versa for you or your spouse
  • Change in health coverage attributable to your spouse's employment
  • Spouse's employment or termination of employment

Benefit changes must be:

  • Made within 60 days of the event. Documentation supporting the qualifying status change event will be required within the 60 days.
  • Consistent with the qualifying status change.

If you have incurred a qualifying status change event in the last 60 calendar days and you wish to make a change to your benefits, complete the appropriate enrollment form/forms and submit them to the Office of Human Resources. You may also contact the Office of Human Resources at (904) 620-2903 and meet with a benefit coordinator to discuss your qualifying status change.