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Hicks Honors College

Hicks Honors College Requirements

Lower-level Curriculum

The Hicks Honors College lower-level curriculum involves the completion of General Education and/or elective Honors courses. Honors courses are denoted with an 'H' in the name of the course.  A list of Honors courses is also published in 'Hicks Happenings,' the Honors College weekly digital newsletter.  

The number of Honors credit hours that a student must complete is determined by the number of credit hours the student transfers to UNF. Students should identify their situation on the left side of the degree progression map and then follow the boxes to the right to determine how many Honors-hours they will be required to complete as part of the Hicks Honors College lower-level curriculum. 

The Hicks Honors College Degree Progression Map will be used to assess whether a student has completed the required number of Honors hours for graduation.  If you have met the required number of Honors hours based on the progression map below and the Degree Works section titled 'Hicks Honors Foundation Courses' is still showing courses as 'Still Needed,' the 'Still Needed' hours will be waived during final graduation review.   

 The Honors Degree Progression Map which shows how students will complete the college.

 Hicks Honors College Degree Progression Map (Alt Text Included) 

Pre-Capstone Symposium

Pre-capstone Symposium (IDH3924) is a required class for all Hicks Honors College students. Students should enroll in Pre-capstone Symposium when they have completed between 45 and 75 credit hours (typically sophomore year or first-semester junior year). Students should not wait until their senior year to enroll in Pre-capstone Symposium.  

Pre-capstone Symposium is not a traditional course with lectures, readings, and exams.  Rather, Pre-Capstone Symposium course is an opportunity to re-connect with your Honors College peers, engage with Honors faculty and staff, and receive eight weeks of Honors-specific advising and guidance to ensure you are prepared to successfully graduate from the Honors College.  Pre-capstone symposium meets 1x per week for 1.5 hours.  Pre-capstone Symposium can be taken for 0 or 1 credit hour.  The course is offered in the fall (in-person), spring (in-person), and summer (online). 

Upper-Level Curriculum 

The Hicks Honors College upper-level curriculum is a self-selected set of co-curricular activities designed to broaden and deepen your educational experience at UNF.  Students can choose to complete activities that are presented in the upper-division curriculum guide or can develop personalized experiences unique to their educational goals and interests.  For example, a student majoring in English who drafts, edits, and publishes an anthology of poetry with the guidance of a community member might wish to use that experience to fulfill their 'Academic Enrichment' requirement.  This experience is not specifically mentioned in the guide but would fall under the 'Other activity' listing.  

The activities listed for each category are meant to be illustrative and not exhaustive.  

Hicks Honors College Upper-level Requirements 

Students will need to self-document their Upper-Level Requirements using the Hicks Honors College Upper-level Requirements Template.  Students are encouraged to download the template and update it as they complete Honors College co-curricular activities.  This document needs to be submitted online at the time the Capstone Reflection is submitted (see the Hicks Honors College Capstone website for more information about capstone).


All Hicks Honors College students must complete a capstone experience to graduate from the Honors College.  Detailed information about capstone is available on the Hicks Honors College Capstone website

Note: The Honors Capstone must be fulfilled separately from the Academic Enrichment, Expanding Horizons, and Leadership requirements. 


Students must have a UNF GPA of 3.2 or higher to graduate from the Hicks Honors College.  Please note the GPA requirement is the institutional (UNF) GPA.  The institutional (UNF) GPA does not include transfer hours.