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Cascade CMS
twoColumn twoLeft

Advanced Layout

Accordion (FAQ)

Action Buttons

Basic Heading - heading 2 level

Basic Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vel ante sed ex ullamcorper consequat. Donec porta rutrum sem eu imperdiet. Proin faucibus at tellus et hendrerit. Nulla sed ultrices urna, nec condimentum erat. Proin nec est eu leo lobortis pharetra. Morbi ullamcorper diam efficitur, auctor est et, aliquet mi. Nullam nec nisl at justo euismod eleifend. Phasellus consequat suscipit viverra. Integer suscipit orci sit amet urna convallis, et eleifend orci rhoncus.

Aenean sagittis vitae metus a aliquet. Proin ullamcorper semper luctus. Vestibulum eu consequat metus. Aliquam ultricies sapien ante, eu hendrerit nisi consectetur vel. Phasellus consequat quis turpis a suscipit. Proin suscipit lacinia risus, non semper leo molestie non. Aliquam iaculis odio neque, et sodales arcu aliquam posuere. Nullam sagittis mollis nisi, a placerat nunc accumsan eget.

Praesent sit amet tincidunt ex, sit amet feugiat nibh. Maecenas non aliquam nisl. Donec et tempus massa. Aliquam consectetur bibendum justo, a venenatis quam fermentum sit amet. Nunc auctor mattis ante a rutrum. Proin at lectus nec enim commodo mattis ac ut nibh. Ut sit amet est vulputate, euismod mauris non, blandit ex. Duis maximus dignissim nisi a euismod. Mauris ac bibendum dolor. Quisque luctus sem nisi, vitae pellentesque eros imperdiet in. Cras porta, dui nec egestas laoreet, purus ante luctus augue, a vehicula mi augue at metus.


One Column
Column 1
Column 2

Textbox with heading

Text added


Apply Now

Event Buttons

Ribbon Layout

Event 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Aug. 12

Event 2

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Aug 21

Event 3

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Sept 1

Image Blocks Layout

This feature allows for 1-6 images per row with a max of 2 rows.

Image Blocks Layout

This feature allows for 1-6 images per row with a max of 2 rows.

Popup Buttons

The popup buttons option within the Events Buttons tier works like Action Buttons but allows you to add additional popup information.

  • explore Visit UNF
    Come visit the University of North Florida!
    Spend a day with us. Tour campus. See what the hallmarks of a UNF education are all about as they come to life. Talk to our undergraduate students. Walk our campus.
    We offer a tour and event for everyone!
  • task Apply Now!
  • payments Financial Aid

    Welcome to the Nest! Congratulations on your admission to the University of North Florida! We understand the challenges associated with navigating the financial aid process and how to pay for college. Our team is dedicated to helping you and your family every step of the way.

    UNF Financial Aid

List Builder


News & Events

List Option

In the News


News Blocks Option


    Best in the Southeast

    2021 Diversity Champion

    Top Public University

    Photo Banner


    Students stroll through the Student Union atrium.

    Students on Campus

    Date and Time for an event

    Description of students on campus
    Learn More
    UNF Student Union is viewed across a lake.

    Scenic Image

    Date and Time 2

    Description 2
    Learn More

    One Slider Heading

    Slider introduction text and header can be on the right or left of the slider
    Students stroll through the Student Union atrium.

    Students on Campus

    Date and Time for an event

    Description of students on campus
    Learn More
    UNF Student Union is viewed across a lake.

    Scenic Image

    Date and Time 2

    Description 2
    Learn More

    Three Slider Heading

    Three Sliders have to have a multiple of 3 items to function. The images must also be 200px X 200px in dimensions.
    Ozzie Osprey standing in front of some trees


    Date and Time

    White UNF Osprey on blue background


    Date and Time

    White UNF Osprey on blue background

    Placeholder 2

    Date and Time

    Description 2
    White UNF Osprey on blue background


    Date and Time

    Ozzie Osprey standing in front of some trees


    Date and Time

    White UNF Osprey on blue background

    Placeholder 2

    Date and Time

    Description 2
    White UNF Osprey on blue background


    Date and Time

    White UNF Osprey on blue background

    Placeholder 2

    Date and Time

    Description 2
    Ozzie Osprey standing in front of some trees


    Date and Time

    Ozzie Osprey standing in front of some trees


    Date and Time

    White UNF Osprey on blue background


    Date and Time

    White UNF Osprey on blue background

    Placeholder 2

    Date and Time

    Description 2
    White UNF Osprey on blue background


    Date and Time

    Ozzie Osprey standing in front of some trees


    Date and Time

    White UNF Osprey on blue background

    Placeholder 2

    Date and Time

    Description 2
    White UNF Osprey on blue background


    Date and Time

    White UNF Osprey on blue background

    Placeholder 2

    Date and Time

    Description 2
    Ozzie Osprey standing in front of some trees


    Date and Time


    Video Slider

    Description for Video Slider

    UNF Homecoming 2023

    Description 1
    Learn More

    Limayem Inauguration Save the Date - April 14

    Description 2
    Learn More
    Bank of America Logo
    Dun and Bradstreet logo
    Crowley logo
    Merril a Bank of America Company logo
    Total Quality Logistics logo
    Bank of America Logo
    Dun and Bradstreet logo
    Crowley logo
    Merril a Bank of America Company logo
    Total Quality Logistics logo

    Popup Slider

    Ozzie Osprey standing in front of some trees

    Setting sun in a purple and pink sky with palm trees Ozzie wanted to go to the beach so his full screen popup is a beach!

    Official University of North Florida seal

    Our UNF seal doesn't have a full screen image but is still important to talk about.

    Three students sit on the grass of the UNF Green.

    Three students sit on the grass of the UNF Green. This image isn't a square so in the preview they get smushed, but when using the popup feature and the full size image field you can see the image the way it was meant to be.

    White UNF Osprey on blue background

    Ozzie Osprey standing in front of some trees

    Ozzie just came back to tell you that the last image didn't need a popup so one wasn't created.

    Social Feed


    osprey bird logo


    Table Builder

    Table Headline

    Header Cell 1 Header Cell 2 Header Cell 3
    Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3
    Cell 4 Cell 5 Cell 6
    Cell 7 Cell 8 Cell 9

    Table Headline 2

    Header Cell 1 Header Cell 2 Header Cell 3 Header Cell 4
    Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 4
    Cell 5 Cell 6 Cell 7 Cell 8


    journal magazine featuring the class of 2020


    Intro to the Journal

    Example summary 1
    campus with UNF sign on lamppost

    Tour Campus

    Visit the University

    Example summary 2