Tabs Page Example
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ligula odio, imperdiet nec volutpat et, commodo eu massa. Nulla nec nunc ac eros lobortis tristique pretium vitae mi. Donec vitae purus justo. Ut id neque a neque lacinia volutpat nec ut urna. Sed turpis massa, dignissim eu pulvinar id, mattis et nibh. Mauris malesuada ligula quis neque pharetra aliquet sagittis quam suscipit. Donec est sem, porttitor consequat malesuada luctus, porttitor tempor sem. Sed eu nisi a ligula pulvinar consequat. Donec cursus dui nec sem sagittis vestibulum.
Nullam non nulla magna, consequat convallis velit. Nullam fermentum porta enim sit amet tristique. Aliquam fermentum nibh at ligula lacinia laoreet interdum urna sagittis. Vivamus dui ligula, vestibulum vel interdum consequat, pretium non lectus. Mauris nisi ipsum, varius vitae dapibus sit amet, pretium eu lacus. Maecenas lorem nulla, blandit mollis commodo ac, ultricies sed magna. Nunc auctor suscipit justo, in pulvinar felis rhoncus sit amet. Donec adipiscing convallis purus id cursus.
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Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer porta dui nec lectus ultricies eget mollis lectus suscipit. Nunc quis orci est, quis blandit neque. Suspendisse nibh est, fermentum posuere viverra vitae, dictum vitae dui. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed eros leo, blandit ac posuere a, tristique sed leo. Donec tempor interdum diam. Proin quis sapien eget sapien blandit suscipit. Nunc enim nibh, elementum interdum fringilla sit amet, venenatis et libero. Morbi non est mauris, eget luctus mi.
Shared Basic
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ligula odio, imperdiet nec volutpat et, commodo eu massa. Nulla nec nunc ac eros lobortis tristique pretium vitae mi. Donec vitae purus justo. Ut id neque a neque lacinia volutpat nec ut urna. Sed turpis massa, dignissim eu pulvinar id, mattis et nibh. Mauris malesuada ligula quis neque pharetra aliquet sagittis quam suscipit. Donec est sem, porttitor consequat malesuada luctus, porttitor tempor sem. Sed eu nisi a ligula pulvinar consequat. Donec cursus dui nec sem sagittis vestibulum. Nullam non nulla magna, consequat convallis velit. Nullam fermentum porta enim sit amet tristique. Aliquam fermentum nibh at ligula lacinia laoreet interdum urna sagittis. Vivamus dui ligula, vestibulum vel interdum consequat, pretium non lectus. Mauris nisi ipsum, varius vitae dapibus sit amet, pretium eu lacus.
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Shared FAQ
At UNF, our students are destined to make a difference every day, and they do – here on campus, in our community, and certainly after they graduate. Ospreys follow their passions and leave our campus ready to make their mark on the world. We are truly honored to be a part of that journey.
UNF History
What is UNF's logo?
The University’s graphic symbol is depicted at left. It consists of three elements. The initials UNF are referred to as the monogram. The words University of North Florida are referred to as the descriptor. The bird is the osprey image. The osprey image should never be used alone. The logo appears on official University stationery, business cards, envelopes, Web pages and external publications. Blue and gray are the official UNF colors. -
What is UNF's official seal?
The official seal for the University of North Florida incorporates a circle and a compass rose — a direction-finding device for mariners. These symbolize the University’s role in providing direction for students. The placement of the symbol in the upper northeast quadrant of the circle describes the University’s location in the northeast region of Florida. The Roman numerals MCMLXV refer to the year that the University was chartered, 1965. Use of the official University seal is reserved for official documents such as diplomas and other official certificates.
What is the Osprey mascot?
The osprey was adopted officially as the University of North Florida mascot in November 1979 in an election conducted by the Student Government Association. The osprey received 47 percent of the votes and won over the armadillo, seagull, manatee and shark. Ospreys can often be seen gliding majestically over the campus. The osprey — a member of the hawk family with a wingspan of up to 6 feet — is capable of diving 80 mph in pursuit of fish, which constitute its main diet. UNF’s mascot has the characteristics that UNF students hope to have when they graduate.
Ospreys have been described as seemingly inexhaustible, tenacious, opportunistic, cosmopolitan, loyal to their species, adaptable, resilient and fond of living near other ospreys. Described as “trendy birds” in National Geographic magazine for their success in adapting to suburban neighborhoods, ospreys also are into recycling. Children’s toys, plastic foam containers, cork buoys and doormats are some of the items they use to construct their gigantic nests.
Ospreys, like UNF alumni, reside on all continents, except Antarctica. To commemorate UNF’s commitment to the environment and its adoption of the osprey as its mascot, the University of North Florida Foundation Inc. commissioned a watercolor painting of the osprey by noted ornithologist and wildlife artist Frederick William Wetzel of Jacksonville. The painting hangs permanently in the special collections of the Thomas G. Carpenter Library.
School Spirit
What is the UNF Alma Mater?
We recall those days of gladness,
Nestled midst the lakes and pine,
Where we sought the gift of knowledge,
Alma Mater, pride of mine.REFRAIN:
Sing her glory and her praises,
Let them ring from sea to sea!
North Florida we proudly honor,
U-N-F, all hail to thee.VERSE:
Near the shores of the Atlantic,
Where the Osprey soars on high,
Stands our Alma Mater strong and true,
With her colors gray and blue.REPEAT REFRAIN
What is the Student Creed?
I am loyal to the Nest without reservation.
I am selfless in my effort to advance its values.
I am relentless in the pursuit of truth and
knowledge carried out in the spirit of
intellectual and artistic freedom.I am one who wears the colors of the Osprey proudly.
I am wearing them on my chest and in my heart,
on and off the playing field with confidence and vigor.
I am filled with courage and dare to soar.
I am an Osprey flying far, fast, and hard.- Christopher Warren, 2010