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Faculty Association
oneColumn handbook

Faculty Association Bylaws


The name of this Constituent Association shall be the Faculty Association of the University of North Florida.

ARTICLE II: Purposes


The purpose of the Faculty Association shall be to exercise jurisdiction over: faculty appointment, retention and development; academic programs, organization, and standards; academic services and continuing education; faculty advancement; and such other matters as may pertain directly to the University instruction, service, and research programs.


In addition to carrying out the foregoing responsibilities, the Faculty Association shall cooperate in the overall governance of the University, as established by the University Constitution.

ARTICLE III: Membership


The membership of the Association shall consist of all persons holding full-time faculty appointments and participating in the instruction, research, or service programs of the University, including visiting faculty and Library faculty, as well as faculty on phased retirement and permanent, part-time faculty.


The President of the University shall be a non-voting ex officio member of the Association.


No member of the Faculty Association shall be a member of any other Constituent Association.


The Association shall be the judge of its membership where questions of eligibility arise, except as provided in the Constitution.

ARTICLE IV: Officers


Association officers shall consist of the President, the Vice President, and the Secretary, to be elected to terms of two years. Any member of the Association shall be eligible to serve as an officer. Officers shall perform the duties prescribed herein and by the Association's parliamentary authority.


The President shall act as presiding officer of the Association. The President's principal duties as presiding officer are specified in the Association's parliamentary authority. The President shall appoint a parliamentarian whose duties are specified in the Association's parliamentary authority.


In addition to the duties prescribed by the Parliamentary authority, the President shall: represent the Association and its membership except as herein provided; provide leadership for Association activities; keep the membership advised concerning needs, programs, and accomplishments of the Association; coordinate the work of the Association; serve as an ex officio non-voting member of all Association committees; appoint such committees as the Association deems necessary to conduct business; serve as a delegate to other University governance bodies and to any state-level faculty body; meet on a regular basis with the Academic Vice President and the President of the University; and be the accountable officer for the Association's budget.


The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the President's absence. In the event of a vacancy in the Office of the President, the Vice President shall succeed to the Presidency for the duration of the unexpired term.


The Vice President shall assist the President in coordinating Association work; serve as a delegate to other University governance bodies; and serve as a voting member of the Faculty Affairs Committee and as chair of the Executive Committee.


The Secretary shall serve as vice chairperson of the Executive Committee and receive motions, resolutions, and proposals from the members and place all such matters on a legislative calendar in the order received. The Secretary shall keep the record of the Association's proceedings and shall make a report of each Association meeting. The records and minutes shall be filed in the Association office and shall be available to members upon request. The Secretary shall conduct the Association's general correspondence; notify members of meeting time and place, make the physical arrangements for Association meetings; maintain the records of the Association, its officers and committees; assist the officers, committees, and members in coordinating their work; and, in the absence of both the President and Vice President, call the meeting to order and preside until the election of a President pro tem.


The management of the Faculty Association office shall be the responsibility of the Executive Secretary of the Association, a USPS staff position. The Executive Secretary shall report to the Faculty Association President and work with the officers and members of the Association to assist them in the execution of their duties.


Officers shall be installed at the first meeting of the Fall semester. Terms of office shall begin immediately upon installation and shall terminate when successors are installed.


In the event of a vacancy in the office of either the Vice President or the Secretary, a special election shall be conducted within thirty days of the occurrence of the vacancy.


No officer may a hold more than one office at a time or be elected to a second consecutive term in the same office. An officer who has served more than half a term is considered to have served a full term in that office.


Failure to execute faithfully the duties of the office constitutes cause for an officer's removal. On receipt of a petition for recall of an officer for cause, signed by at least forty members of the Faculty Association, the Nominations and Elections Committee shall schedule a recall election. Removal from office shall require a two-thirds majority of those members voting.


No officer shall serve as an elected member of any Association committee.

SECTION 13.   

The Association shall have two representatives to the Florida Advisory Council of Faculty Senates.  The Association’s representatives will be the Association’s President and Vice President, or other members of the Association designated by the President.

ARTICLE V: Conduct of Business


The Association shall practice direct rule.


The Association's regular meetings shall be held once a month. The first fall term meeting will be convened during the noon hour on the first Thursday of September. At that time, the Association officers will present the calendar of monthly meetings for the rest of the year, these meetings to be convened during the noon hour on Thursdays.


The meeting in April shall be known as the Annual Meeting and shall be held for the purpose of electing committee members and delegates, and for any other business which may arise. The annual report of the President shall be submitted at the first meeting in September, in order that it might include information about legislative activity during the preceding Fall, Spring and Summer semesters.


Special meetings may be called on the petition of any ten members or under emergency conditions by the President.


The Secretary shall give members seven days' written notice of all meetings, except that in the case of a special meeting called by the President, only twenty-four hours' written notice shall be required. Notice of all meetings shall indicate the full agenda to be considered.


The agenda of regular meetings shall contain six items of business: Minutes, Announcements, Standing Committee Reports, Special Reports, Question and Answer Period, and Legislative Calendar. The Executive Committee will decide on the order of the items when they set the agenda for a given meeting.


The first order of business shall be the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting. Debate on the minutes shall be limited to two minutes.


One item of business shall be announcements, which shall be submitted to the President in advance. Announcements shall be confined to matters the President determines to be of importance to the general membership. With the prior permission of the President, announcements also may be made from the floor. The announcement period shall be limited to five minutes.


One item of business shall be the reports of standing committees. Standing committees shall report in alphabetical order. Each committee report shall be made by its chairperson or a designee and shall be limited to two minutes.


One item of business shall be Special Reports. During this period, which shall be limited to ten minutes, the Association, at the discretion of the President, may hear the reports of other university committees, officers, delegates, University officials, and other persons.


One item of business shall be the Question and Answer period. During the Question and Answer period, any Association member may question any member of the University community concerning the conduct of that person's assigned duties and responsibilities, as they affect the Association's concerns. Questions may be submitted to the President to be asked anonymously but these become the President's questions and will appear as such in the minutes. The President has the right to modify anonymous questions and/or to refuse to ask such questions according to their best judgment. The Secretary shall address questions in writing to persons not present to reply or who decline to reply from the floor, and shall append all written responses to the minutes as responses are received.


One item of business shall be the consent agenda, containing routine items previously approved by a standing committee and not requiring explanation or discussion. The President shall ask if any member wishes for an item to be removed from the consent agenda. If there is a request to remove an item, the President shall, without question or argument, remove the item and place it on the legislative calendar. The President shall then ask for a motion to approve the consent agenda in its entirety. After a motion and a second, the President shall ask the membership to approve the consent agenda. The vote will, of necessity, be unanimous, since any disagreement with an item should have been expressed earlier and the item removed from the consent agenda. The consent agenda item of business shall precede the Legislative Calendar on the agenda order so that items removed from it may be debated and voted upon at the meeting.


One item of business shall be the legislative calendar. The President shall ask for motions to move any item to the top of the calendar. The total time available for such motions shall be five minutes. As an item is read, the Association may remove it from the calendar for any reason, including immediate action by the body or referral to a committee. Debate on each item shall be limited to twenty minutes. If debate on an item is interrupted by adjournment, that item shall be first on the calendar of the next regular meeting, when debate shall continue. Items which are not read due to adjournment shall be second on the calendar of the next regular meeting. Items read but tabled shall be placed at the foot of the calendar. Any item not removed within four regular meetings shall be dropped from the calendar.


Members may extend any order of business or period of deliberation and debate by a majority of those voting.


Forty members of the Association shall constitute a quorum for all meetings, except that during the summer term a quorum shall be forty members or twenty-five percent of the total number of FTE faculty lines, whichever is less. A majority of the faculty members on an Association Committee shall constitute a quorum for all meetings of that committee.


During the summer term, if a quorum cannot be achieved, the Faculty Association may act as a committee of the whole, and whichever members attend an Association meeting shall comprise a quorum. The purpose of this provision is to permit the Association to carry on routine business. Under this provision, the Association President shall not permit the introduction of legislative calendar items other than routine business, as determined by the President. At the beginning of the fall term the Association President shall present a written report of all actions taken under this provision. A majority of the members voting at that or the next regular Association meeting may reopen for discussion any action taken by the Association during the summer term under the provisions of this section.


There shall be no proxy votes except on the Executive Committee in those instances in which a standing committee is represented by a member other than its chairperson.


Representatives to Association committees elected by other constituent bodies as provided for in these Bylaws may attend Association meetings and may participate in debate on motions relating to their committee responsibilities.


The rules contained in the current edition of Cannon's Concise Guide to Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for the Association when applicable and when not inconsistent with these bylaws or any special rules of order the Association may adopt.

ARTICLE VI: Committees


The standing committees of the Association shall be as listed in these bylaws. Standing committees other than those specified herein may be added only through amendment to these bylaws.


The Standing Committees shall be: Academic Programs Committee

  1. Academic Programs Committee
  2. Academic Standards Committee
  3. Budget and Strategy Committee
  4. Bylaws and Policy Committee
  5. Campus Technology Committee
  6. Faculty Affairs Committee
  7. Faculty Enhancement Committee
  8. Nominations and Elections Committee
  9. Research Council
  10. Executive Committee


All faculty members of standing committees shall be elected by the Association, and all members of the Association may vote for all standing committee faculty vacancies. The President of the Association, and the Chief Academic Officer or their designee, shall be ex-officio non-voting members of all Association standing committees. Other membership on standing committees shall be:

  1. Academic Programs Committee:

    The committee shall consist of fourteen members chosen from the colleges: fourteen faculty, four from COAS and two from each of the other colleges, one from the Library, and one at large. 

  2. Academic Standards Committee:

    The committee shall consist of eight faculty members chosen from the colleges: two from COAS and one from each of the other colleges, and two at large. Non-voting, ex-officio members shall include the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and the Dean of Students or their representatives.  The Faculty Association President may appoint other ex-officio members for a period of one year as needed.

  3. Budget and Strategy Committee:

    The committee shall consist of eight faculty members chosen from the colleges. Non-voting, ex-officio members shall include the Vice President of Administration and Finance and the Director of Budget and Personnel or Vice President & Budget Officer of their representatives.  The Faculty Association President may appoint other ex-officio members for a period of one year as needed.

  4. Bylaws and Policy Committee:

    The committee shall consist of seven faculty members chosen from the colleges: two from COAS and one from each of the other colleges, and one at-large. Non-voting, ex-officio members shall include a representative from the Provost's office.  The faculty Association President may appoint other ex-officio members for a period of one year as needed.  

  5. Campus Technology Committee:

    The committee shall consist of seven faculty representatives chosen from the colleges: two from the College of Arts and Sciences, one from each of the other colleges and the Library. Non-voting, ex-officio members shall include the Chief Information Officer, the Director of Academic Technology, the Director of CIRT, the Director of Networking, Systems, and Security, the Director of User Services, and the Director of Enterprise Systems, and the Director of Library Systems and Technology. The chair of the committee shall be one of the seven faculty representatives. The Faculty Association President may appoint other ex-officio members for a period of one year as needed.

  6. Faculty Affairs Committee:

    The committee shall consist of eight elected faculty members chosen from the colleges: two from the College of Arts and Sciences, and one from each of the other colleges and two at large and the current Vice President of the Association.  The Vice President, Government and Community relations or their designee, shall be a non-voting, ex-officio member.  

  7. Faculty Enhancement Committee:

    The committee shall consist of seven elected faculty members chosen from the colleges: two from the College of Arts and Sciences, one from each of the other colleges and Library. Non-voting, ex-officio members shall include the Associate Vice President of Faculty Excellence and Academic Engagement and the Director of Faculty Enhancement or their representatives.  Members of the committee shall abstain from applying for the Summer Teaching Grant Program, during the years they serve on the committee.

  8. Nominations and Elections Committee:

    The committee shall consist of nine faculty members chosen from the colleges: two from COAS and one from each of the other colleges and the Library, and two at large. An at large member who is in the second year of their term shall serve as chairperson of the Committee.

  9. Research Council:

    The Council shall consist of eight faculty members chosen from the colleges: two from the College of Arts and Sciences, one from each of the other colleges and the library and one faculty member representing university centers.  Non-voting, ex-officio member shall include the Vice President of Research and the Director, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs or their representatives.

  10. Executive Committee:

    The committee shall consist of twelve members: the Vice President of the Faculty Association (who shall serve as chairperson), the Secretary of the Association (who shall serve as vice chairperson), the President of the Association, and the current chairpersons of the Association's other standing committees.


All standing committees shall initiate proposals and actions concerning their areas of responsibility whenever they feel that such proposals and actions are needed and appropriate. All such proposals and actions shall be submitted to the Association for its consideration, with the exceptions noted below. No standing committee of the Faculty Association shall assume responsibility beyond those designated in the following paragraphs without prior approval from the Executive Committee. Specific standing committee duties and responsibilities shall include the following:

  1. The Academic Programs Committee (APC) shall review curricular proposals for the creation, deletion, or modification of academic programs and courses. In their review of curricular proposals, members of the committee shall determine
    1. whether the degree program or course is academically appropriate in a particular college or department,
    2. whether there is overlap, repetition, or redundancy in the creation of new degree programs or courses, and
    3. whether all relevant parties have been consulted and had the chance to review the proposal. Matters of presentation of academic curricula - the UNF Catalog, for instance -- are the responsibility of Academic Affairs; matters of compliance with accreditation standards are the responsibility of the relevant department/college and/or Academic Affairs.
    Representatives to the APC Committee shall review all proposals in a timely manner and work with departments to formulate final submissions.
  2. The Academic Standards Committee (ASC) shall review and recommend regulations concerning admission and re-admission of students to the University, suspension of students, academic loads, withdrawal from courses and from the University, award of credit, award of academic honors, and maintenance of academic integrity. The Committee shall approve all proposed recipients of honorary degrees from the University.
  3. The Budget and Strategy Committee (BSC) shall evaluate the implementation of the University Budget, inform the faculty of the implementation of the University Budget, seek faculty input from faculty on the budgetary priorities, and report findings to the Faculty Association and Administration.  The Committee shall review and recommend the University's institutional priorities and its mission.  The Committee shall also review the Campus Facilities Master Plan and the Land Use Plan, and make recommendations on all changes to those plans.
  4. The Bylaws and Policies Committee (BPC) shall provide feedback to academic units about important considerations in the creation of bylaws and/or procedures; reviewing the bylaws/procedures of academic units for consistency and providing feedback to academic units when there are inconsistencies; ensuring the bylaws have gone through the appropriate approval process within the academic unit; providing the Faculty Association leadership recommendations on moving bylaws to Academic Affairs.  The BPC shall review and recommend all policies and practices not assigned to specific content-based committees.
  5. The Campus Technology Committee (CTC) shall review and recommend policies, regulations, and practices concerning: technology support; classroom, library, and computer lab technology; learning and research technologies; academic and career advisement technology; instructional media, telephony, and communication services; and any other academic technology services. It shall provide advice and recommendations to the University's administration and to Information Technology Services (ITS) concerning IT strategic directions, operating policies, and faculty IT needs. It shall liaison with the University community to provide a forum for the expression of views and ideas concerning IT services, facilities, and needs. It shall be advisory to ITS, the Distance Learning Committee, and the Center for Instruction and Research Technology (CIRT). The chairperson of this committee shall serve as one of the faculty representatives on the Faculty Association Executive Committee. Additionally, the chair or a designee shall serve on the University's Distance Learning Committee.
  6. The Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) shall review and recommend policies and practices with regard to faculty (including adjuncts) assignments and released time, faculty evaluation, retention, promotion and tenure, ethics, affirmative action, academic freedom and teaching issues, and the organization and/or re-organization of academic units. The committee shall act as conduit between the Government and Community relations team and faculty on issues related to faculty stemming from governmental action or potential government action. Committee shall also review, on request, unresolved differences between regular faculty and adjunct faculty members and the administration and make appropriate recommendations, except in instances that are clear violations of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and are addressable through the grievance process.  The Committee shall seek the opinions and recommendations of adjunct faculty.
  7. The Faculty Enhancement Committee (FEC) shall review and recommend policies, procedures, and practices concerning activities that enhance and improve faculty members' knowledge and skills with regard to their duties in teaching, research, and service. The committee shall act as a liaison or conduit between the UNF faculty and those departments that offer support to them; disseminate information concerning support services; seek regular input from those entities across campus. The Committee shall consider the enhancement needs of both full-time faculty and adjuncts.
  8. The Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) shall conduct elections of officers, all Association standing committees, and faculty delegates to other committees; shall adopt and announce procedures for such elections in accordance with these bylaws, shall present an appropriate list of nominees for all vacancies, and shall recommend candidates to fill vacancies which occur outside of the normal election cycle.
  9. The Research Council (RC) shall recommend policies to the Association, as necessary and appropriate, with respect to research activities, facilities, personnel, allocation of monies, and intellectual property. They shall also coordinate the review process for internal grants related to research.
  10. The Executive Committee (EC) shall serve as an advisory body to the President of the Association; shall review items to be included on the Legislative Calendar of the monthly meetings of the Association, retaining the option of advising those who submit items about wording, clarity or presentation strategy; shall coordinate the efforts of all standing committees, determining committee purview as necessary. In addition, the Executive Committee may return an item only once to a standing committee for a rewrite to ensure that legislation put forth by that standing committee is crafted correctly and not in violation and /or conflict with existing policies, procedures, etc., unless its expressed purpose is to change existing policies and procedures. The Executive Committee shall review and recommend to the Association on all questions concerning membership in the Association; and shall interpret to the Association the University Constitution and Association Bylaws.


With the exception of the Nominations and Elections Committee and the Executive Committee, each committee shall elect a chairperson and a vice chairperson from among its Faculty Association members. Each committee shall otherwise determine its own operating procedures in compliance with these bylaws. It is recommended that agendas for each meeting include a portion in which only voting members are present.


With the exception of the Nominations and Elections Committee, all standing committees shall meet at least once per calendar month during the academic year, unless the chair of the committee polls the membership in advance and determines that there are no matters to be considered. Notice of all regularly scheduled meetings shall be communicated to the Executive Secretary at the beginning of each academic term, who shall notify the Association membership. Association committees may schedule additional meetings, but must notify the Executive Secretary in advance, so that notices of such meetings may be posted in the Association office.


The Nominations and Elections Committee shall meet as necessary but at least once per term. Except in unusual circumstances, notice of meetings shall be communicated to the Executive Secretary in advance, so that notice of such meetings may be posted in the Association office.


Minutes of each Association committee meeting shall be placed on file in the Association office within five working days after the meeting. Minutes shall include items submitted for the committee's consideration, items considered by the committee, and a count of the committee's final vote on each item. The committee's report at each Association meeting shall include a summary of deliberations on each action item.

At the September meeting of the Executive Committee, each Association committee shall submit a written report of its activities over the past year. This report should be a synopsis of its deliberations and any action items submitted to the Association; the status of any current work still in progress; and any issues or concerns that need to be addressed in the coming year.


Unless otherwise provided for by these Bylaws, all standing committee terms shall be for two years. The Association may approve one-year terms if necessary to establish and/or maintain a pattern of staggered memberships. Terms of membership for all committees except the Nominations and Elections Committee shall begin and end on the date of the first regularly scheduled meeting of the Faculty Association in the fall term. Terms for members of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall begin and end on the date of the January meeting.


No Association member may serve on more than two standing committees (excluding the Executive Committee) at one time or as chairperson or vice chairperson of more than one standing committee at one time. An Association member may serve no more than two consecutive terms on any one standing committee. In determining eligibility for re-election, a member elected or appointed to fill more than half of an incomplete term shall be considered to have served the entire term.


All standing committees may form subcommittees. Any subcommittee, may include non-committee members from the Association.

Subcommittees shall have at least one member from the parent committee, and this member may be the chairperson. Minutes of subcommittee activity are to be kept in the same manner as are committee minutes. Subcommittee activities and recommendations are to be reported to the committee as a whole for action and for inclusion in the committee's report to the Association.


The Association shall have the President form or cause to be formed such special committees as it needs. Each Special Committee shall have a charge which includes its organization, responsibilities, term of existence, and method of meeting and reporting. No Special Committee charge may subsume or be subsumed by charges to any standing committees of the Association, as interpreted by the Executive Committee. A Special Committee must be dissolved within nine months of its creation, unless a petition for a nine-month extension is submitted in writing to, and approved by, the Executive Committee prior to the normal expiration date of the Committee. Additional nine-month extensions may be granted by means of the same petition process.


A vacancy in any committee position shall be filled promptly by appointment by the Faculty Association President, in consultation with the Nominations and Elections Committee, who shall be charged with finding appropriate candidates for consideration for appointment to these vacancies. In the event that the Faculty Association President deems that filling a vacancy by appointment is inappropriate, a special election shall be held for this purpose.


Committee members who fail to execute faithfully the duties of their positions, by failing to attend at least three consecutive meetings or to complete assignments, may be removed by a majority vote the of that committee. In such circumstances, the committee may vote to remove its delinquent member and shall report the results of this vote to the Faculty Association President and request that the President appoint a new member to fill the vacancy.


Any recurring members of a standing committee that is reorganized during that member's term may join a related University or Standing Committee as designated by the Faculty Association President.

ARTICLE VII: Nominations and Elections


Nominations of Association officers shall be made from the floor at the February meeting or in the week following via an online submission in even numbered years. No member may accept nomination to more than one office at a time.


Candidates for officer positions shall submit for publication in the March Agenda a one-page statement outlining their credentials and what they hope to accomplish as officers of the Association. Voting will be conducted by electronic ballot, to be held for seven days beginning at 9:00 AM on the day March meeting and ending at 5:00 PM on the following Wednesday.


Election of Association officers shall be by plurality vote, which means that the person receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared the winner. At the Annual Meeting, the Chairperson of the Nominations and Elections Committee or a designee shall report in writing the results of the election of officers. In the event of a tie vote for any office, the Nominations & Elections Committee shall hold a run-off election by electronic ballot, to be held for seven days beginning at 9:00 AM on the day of the Annual Faculty Association meeting and ending at 5:00 PM on the following Wednesday.


At the March meeting, the Nominations and Elections Committee shall submit such nominations as are necessary for all vacancies scheduled to occur on all standing committees of the Association and any other University committees that have regular faculty representatives that request participation in this election process. These nominations shall be in accord with the representative apportionment described in Article VI. Procedure for these committee elections shall be as follows:

  1. The Chairperson of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall advise the Committee members of all vacancies occurring.
  2. Nominations and Elections Committee members shall canvass (preferably by memo or E-mail) their constituent groups for consenting nominees.
  3. Representatives shall forward all names to the Nominations and Elections Chairperson, who will have the slate prepared in time for the Executive Committee meeting immediately preceding the March Faculty Association meeting.
  4. Additional nominations for positions on these committees may be made from the floor at the March meeting or sent to the Nominations and Elections Chairperson prior to the March meeting of the Executive Committee, at which the April Agenda is set.
  5. Web-based electronic ballots will be available beginning at 9:00 AM on the day of the April Faculty Association meeting and ending at 5:00 PM on the following Wednesday.
  6. Ballots will be tabulated and the list of successful candidates shall be sent to the Faculty Association's Executive Secretary, to be posted and included with the May Agenda.
  7. For all the Faculty Association Standing committees and the University Committees that have college-specific representation, only members of the relevant college may vote on their college representatives.


Election of members on all committees shall be decided by plurality vote, meaning that "the candidates will fill the positions in the order of the number of votes that they receive" (Cannon 1995, 132). In the event of a tie vote for a committee position, the Chairperson of the Nominations & Election Committee, or designee, in the presence of at least one other Nominations and Elections Committee member shall use a coin toss to determine the winner.


The Nominations and Elections Committee shall be nominated from the floor and elected via electronic ballot with voting to occur for seven days beginning at 9:00 AM on the Monday following the November Faculty Association meeting and ending at 5:00 PM on the following Monday.


Any nominations and elections required by the Association and not specified herein shall be conducted by the Nominations and Elections Committee.



Each March the President shall submit to the Association a proposed budget request for funds to support the Association's activities for the following year. Upon approval by the Association, the President shall submit the budget request to the Chief Academic Officer of the University prior to April 1st.


Any funds allocated to the Association shall be included in the University's Annual Operating Budget. The Association President shall be the accountable officer.

ARTICLE IX: No Confidence Process


If 40 members of the Faculty Association (as defined in Article III, Section 1), with membership from at least two different colleges (including the library), seek to conduct a survey of faculty confidence in the University President or a Vice President, they may approach the UNF Faculty Association President with a petition for such a survey. (The Faculty Association President must be able to identify and verify the names on the petition. The petition may be subject to a public records request.) The Faculty Association President will then conduct a survey of the faculty, ensuring confidentiality of participants. The Faculty Association President will report both to the University Faculty and to the Chair of the Board of Trustees

  1. the total number of survey participants and
  2. the number of responses for and against.

No more than one such expression of confidence shall be conducted for any one administrator within a twelve month period.

ARTICLE X: Amendment of Bylaws


These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Association by two-thirds of the votes cast, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing to the membership at the previous regular meeting.


These Bylaws will take effect at the beginning of the next Academic Year after ratification, September 5, 2024.


FA 23-27: February 1, 2024

FA 19-28: Article VI - Committees - Section 4. - G. Faculty Enhancement Committee Charge Update Proposal

FA 18-63: Article V - Faculty Association Bylaws Amendment of Update Conduct of Business on December 6, 2018.

FA 18-35: Article VI - Section 3. - E. - Ex-Officio, Non-voting Membership Changes Proposal by including the Director of Library Systems and Technology on September 6, 2018.

FA 18-17: Article VI - Section 4. - G. - Update Faculty Enhancement Committee Charge Correction of "which" to "that" on April 5, 2018.

FA 17-52: Article VI - Section 4.-C. - Update the Charge for the Adjunct Affairs Committee in the Business of the Outstanding Adjunct Teaching Award on November 2, 2017.

FA 16-42: Article IX: Section 1. - Addition of New Article Proposal - No Confidence Process on March 2, 2017.

FA 15-42: Article VI: Section 4. - F. Faculty Affairs Committee Charge Update Proposal on December 3, 2015.

FA 14-34: Article VI: Section 2. -I., Section 3.-I., & Section 4.-I. Proposed Changes to Makeup and Name of the FA Research Committee to Research Council on November 4, 2014

FA 14-26: Article VI: Section 3: Membership of the Standing Committees Changes Proposal for the COAS Representatives on October 2, 2014.

FA 14-25: Article VI: Section 3. - E. & Section 4. - E.: Campus Technology Committee Charge and membership Changes Proposal on October 2, 2014.

FA 14-24: Article VI: Section 4. - A.: Academic Programs Committee Charge Changes Proposal on October 2, 2014.

FA 14-18: Article VII Nominations and Elections: Section 4: Additional Proposal for the Voting on May 15, 2014.

FA 12-54: Article VI Committees: Section 3-G: The Faculty Enhancement Committee decided to update the Bylaws in restrictions for applying and serving at the same time on January 10, 2013.

FA 12-29: Article VI: Section 3. - A: Academic Programs Committee Membership Changes Proposal by removing student members on October 4, 2012

FA 12-42: Article VI - Section 3 - E: Campus Technology Committee Change Proposal as GOT is no longer existing on November 1, 2012

FA 11-68: Article VII - NOMINATIONS & ELECTIONS: Online Elections Changes Proposal on January 12, 2012

FA 11-48: Article VI - COMMITTEES: Section 3 - A. Academic Programs Committee Membership Changes Proposal on November 3, 2011

FA 11-21: Article VI - COMMITTEES: Section 4 - C. The Adjunct Affairs Committee on April 7, 2011

F A 11-16: Article V - Conduct of Business - The Consent Agenda on April 7, 2011

FA 09-27: Article VI - COMMITTEES: Section 4 - E. Campus Technology Committee on January 7, 2010

FA 09-16: Article VI - COMMITTEES: Section 4 - K. Support Services Committee on June 4, 2009

FA 08-07: Article VI - COMMITTEES: Section 2, Section 3 - J., Section 4 - J. on February 7, 2008

FA 07-01: Article VI: Standing Committees: Section 4:I on February 1, 2007

FA 06-20: Article VI - Committees: Section 3G. Faculty Enhancement Committee: To remove language barring Faculty Enhancement members from applying for Summer Teaching Grants.

FA 06-15: Article VIII - Finance: Section I. Change May to March and June to April.

FA 06-10: Article VI - Committees: To remove references to the Promotion & Tenure Committee on June 1, 2006.

FA 05-34: Article VI - COMMITTEES Section 3. G. Faculty Enhancement Committee on January 12, 2006

FA 05-03: Article VI - COMMITTEES Section 4. E. The Campus Technology Committee on March 3, 2005

FA 04-31: Article VII, Section 3 & Section 5. (Provisions for Tie Votes) on January 6, 2005

FA 04-09: Article VI Committees, Section 3, Paragraph G Faculty Enhancement Committee on Apr 1, 2004

FA 03-11: Reorganization of Academic Technology and Support Services Committee on Apr 3, 2003

FA 02-31: Removed the Governmental Relations Committee by the Association on Nov 7, 2002

FA 02-10: Amended (Article VI, Section 4, M.)and Adopted by the Association on June 6, 2002

FA 99-24: Amended (Article VI, Section 4, M.) by the Association on June 3, 1999

FA 99-09: March 11, 1999

FA 98-23: Special Committee on Adjunct on May 7, 1998

FA 98-12: Amended (Article VI, Section 3 and Section 4) on Feb. 5, 1998

FA 97-25: September 4 1997