Faculty Association Award Guidelines
The Nomination period for the Faculty Awards will run from December 16, 2024 at 9:00am until January 10, 2025 at 5:00pm
Dossiers, including the Application Checklist and Statement of Accuracy must be submitted by Friday, March 07, 2025 at 5:00 PM
- Distinguished Professor Award
- Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award
- Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award
- Outstanding Faculty Service Award
- Outstanding Faculty Community Engaged Scholarship Award
- Outstanding Adjunct Teaching Award
- Excellence in Online Teaching Award
Distinguished Professor Award
The Distinguished Professor Award is presented annually to a University of North Florida faculty member who has a balanced record of distinction at UNF in all three areas of teaching, scholarship, and service. The award includes an honorarium of $6,000, a commemorative plaque, and the listing of the recipient's name on a permanent University plaque. The Winner and the Runner-up Awards will be presented at Convocation. The runner-up award, consisting of $3000, will be given to the nominee receiving the fewer votes. The award winner will be invited to deliver the Convocation address. This award is made possible through unrestricted gifts to the UNF Foundation; the Foundation reserves the right not to provide the monetary award to any winner who is not a UNF employee at the time of the Convocation.
Any regular full-time member of the UNF faculty, who holds the rank of professor or associate professor, is eligible for the award except for past recipients of the award and persons serving on the Screening Committee. The President of the Faculty Association (FA) or a member of the FA staff shall, in cooperation with the Deans of the respective Colleges, confirm the eligibility of each nominee.
Any person within the University community (students, alumni, faculty, staff, or administrators) may nominate a faculty member for this award. It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that their nomination is delivered prior to the deadline. The call for nominations will be distributed by the President of the FA through appropriate channels including distribution to faculty, students, student government, and the Graduate Student Organization.
The President of the FA or a member of the FA staff shall keep a list of all nominees and their eligibility determination and, after the close of nominations, shall send a letter of confirmation of the nomination and eligibility determination to each nominee and their chair. Nominees are asked not to forward any application materials to the FA office until they receive a letter from the FA President or a member of the FA staff confirming their eligibility.
Nominee Materials
The nominees will have four weeks from the date of notification to email all required application materials to the FA Executive Secretary, Beverly Lee: beverly.lee@unf.edu. Nominees must consolidate all their application materials (including the signed accuracy statement) into a single PDF file, which must be attached to their email. The FA will also need a second file (in Word format) consisting of a one-page summary statement. This one-page summary will be published in the FA agenda for the two finalists for this award.
Each eligible nominee will be invited to submit the following materials as well as a completed and signed Application Checklist and Statement of Accuracy. The Statement of Accuracy will serve as the first page of the submitted PDF application.
Nominees who submit materials that do not meet these guidelines will not be considered further.
Application Checklist/Statement of Accuracy
- Your application materials are arranged in the following order.
- Signed "Statement of Accuracy" (one page)
- CV (no restriction on length)
- Summary and Discussion of Achievements (six pages)
- A one-page summary statement (submitted separately as a WORD document)
- Your Curriculum Vitae includes a representative listing of teaching, scholarship, and service activities.
- Your summary and discussion is a maximum of six pages and describes what you believe are your most significant teaching and curriculum efforts, accomplishments in research, and professionally related service activities (a maximum of two pages for each of the three areas of teaching, research, and service).
- You have used standard margins (1-inch or 1.25 inch) and 11 or 12-point font for all materials presented in application, single or double-spaced.
Statement of Accuracy: I, (applicant's name), confirm that my submitted application meets all of the application's requirements. I understand if my application does not meet the requirements, it will not be reviewed. I also hereby attest to the accuracy of the information contained in this application.
DP Application Checklist and Statement of Accuracy (Word)
Recommendations for CV
- Create separate sections for Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, Books, Book chapters, Other Publications, and Presentations
- Number each item in the above categories
- Identify peer-reviewed journal articles and other publications done with students
- For each grant, list the total dollar award and how much came to UNF
- Differentiate PI and Co-PI in grants
- Include a summary table with total numbers for each item above
- Never include any item published in a predatory journal
University Screening Committee
The Screening Committee will consist of one elected representative from each of the five colleges, plus five recipients of the Distinguished Professor Award with these recipients selected in reverse chronological order. Committee members shall not serve on more than one of the FA Awards Committees each year. The FA President shall replace by appointment any member of the committee who cannot participate fully in the selection or who has a conflict of interest, including those nominated for the award and those related to faculty nominated for the award; any such replacement shall be selected from the constituency represented by that member. Each committee member is required to notify the FA President of a potential conflict of interest or inability to fully participate before the committee is convened. The FA President shall appoint a committee member to convene the Committee, which will elect its own Chairperson.
Screening by the University Screening Committee
The Committee will choose two nominees as finalists through secret ballot voting. The Committee will select the finalists for the award based only upon the Nominee Materials that accompany the forwarded nominations. The Committee shall make its decision solely on the basis of the nominees' merits, and without consideration for other factors such as departmental affiliation or professional rank of present nominees or past award winners. In-person or electronic vote is acceptable.
After the Screening Committee selects two nominees as finalists, each member shall vote by secret ballot for one person to receive the Award. The Committee Chairperson shall collect the ballots. The votes will remain sealed and uncounted until after the election by members of the FA. If no tie exists in the FA election, the Screening Committee votes shall be destroyed without being counted. If a tie exists, the Screening Committee votes shall be tallied to determine the Award recipient. In such an event, the actual count of the Screening Committee shall not be divulged unless so requested by the finalist who was selected for the Award.
The Committee has the prerogative not to recommend anyone for the award if, in the members' judgments, the nominee pool does not contain an individual whose accomplishments merit the designation of Distinguished Professor.
Election by Faculty Association
In a FA agenda, the FA Office will publish the one-page summary of the two final nominees' summary statements. Final choice of the recipient of the Distinguished Professor Award, from the two nominees put forward by the Screening Committee, will be by a vote of the members of the FA. Voting shall take place over a period designated by the FA President. The President of the FA will notify both the winner and the runner-up for the Distinguished Professor Award. The runner-up award, consisting of $3000, will be given to the nominee receiving the fewer votes.
Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award
The University of North Florida recognizes faculty who perform meritoriously in undergraduate teaching. To that end, Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Awards shall be given annually in recognition of excellence in teaching.
The award winners each will receive an honorarium of $2,500, distributed by electronic transfer, and a commemorative plaque. Awards will be presented at Convocation and electronic transfer made near that date. The awards are funded by Academic Affairs. Academic Affairs reserves the right to not provide the monetary award to any winner who is not a UNF employee at the time of Convocation.
Any regular, full-time member or permanent part-time member of the UNF faculty, who has held an in -rank faculty appointment for the previous three academic years at UNF (since Fall of 2021), and who has taught at least four undergraduate courses/section during that time, including summer, is eligible to be nominated for these awards. Visiting and adjunct faculty are not considered regular teaching faculty, and as such, are not eligible. No winner of an Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award shall be eligible to win another Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award until the fifth year following receipt of the last award (for instance, if you won an award in 2019-20 or more recently, then you are ineligible to apply for the 2024-25 award). Faculty who have won this award twice or who have won the Distinguished Professor Award are ineligible for this award. The President of the Faculty Association (FA) or a member of the FA staff shall, in cooperation with the Deans of the respective Colleges, confirm the eligibility of each nominee.
Any person within the University community (students, alumni, faculty, staff, or administrators) may nominate a faculty member for this award. It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that their nomination is delivered prior to the deadline. The call for nominations will be distributed by the President of the FA through appropriate channels including distribution to faculty, students, student government, and the Graduate Student Organization.
The President of the FA or a member of the FA staff shall keep a list of all nominees and their eligibility determination and, after the close of nominations, shall send a letter of confirmation of the nomination and eligibility determination to each nominee and their chair. Nominees are asked not to forward any application materials to the FA office until they receive a letter from the FA President or a member of the FA staff confirming their eligibility.
Nominee Materials
The nominees will have four weeks from the date of notification to email all required application materials to the FA Executive Secretary, Beverly Lee: Beverly.lee@unf.edu. Nominees must consolidate all the application materials into a single PDF file which must be attached to the email.
Each candidate will be invited to submit the following materials as well as a completed and signed Application Checklist and Statement of Accuracy. The Statement of Accuracy will serve as the first page of the submitted application.
Nominees who submit materials that do not meet these guidelines will not be considered further.
Application Checklist/Statement of Accuracy
- Your application materials are arranged in the following order and do not exceed 10 pages
- Signed "Statement of Accuracy" (one page)
- CV (five pages)
- List of undergraduate courses (one page)
- Discussion (three pages)
- Your Curriculum Vitae is a maximum of five pages and consists of your teaching accomplishments and any scholarship and/or service directly related to your undergraduate teaching.
- The list of undergraduate courses taught is presented on a single page. The list contains course number, course name, number of credit hours, and student enrollment. Summer can be included here.
- Your teaching narrative is a maximum of three pages and provides a discussion of your teaching philosophy and your most significant teaching accomplishments.
- Your application materials do not include ISQ raw data, course syllabi, handouts, peer teaching evaluations, or other appendices. However, summaries of ISQ results may be included in the narrative.
- If you have not won the award, then you have included accomplishments occurring during your entire career at UNF. If you have won the award, then you have only included accomplishments occurring since the last award.
- You have used standard margins (1-inch or 1.25 inch) and 11 or 12-point font for all materials presented in application, single or double-spaced.
Statement of Accuracy: I, (applicant's name), confirm that my submitted application meets all of the application's requirements. I understand if my application does not meet the requirements, it will not be reviewed. I also hereby attest to the accuracy of the information contained in this application.
The FA President or a member of the FA staff will collect all PDF copies of the completed Nominee Materials and forward the materials of those deemed eligible to the University Selection Committee.
OUTA Application checklist and Statement of Accuracy (Word)
University Selection Committee
The University Selection Committee will consist of the President of the Student Government Association and one representative from each College to be elected by the faculty of the College from the ranks of regular teaching faculty who have received awards in previous years. Committee members shall not serve on more than one of the FA Awards Committees each year. The FA President shall replace by appointment any member of the committee who cannot participate fully in the selection or who has a conflict of interest, including those nominated for the award and those related to faculty nominated for the award; any such replacement shall be selected from the constituency represented by that member. Each committee member is required to notify the FA President of a potential conflict of interest or inability to fully participate before the committee is convened. The FA President shall appoint a committee member to convene the Committee, which will elect its own Chairperson.
Selection by the University Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will choose the award winners through a secret ballot vote. The Committee will select the winners of the award based only upon the Nominee Materials that accompany the forwarded nominations. The Committee shall make its decisions solely on the basis of the nominee's merits, and without consideration for other such factors as departmental or college affiliation of present nominees or past award winners. In-person or electronic vote is acceptable.
The Committee does have the prerogative not to recommend ten winners for the award if, in the members' judgments, the nominee pool does not contain ten individuals whose accomplishments merit an Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award.
It will be the responsibility of the University Selection Committee chairperson to notify by letter any nominees who have not been selected after the committee has concluded its deliberations. The Chairperson of the University Selection Committee will also send a letter via the FA to the Office of Academic Affairs identifying the ten winners of the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Awards. Winners of the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award shall be notified by a letter signed jointly by the chairperson of the selection committee and President of the FA. Formal recognition of winners shall occur at Convocation.
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award
The University of North Florida recognizes faculty who perform meritoriously in graduate teaching. To that end, Outstanding Graduate Teaching Awards shall be given annually in recognition of excellence in graduate teaching.
The award winners each will receive an honorarium of $2,500, distributed by electronic transfer, and a commemorative plaque. Awards will be presented at Convocation and electronic transfer made near that date. The awards are funded by Academic Affairs. Academic Affairs reserves the right to not provide the monetary award to any winner who is not a UNF employee at the time of Convocation.
Any full-time member or permanent part-time member of the UNF teaching faculty, who has held an in-rank faculty appointment and has been designated as graduate faculty for the previous three academic years at UNF (since Fall of 2021), and who has taught at least three (3) graduate courses/sections during that time,including summer, is eligible to be nominated for this award.
Visiting and adjunct faculty are not considered regular teaching faculty, and as such, are not eligible. No winner of an Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award shall be eligible to win another Outstanding Graduate Teaching Awards until the fifth year following receipt of the last award (for instance, if you won an award in 2019-20 or more recently, then you are ineligible to apply for the 2024-25 award). Faculty who have won this award twice or who have won the Distinguished Professor Award are ineligible for this award. The President of the Faculty Association (FA) shall, in cooperation with the Deans of the respective Colleges, confirm the eligibility of each nominee.
Any person within the University community (students, alumni, faculty, staff, or administrators) may nominate a faculty member for this award. It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that their nomination is delivered prior to the deadline. The call for nominations will be distributed by the President of the FA through appropriate channels including distribution to faculty, students, student government, and the Graduate Student Organization.
The FA President or a member of the FA staff shall keep a list of all nominees and their eligibility determination and, after the close of nominations, shall send a letter of confirmation of the nomination and eligibility determination to each nominee and their chair. Nominees are asked not to forward any application materials to the FA office until they receive a letter from the FA President or a member of the FA staff confirming their eligibility.
Nominee Materials
The nominees will have four weeks from the date of notification to email all required application materials to the FA Executive Secretary, Beverly Lee: beverly.lee@unf.edu. Nominees must consolidate all the application materials into a single PDF file which must be attached to the email.
Each candidate will be invited to submit the following materials as well as a completed and signed Application Checklist and Statement of Accuracy. The Statement of Accuracy will serve as the first page of the submitted application.
Nominees who submit materials that do not meet these guidelines will not be considered further.
Application Checklist/Statement of Accuracy
- Your application materials are arranged in the following order and do not exceed 10 pages.
- Signed "Statement of Accuracy" (one page)
- CV (five pages)
- List of graduate courses (one page)
- Discussion (three pages)
- Your Curriculum Vitae is a maximum of five pages and consists of your teaching accomplishments and any scholarship and/or service directly related to your graduate teaching.
- The list of graduate courses taught is presented on a single page. The list contains course number, course name, number of credit hours, and student enrollment. Summer can be included here.
- Your teaching narrative is a maximum of three pages and provides a discussion of your teaching philosophy and your most significant teaching accomplishments.
- Your application materials do not include ISQ raw data, course syllabi, handouts, teaching evaluations, or other appendices. However, summaries of ISQ results may be included in the narrative.
- If you have not won the award, then you have included accomplishments occurring during your entire career at UNF. If you have won the award, then you have only included accomplishments occurring since the last award.
- You have used standard margins (1-inch or 1.25 inch) and 11 or 12-point font for all materials presented in application , single or double-spaced.
Statement of Accuracy: I, (applicant's name), confirm that my submitted application meets all of the application's requirements. I understand that if my application does not meet the requirements, it will not be reviewed. I also hereby attest to the accuracy of the information contained in this application.
The FA President or member of FA staff will collect all PDF copies of the completed Nominee Materials and forward the materials of those deemed eligible to the University Selection Committee.
OGTA Application Checklist Statement of Accuracy (Word)
University Selection Committee
The University Selection Committee will consist of the President of the Graduate Student Organization and one representative from each College to be elected by the faculty of the College from the ranks of graduate faculty who have received university Undergraduate or Graduate teaching awards in previous years. Committee members shall not serve on more than one of the FA Awards Committees each year. The FA President shall replace by appointment any member of the committee who cannot participate fully in the selection or who has a conflict of interest, including those nominated for the award and those related to faculty nominated for the award; any such replacement shall be selected from the constituency represented by that member. Each committee member is required to notify the FA President of a potential conflict of interest or inability to fully participate before the committee is convened. The FA President shall appoint a committee member to convene the Committee, which will elect its own Chairperson.
Selection by the University Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will choose the award winners through a secret ballot vote. The University Selection Committee will make the award decisions based only upon the Nominee Materials that accompany the forwarded nominations. The Committee shall make its decision solely on the basis of the nominee's merits, and without consideration for other such factors as departmental or college affiliation of present nominees or past award winners. In-person or electronic vote is acceptable.
The Committee does have the prerogative not to recommend two winners for the award if, in the members' judgments, the nominee pool does not contain two individuals whose accomplishments merit an Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award.
It will be the responsibility of the University Selection Committee chairperson to notify by letter any nominees who have not been selected after the committee has concluded its deliberations. The Chairperson of the University Selection Committee will also send a letter via the FA to the Office of Academic Affairs identifying the two (2) winners of the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Awards. Winners of the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award shall be notified by a letter signed jointly by the chairperson of the selection committee and President of the FA. Formal recognition of winners shall occur at Convocation.
Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award
The University of North Florida recognizes faculty members who perform meritoriously in the area of scholarship. To that end, Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Awards shall be given annually in recognition of excellence in scholarship.
The award winners each will receive an honorarium of $2,500, distributed by electronic transfer, and a commemorative plaque. Awards will be presented at Convocation and electronic transfer made near that date. The award is funded by the UNF Foundation. The Foundation reserves the right not to provide the monetary award to any winner who is not a UNF employee at the time of Convocation.
Any full-time member or permanent part-time member of the University of North Florida faculty who has four years of regular employment at the University (since Fall of 2020) is eligible to be considered for an Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award. Time served in visiting and adjunct positions does not count toward eligibility. No winner of an Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award shall be eligible to win another Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award until the fifth year following recognition of the receipt of the last award (for instance, if you won an award in 2019-20 or more recently, then you are ineligible to apply for the 2024-25 award). Faculty who have won this award twice or who have won the Distinguished Professor Award are ineligible for this award. The President of the Faculty Association (FA) or a member of the FA staff shall, in cooperation with the Deans of the respective Colleges, confirm the eligibility of each nominee.
Any person within the University community (students, alumni, faculty, staff, or administrators) may nominate a faculty member for this award. It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that their nomination is delivered prior to the deadline. The call for nominations will be distributed by the President of the FA through appropriate channels including distribution to faculty, students, student government, and the Graduate Student Organization.
The FA President or a member of the FA staff shall keep a list of all nominees and their eligibility determination and, after the close of nominations, shall send a letter of confirmation of the nomination and eligibility determination to each nominee and their chair. Nominees are asked not to forward any application materials to the FA office until they receive a letter from the FA President or a member of the FA staff confirming their eligibility.
Nominee Materials
The nominees will have four weeks from the date of notification to email all required application materials to the FA Executive Secretary, Beverly Lee: beverly.lee@unf.edu. Nominees must consolidate all the application materials into a single PDF file which must be attached to the email.
Each candidate will be invited to submit the following materials as well as a completed and signed Application Checklist and Statement of Accuracy. The Statement of Accuracy will serve as the first page of the submitted application.
Nominees who submit materials that do not meet these guidelines will not be considered further.
Application Checklist/Statement of Accuracy
- Your application materials are arranged in the following order and do not exceed 9 pages.
- Signed "Statement of Accuracy" (one page)
- CV (five pages)
- Summary and Discussion of Scholarly Impacts (three pages)
- Your Curriculum Vitae is a maximum of five pages and includes educational background, current position at UNF, other awards received for scholarship, and a succinct listing of scholarly accomplishments.
- Your summary and discussion of scholarship narrative is a maximum of three pages and describes what you feel are your most significant activities and accomplishments in scholarship and their impact.
- If you have not won the award, then you have included accomplishments occurring during your entire career at UNF.
- You have used standard margins (1-inch or 1.25-inch) and 11 or 12-point font for all materials presented in application, single or double-spaced.
Statement of Accuracy: I, (applicant's name), confirm that my submitted application meets all of the application's requirements. I understand that if my application does not meet the requirements, it will not be reviewed. I also hereby attest to the accuracy of the information contained in this application.
The FA President or a member of the FA staff will collect all PDF copies of the completed nominee materials and forward the materials of those deemed eligible to the University Selection Committee.
OFSCHA Application Checklist and Statement of Accuracy (Word)
University Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will consist of one elected representative from each of the colleges. Committee members shall not serve on more than one of the FA Awards Committees each year. The FA President shall replace by appointment any member of the committee who cannot participate fully in the selection or who has a conflict of interest, including those nominated for the award and those related to faculty nominated for the award; any such replacement shall be selected from the constituency represented by that member. Each committee member is required to notify the FA President of a potential conflict of interest or inability to fully participate before the committee is convened. The FA President shall appoint a committee member to convene the Committee which will elect its own chairperson.
Selection by the University Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will choose the award winners through a secret ballot vote. The Selection Committee will make the award decisions based only upon the Nominee Materials that accompany the forwarded nominations. The Committee shall make its decisions solely on the basis of the nominees' merits and without consideration for other factors such as departmental affiliation, professional rank of present nominees, or past award winners. In-person or electronic vote is acceptable
The Committee does have the prerogative not to recommend three winners for the award if, in the members' judgments, the nominee pool does not contain three individuals whose accomplishments merit an Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award.
It will be the responsibility of the University Selection Committee chairperson to notify by letter any nominees who have not been selected after the committee has concluded its deliberations. The Chairperson of the University Selection Committee will also send a letter via the FA to the Office of Academic Affairs identifying the three winners of the Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Awards. Winners of the Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award shall be notified by a letter from the President of the FA. Formal recognition of winners shall occur at Convocation.
Outstanding Faculty Service Award
The University of North Florida recognizes faculty members who perform meritoriously in service to the University, the community, and their profession, with a special emphasis on service to the University. To that end, Outstanding Faculty Service Awards shall be given annually in recognition of excellence in service.
The award winners each will receive an honorarium of $2,500, distributed by electronic transfer, and a commemorative plaque. Awards will be presented at Convocation and electronic transfer made near that date. The award is funded by the UNF Foundation; the Foundation reserves the right not to provide the monetary award to any winner who is not a UNF employee at the time of Convocation.
Any full-time member or permanent part-time member of the University of North Florida faculty who has four years of regular employment at the University is eligible to be considered for an Outstanding Faculty Service Award. Time served in visiting and adjunct positions does not count toward eligibility. No winner of an Outstanding Faculty Service Award shall be eligible to win another Outstanding Faculty Service Award until the fifth year following the receipt of the last award (for instance, if you won an award in 2019-20 or more recently, then you are ineligible to apply for the 2024-25 award). Faculty who have won this award twice or who have won the Distinguished Professor Award are ineligible for this award. The President of the Faculty Association (FA) or a member of the FA staff shall, in cooperation with the Deans of the respective Colleges, confirm the eligibility of each nominee.
Any person within the University community (students, alumni, faculty, staff, or administrators) may nominate a faculty member for this award. It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that their nomination is delivered prior to the deadline. The call for nominations will be distributed by the President of the FA through appropriate channels including distribution to faculty, students, and student government.
The FA President or a member of the FA staff shall keep a list of all nominees and their eligibility determination and, after the close of nominations, shall send a letter of confirmation of the nomination and eligibility determination to each nominee and their chair. Nominees are asked not to forward any application materials to the FA office until they receive a letter from the FA President or a member of the FA staff confirming their eligibility.
Nominee Materials
The nominees will have four weeks from the date of notification to email all required application materials to the FA Executive Secretary, Beverly Lee: beverly.lee@unf.edu. Nominees must consolidate all the application materials into a single PDF file which must be attached to their email.
Each candidate will be invited to submit the following materials as well as a completed and signed Application Checklist and Statement of Accuracy. The Statement of Accuracy will serve as the first page of the submitted application.
Nominees who submit materials that do not meet these guidelines will not be considered further.
Application Checklist/Statement of Accuracy
- Your application materials are arranged in the following order and do not exceed 9 pages.
- Signed "Statement of Accuracy" (one page)
- CV (five pages)
- Summary and Discussion of Service Accomplishments (three pages)
- Your Curriculum Vitae is a maximum of five pages and includes educational background, current position at UNF, other awards received for service, and a succinct listing of service activities accomplished while at UNF.
- Your summary and discussion of service narrative is a maximum of three pages and describes what you feel are your most significant service activities to the University, community, and/or profession.
- If you have not won the award, then you have included accomplishments occurring during your entire career at UNF.
- You have used standard margins (1-inch or 1.25-inch) and 11 or 12-point font for all materials presented in application, single or double-spaced.
Statement of Accuracy: I, (applicant's name), confirm that my submitted application meets all of the application's requirements. I understand that if my application does not meet the requirements, it will not be reviewed. I also hereby attest to the accuracy of the information contained in this application.
The FA President or a member of the FA staff will collect all PDF copies of the completed nominee materials and forward the materials of those deemed eligible to the University Selection Committee.
OFSA Application Checklist and Statement of Accuracy (Word)
University Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will consist of one elected representative from each of the colleges. Committee members shall not serve on more than one of the FA Awards Committees each year. The FA President shall replace by appointment any member of the committee who cannot participate fully in the selection or who has a conflict of interest, including those nominated for the award and those related to faculty nominated for the award; any such replacement shall be selected from the constituency represented by that member. Each committee member is required to notify the FA President of a potential conflict of interest or inability to fully participate before the committee is convened. The FA President shall appoint a committee member to convene the Committee which will elect its own Chairperson.
Selection by the University Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will choose the award winners through a secret ballot vote. The Selection Committee will make the award decisions based only upon the Nominee Materials that accompany the forwarded nominations. The Committee shall make its decisions solely on the basis of the nominees' merits and without consideration for other factors such as departmental affiliation, professional rank of present nominees, or past award winners. In-person or electronic vote is acceptable.
The Committee does have the prerogative not to recommend two winners for the award if, in the members' judgments, the nominee pool does not contain two individuals whose accomplishments merit an Outstanding Faculty Service Award.
It will be the responsibility of the University Selection Committee chairperson to notify by letter any nominees who have not been selected after the committee has concluded its deliberations. The Chairperson of the University Selection Committee will also send a letter via the FA to the Office of Academic Affairs identifying the two winners of the Outstanding Faculty Service Awards. Winners of the Outstanding Faculty Service Awards shall be notified by a letter from the President of the FA. Formal recognition of winners shall occur at Convocation.
Outstanding Faculty Community Engaged Scholarship Award
The University of North Florida recognizes faculty members who perform meritoriously in the area of Community Engaged Scholarship. To that end, the Outstanding Faculty Community Engaged Scholarship Award shall be given annually in recognition of excellence in Community Engaged Scholarship.
The award winner will receive an honorarium of $2,500 and a commemorative plaque. Awards will be presented at Convocation. The award is funded by the Center for Community-Based Learning. The Center for Community-Based Learning reserves the right not to provide the monetary award to any winner who is not a UNF employee at the time of Convocation.
Any full-time or permanent part-time tenured or tenure-track member of the faculty is eligible to be considered for the Outstanding Faculty Community Engaged Scholarship Award. No Community Engaged Scholarship awardee shall be eligible for another Outstanding Faculty Community Engaged Scholarship Award until the fifth year following recognition of the receipt of the last award (for instance, if you won an award in 2019-20 or more recently, then you are ineligible to apply for the 2024-25 award). Faculty who have won this award twice or who have won the Distinguished Professor Award are ineligible for this award. The President of the Faculty Association (FA) or a member of the FA staff shall, in cooperation with the Deans of the respective Colleges, confirm the eligibility of each nominee.
Any person within the University community (students, alumni, faculty, staff, or administrators) may nominate a faculty member for this award. It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that their nomination is delivered prior to the deadline. The call for nominations will be distributed by the President of the FA through appropriate channels including distribution to faculty, students, and student government.
The FA President or a member of the FA staff shall keep a list of all nominees and their eligibility determination and, after the close of nominations, shall send a letter of confirmation of the nomination and eligibility determination to each nominee and their chair. Nominees are asked not to forward any application materials to the FA office until they receive a letter from the FA President or a member of the FA staff confirming their eligibility.
Nominee Materials
Nominees will have four weeks from the date of notification of nomination to email all required application materials, including a statement affirming the accuracy of the content, to the FA Executive Secretary, Beverly Lee: beverly.lee@unf.edu. Nominees must consolidate all the application materials into a single PDF file which should be attached to the email.
Each candidate will be invited to submit the following materials as well as a completed and signed Application Checklist and Statement of Accuracy. The Statement of Accuracy will serve as the first page of the submitted application.
Nominees who submit materials that do not meet these guidelines will not be considered further.
Application Checklist/Statement of Accuracy
- Your application materials are arranged in the following order.
- Signed "Statement of Accuracy" (one page)
- CV (five pages)
- Summary and Discussion of Scholarly Impacts (three pages)
- Letter(s) of support from community representatives (encouraged, but not required)
- Your Curriculum Vitae is a maximum of five pages and includes educational background, current position at UNF, other awards received for community engaged scholarship, and a succinct listing of scholarly accomplishments, especially those related to your community engaged scholarship
- Your summary and discussion of scholarship narrative is a maximum of three pages and describes what you feel are your most significant community engaged scholarship activities.
- If you have not won the award, then you have included accomplishments occurring during your entire career at UNF.
- You have used standard margins (1-inch or 1.25-inch) and 11 or 12-point font for all materials presented in application, single or double-spaced.
Statement of Accuracy: I, (applicant's name), confirm that my submitted application meets all of the application's requirements. I understand that if my application does not meet the requirements, it will not be reviewed. I also hereby attest to the accuracy of the information contained in this application.
The FA President or a member of the FA staff will collect all PDF copies of the completed nominee materials and forward the materials of those deemed eligible to the University Selection Committee.
OFCESA Application Checklist and Statement of Accuracy (Word)
University Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will consist of one elected representative from each of the five colleges, and one additional faculty member who will be recommended by the Director of the Center for Community Based-Learning. Committee members shall not serve on more than one of the FA Awards Committees each year. The FA President shall replace by appointment any member of the committee who cannot participate fully in the selection or who has a conflict of interest, including those nominated for the award and those related to faculty nominated for the award; any such replacement shall be selected from the constituency represented by that member. Each committee member is required to notify the FA President of a potential conflict of interest or inability to fully participate before the committee is convened. The FA President shall appoint a committee member to convene the Committee which will elect its own Chairperson.
Selection by the University Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will choose the award winners through a secret ballot vote. The Selection Committee will make the award decisions based only upon the Nominee Materials that accompany the forwarded nominations. The Committee shall make its decisions solely on the basis of the nominees' merits and without consideration for other factors such as departmental affiliation, professional rank of present nominees, or past award winners. In-person or electronic vote is acceptable.
The Committee has the prerogative not to recommend any nominee for the award if, in the members' judgments, the nominee pool does not contain individuals whose accomplishments deserve the Outstanding Faculty Community Engaged Scholarship Award.
It will be the responsibility of the University Selection Committee chairperson to notify by letter any nominees who have not been selected after the committee has concluded its deliberations. The Chairperson of the University Selection Committee will also send a letter via the FA to the Office of Academic Affairs and the Center for Community Based Learning identifying the one (1) winner of the Outstanding Faculty Community Engaged Scholarship Award. Winners of the award shall be notified by a letter from the President of the FA. Formal recognition of winners shall occur at Convocation.
Community-engaged scholarship is an approach to the research process that brings together scientific inquiry and critical analysis with community-identified needs. The award recognizes those whose work with community partners has produced generalize knowledge and has had an impact on the field and the community.
Outstanding Adjunct Teaching Award
The University of North Florida recognizes the importance of adjunct faculty who perform meritoriously in teaching. To that end, Outstanding Adjunct Teaching Awards shall be given annually in recognition of excellence in teaching by adjunct faculty.
The award winners each will receive an honorarium of $1,000, distributed by electronic transfer, and a commemorative plaque. Awards will be presented at Convocation and electronic transfer made near that date. The awards are funded by Academic Affairs. Academic Affairs reserves the right to not provide the monetary award to any winner who is not a UNF employee at the time of Convocation.
Any member of the UNF adjunct teaching faculty or clinical adjunct with classroom responsibilities, who has held a faculty appointment as an adjunct instructor or clinical supervisor for at least one semester during each of the two previous years at UNF (since Fall of 2022, including summer), and who has taught at least two course sections during that time, is eligible to be nominated for these awards. Clinical Supervision does not equate to course instruction for the purpose of this award. Former full-time UNF faculty are not eligible for this award. No winner of an Outstanding Adjunct Teaching Award shall be eligible to win another Outstanding Adjunct Teaching Award until the fifth year following receipt of the last award (for instance, if you won an award in 2019-20 or more recently, then you are ineligible to apply for the 2024-25 award). Faculty who have won this award twice are ineligible for this award. The President of the Faculty Association (FA) or a member of the FA staff shall, in cooperation with the Deans of the respective Colleges, confirm the eligibility of each nominee.
Any person within the University community (students, alumni, faculty, staff, or administrators) may nominate an adjunct faculty member for these awards. It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure that their nomination is delivered prior to the deadline. The call for nominations will be distributed by the President of the FA through appropriate channels including distribution to faculty, students, student government, and the Graduate Student Organization.
The President of the FA or a member of the FA staff shall keep a list of all nominees and their eligibility determination and, after the close of nominations, shall send a letter of confirmation of the nomination and eligibility determination to each nominee and their chair. Nominees are asked not to forward any application materials to the FA office until they receive a letter from the FA President or a member of the FA staff confirming their eligibility.
Nominee Materials
The nominees have four weeks from the date of notification to email all required application materials to the FA Executive Secretary, Beverly Lee: beverly.lee@unf.edu. Nominees must consolidate all the application materials into a single PDF file which must be attached to the email.
Each candidate will be invited to submit the following materials as well as a completed and signed Application Checklist and Statement of Accuracy. The Statement of Accuracy will serve as the first page of the submitted application.
Nominees who submit materials that do not meet these guidelines will not be considered further.
Application Checklist/Statement of Accuracy
- Your application materials are arranged in the following order and do not exceed 8 pages.
- Signed "Statement of Accuracy" (one page)
- CV (five pages)
- List of courses (one page)
- Discussion (one page)
- Your Curriculum Vitae is a maximum of five pages and consists of teaching accomplishments and any scholarship and/or service directly related to your teaching.
- Your list of courses taught is presented on a single page. The list contains course number, course name, number of credit hours, and student enrollment. Summer can be included here.
- Your teaching narrative is a maximum of one page and provides a discussion of your teaching philosophy and most significant teaching accomplishments.
- Your application materials do not include ISQ raw data, course syllabi, handouts, teaching evaluations, or other appendices. However, summaries of ISQ results may be included in the narrative.
- If you have not won the award, then you have included accomplishments occurring during your entire career at UNF. If you have won the award, then you have only included accomplishments occurring since the last award.
- You have used standard margins (1-inch or 1.25 inch) and 11 or 12-point font for all materials presented in application, single or double-spaced.
Statement of Accuracy: I, (applicant's name), confirm that my submitted application meets all of the application's requirements. I understand that if my application does not meet the requirements, it will not be reviewed. I also hereby attest to the accuracy of the information contained in this application.
The FA President or a member of the FA staff will collect all PDF copies of the completed nominee materials and forward the materials the Adjunct Teaching Award Selection Committee.
OATA Application Checklist and Statement of Accuracy (Word)
Adjunct Teaching Award Selection Committee
The Adjunct Teaching Award Selection Committee will consist of eight members of the Adjunct Affairs Committee. Committee members shall not serve on more than one of the FA Awards Committees each year. The FA President shall replace by appointment any member of the committee who cannot participate fully in the selection or who has a conflict of interest, including those related to faculty nominated for the award; any such replacement shall be selected from the constituency represented by that member. Each committee member is required to notify the FA President of a potential conflict of interest or inability to fully participate before the committee is convened.
Selection by the Adjunct Teaching Award Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will choose the award winners through a secret ballot vote. The Committee will make its award decisions based only upon the Nominee Materials that accompany the forwarded nominations. The Committee shall make its decisions solely on the basis of the nominee's merits, and without consideration for other such factors as departmental or college affiliation of present nominees or past award winners. In-person or electronic vote is acceptable.
The Committee does have the prerogative not to recommend four winners for the award if, in the members' judgments, the nominee pool does not contain four individuals whose accomplishments merit an Outstanding Adjunct Teaching Award.
It will be the responsibility of the Adjunct Teaching Award Selection Committee Chairperson to notify by letter any finalists who have not been selected after the committee has concluded its deliberations. The Chairperson of the Adjunct Teaching Award Selection Committee will also send a letter via the FA to the Office of Academic Affairs identifying the four winners of the Outstanding Adjunct Teaching Awards. Formal recognition of winners shall occur at Convocation.