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Brooks College of Health

Background Checks

A background check will be required of all students both undergraduate and graduate, who will be participating in field experiences as part of their educational program. The background check will be required prior to the field experience. These field experiences include, but are not necessarily limited to: internships, clinical experiences, or other types of experiential learning either directly involving or in agencies serving children, the elderly, patients, or other vulnerable populations. In addition, students interested in enrolling in programs that do not require these experiences during the undergraduate program, but whose programs lead to licensing/certification examinations and/or post-graduate internships that would require a background check prior to the examination or post-graduate internship should also be aware of the information below.

The background check shall be completed:

  1. annually for students in programs including these types of experiences each year of the program of study;
  2. in the semester immediately preceding the experience for students in those programs including these experiences as a final or capstone experience.

NOTE: To meet Brooks College's contractual obligation to the agencies in which students are placed, the background check must be done through a vendor sanctioned by the College and using the application format for the students' particular program.

The mechanism for obtaining the background check will be explained by faculty/program leader/coordinator at the time the check is required.

Information revealed by a background check may:

  1. preclude participation in required field experiences. Inability to participate in required field experiences will jeopardize successful completion of the program.
  2. jeopardize sitting for required post-graduate national examinations for licensure and/or certification and/or post-graduate internships.

Students with questions regarding what may appear on their background check, should contact the Chair of the Department/School housing the program in which they want to enroll, prior to enrollment.