Payment Information
How to Pay
Students may pay tuition and fees by check, money order or cashier's check in the Student Financial Services Office Hicks Hall, Building 53/Room 1100, by mail or by the drop box located outside of the Student Financial Services Office.
Students may pay online with an e-check or credit card on the myWings web portal only. Enter your bank routing number and account number (please verify the routing and account numbers before continuing). Returned e-checks may be assessed as a service charge and a late payment fee if restitution is not remitted by the close of business on the payment due date
Please note: payments for tuition must be received in our office by the published payment deadline to be considered on time. Postmarks are not accepted. Payments placed in the drop box after the close of business will be assessed a $100 late payment fee.
Payment methods
What payment methods to you accept in the office?
Payments can be made in person the Student Financial Services Office by check, money order or cashier's check. PLEASE NOTE: the office does not accept cash payments. Please obtain a money order or cashier's check, put your student ID on the front of the payment and place in the drop box located outside the building to the left of the main door.
Note: We do not accept international checks. We do not accept starter checks or checks that do not have the account holder's name and address imprinted on the check.
We do not take debit or credit card payments at the Student Financial Services Office nor can we take payments over the phone.
The Student Financial Services Office is located in Hicks Hall, Building 53. Our lobby hours are 8:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Hours may vary during add/drop and other peak times.
What payment methods do you accept online via myWings?
You can pay online via myWings, using a debit or credit card. You may not pay your bill in person at the Student Financial Services Office using any debit or credit card. A valid charge that is paid with a credit card and disputed with the credit card company will result in the suspension of credit card privileges and a late payment fee of $100 will be assessed.
Domestic credit cards have a 2.85 percent and international credit cards have a 4.25 percent non-refundable convenience fee based on the amount charged for use of debit/credit cards for online payments.
You may also pay your account online using your checking account. Click the link to ''My Bill, enter the bank routing and account numbers (please verify for accuracy before continuing). There is no convenience fee for paying by e-check. However, if payment is returned by your bank, you may be assessed a returned check bank fee and/or a late payment fee.
I can't get to the office by the time you close. Do you have a drop box?
The Student Financial Services Office has a night drop box located outside the Student Financial Services Office. Payment may be made by checks, cashier's checks or money orders. To ensure proper processing, please include the UNF student ID number, driver's license number of the check holder and phone number on the front of the check. Checks must be made out for the correct amount to be considered on time. Please do not put cash in the drop box. -
Can my parent pay my bill online?
If you have set up a parent PIN for your parent, they can go directly to CASHNet using their PIN and password to pay your bill.
Can I mail my payment?
Students may send in payment by mail. Checks need to be made payable to The University of North Florida (UNF). Payment must be received in our office on or before the published payment deadline; postmarks are not accepted. Students must include their UNF student ID number, name, address, telephone number and check holder's driver's license number on the front of the check.
Mail to:
Controller's Office
1 UNF Drive, Hicks Hall Building 53
Jacksonville, Florida 32224
Can I wire the funds directly into the university's bank account?
You may wire funds directly to the University's bank account for the amount due on your student account.
As a security measure and in keeping with recommended banking practices, the University of North Florida is unable to accept wire transfer payments in excess of the balance due on an account. Overpayments received via wire transfer will be wired back to the originating account (sender). Where the intent is to provide a student with funds for personal expenses, those should be wired directly to the student's local bank account.
The amount wired should not exceed the balance due to the University on a student’s account. Wires sent must be on a per semester basis, as we are not able to hold these funds for longer than one term. This balance includes tuition and fees, room and board, and health insurance. Amounts for personal expenses should be wired directly to the student’s local bank account.
Funds in excess of the outstanding balance will be returned to the sender.
On the wire description please include:
- Student’s name,
- Student’s ID number (N#),
- Semester
- Description: “tuition payment,” “balance on account,” “Fall Housing,” “Spring ELP”, etc.
If this information is not included the monies will be returned to the sender. Without this information it is difficult to determine the correct student to credit.
For further instruction regarding wiring funds for tuition and housing payments, please contact the Treasury Department at the email or:
Michael Neglia -
904-620-2923 Michelle Rancharan -
904-620-2932 Sherri Charles -
Returned Checks
My check was returned by my bank. What is the university's policy on returned checks?
A returned check charge is assessed against a student's account that has a check or e-check returned unpaid by the bank to The University of North Florida for any reason (insufficient funds, closed account, stop payment, bank account coding error, etc.). A fee based on the amount of the check will be assessed to the student's account pursuant to Florida Statute 832.07 (1).. In addition if the returned check or e-check was payment for tuition, there will be an additional $100 late payment fee assessed if restitution is not made by the payment deadline.
PLEASE NOTE: Students will not be dropped from classes.
According to the State Attorney's Office, it is against the law for any person to knowingly write a check if there are not sufficient funds on deposit with which to pay the check. Intent to defraud is presumed when any check is dishonored due to a closed account. When a check is dishonored due to the lack of funds in the account, the writer of the check must pay the holder the amount of the check, in addition to required service charges. Restitution in full must be received within seven days after receiving written notice from the holder, or else intent to defraud will be presumed. This includes electronic checks as well.
All future payments for the next year to the University must be made with money order a cashier's check, or online with a credit card; the office does not accept cash payments. Students will be notified via e-mail if there is a dishonored check. Please contact us at
(904) 620-2422 regarding issues related to returned checks.
What to Pay
When you log into My Bill, the amount due will display. You may have 2 separate amounts--one for the term charges that will include tuition, fees, meal membership, bookstore charges, housing, parking, child care and more. The second amount (if applicable) will indicate any fees and fines (such as library, parking, housing fines). If you have federal financial aid (such as PELL, loans, SEOG) they cannot pay any surcharges, late fees or fines, per federal regulations.
Bright Futures and Florida Prepaid are based on the number of credit hours you are enrolled and will need to be adjusted if you add or drop classes. However, they will not be adjusted immediately; it is an overnight process so to ensure you are aware of the changes you will need to review your account frequently.
Florida Bright Futures Academic Scholarship pays 100% of applicable tuition and fees, totaling $207.73/hour and the Medallion Scholarship pays 75% of applicable tuition and fees for a total of $155.79/hour.
Florida Prepaid tuition only plan pays $117.08/hour and the tuition and local fee plan pays $160.77/hour.
According to Federal Title IV policy, financial aid may only pay the current year fees unless we have a prior authorization on file to allow us to pay your prior year charges up to $200. Please complete the Financial Aid Authorization Form via myWings/student self service/online forms if you owe prior year fees you must pay and would like us to deduct those from your current financial aid--this does not include any tuition surcharges, late fees or fines.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. Refer to housing's website or contact them by phone at