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Brooks College of Health

Nursing, Prelicensure (BSN)

Begin Your Future in Nursing:
Transform Lives and Communities

This track is designed for students who want to prepare for a career in nursing while earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). Entry to this track begins at no earlier than 60 semester hours completed and is also open to post-baccalaureate candidates seeking a second baccalaureate degree.  Upon graduation from the program, students will sit for the NCLEX-RN licensing exam.

Embark on Your Nursing Career - Apply Today!

Three nursing students with a cadaver on a nursing bed

Exploring UNF MedNexus Simulation Center

Step into the innovative world of healthcare education with this video created by UNF's Nursing, Prelicensure (BSN) students. Learn how the UNF MedNexus Simulation Center is shaping the future of nursing through hands-on training, cutting-edge technology, and collaborative learning.

This community project showcases the student experience in a state-of-the-art environment that bridges the gap between classroom learning and real-world healthcare. Whether you're a prospective student, healthcare professional, or curious viewer, this is your chance to see how UNF is leading the way in healthcare innovation!

🌐 Learn more about UNF MedNexus

Admissions and Curriculum


The Nursing Prelicensure BSN admits each semester (spring, summer, & fall).  Effective for Spring 2025, the School of Nursing will admit the first 50% of available seats for each admission period based on a priority BSN prerequisite coursework GPA of at least 3.60; those applicants who meet the minimum requirements, but not the priority prerequisite GPA requirement will be waitlisted and notified of the program's decision after the deadline.  Please see our Frequently Asked Questions for more details. 

Note:  Due to upcoming curricular changes to the "Regular Prelicensure BSN" and "Accelerated Prelicensure BSN" tracks, which will become "Prelicensure BSN," admission to the Accelerated Prelicensure BSN track will not be available after the Spring 2025 term.  Instead, all individuals are encouraged to apply under the Prelicensure BSN track for Summer 2025 and beyond.  Those who already made application to the Accelerated Prelicensure BSN track for Summer 2025 will be contacted regarding how and by when to update their applications, if so desired.


The curriculum provides a strong scientific base of study with a diversity of clinical experiences and unique opportunities to work with vulnerable and under-served populations. The curriculum is community-based in that it supports engagement with the community throughout the nursing major by nurturing and building relationships with community agencies consistently over time through an innovative home-basing of students in a designated community for the entire length of their nursing program. Furthermore, the curriculum also provides a strong foundation for graduate study in nursing.

The School of Nursing recently received approval for revisions to this degree track, which include layout and curricular updates.  The new version will begin for those entering in Fall 2025 under the "Prelicensure BSN" track name.  Questions regarding the proposed program revisions are welcome.

Two types of courses make up the nursing curriculum: professional courses and clinical/laboratory courses. Clinical/laboratory courses are distinguished by the C or L that follows the course number. The nursing curriculum is a full-time course of study and follows a specific sequence.

Program of Study

Hands holding a clip board icon


graduation cap surrounded by leaves icon

Financial Aid

hand holding a coin

Academic Calendar

graphic calendar

Contact Us

Dr. Beth A. Dibble

Assistant Director of Admissions: Nursing Programs