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Brooks College of Health

Nursing, Accelerated Prelicensure (BSN)

Fast Track Your Future in Nursing
with UNF's Accelerated BSN Track

This track is for those already holding a baccalaureate degree in another field of study who want to prepare for a career in nursing while earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). The Accelerated Prelicensure track is concentrated and can be completed in four (4) consecutive semesters of full-time study, or about 15 months. Upon graduation from the program, students will sit for the NCLEX-RN licensing exam. This track is designed for those who will possess a baccalaureate degree in another field before entering.

Note:  Due to upcoming curricular changes in the Fall 2025 semester, admission to this track is not available after the Spring 2025 term.  Instead, individuals are encouraged to apply under the Prelicensure BSN track for Summer 2025 and beyond.  The program of study listed under the Prelicensure BSN webpage will be updated around the middle of the Summer 2025 term.  Interested individuals are encouraged to contact Dr. Beth Dibble at regarding the recently approved new layout.

Accelerate Your Nursing Career

Two UNF nursing students studying

Admissions and Curriculum


Note:  Due to upcoming curricular changes in the Fall 2025 semester, admission to this track is not available after the Spring 2025 term.  Instead, individuals are encouraged to apply under the Prelicensure BSN track for Summer 2025 and beyond.  The program of study listed under the Prelicensure BSN webpage will be updated around the middle of the Summer 2025 term.  Interested individuals are encouraged to contact Dr. Beth Dibble at regarding the recently approved new layout.


The curriculum provides a strong scientific base of study with a diversity of clinical experiences and unique opportunities to work with vulnerable and under-served populations. The curriculum is community-based in that it supports engagement with the community throughout the nursing major by nurturing and building relationships with community agencies consistently over time through an innovative home-basing of students in a designated community for the entire length of their nursing program.

Two types of courses make up the nursing curriculum: professional courses and clinical/laboratory courses. Clinical/laboratory courses are distinguished by the C or L that follows the course number. Clinical courses will carry a 1:4 credit-to-contact hour ratio. The nursing curriculum is a full-time course of study and follows a specific sequence.

Program of Study

Hands holding a clip board icon


graduation cap surrounded by leaves icon

Financial Aid

hand holding a coin

Academic Calendar

graphic calendar

  • Course Descriptions
    For course descriptions and course searches please view the UNF Course Catalog.
  • Academic Learning Compact
    Visit the Office of Institutional Effectiveness website to view the Nursing Academic Learning Compact.
  • Accreditation

    The baccalaureate degree, master's degree, and Doctor of Nursing Practice degree programs and the post-graduate APRN certificate at the University of North Florida are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, (202) 887-6791.

    The UNF Nurse Anesthesiology Program is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA) of Nurse Anesthesia Education Programs, which may be reached at 222 South Prospect Avenue, Park Ridge, IL 60068 or at (847) 692-7050.

    The University of North Florida is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate, masters, and doctorate degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097 or call (404) 679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of the University of North Florida.

    Individual contact to the Commission on Colleges about the University of North Florida accreditation status should occur only if there is evidence that appears to support significant noncompliance with a requirement or standard.

  • Important Dates
    We encourage all students to view the Important Dates website.

Contact Us

Dr. Beth A. Dibble

Assistant Director of Admissions: Nursing Programs