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University Planning and Budget

Budget FAQs

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Contact your divisional or college budget officer with any additional questions or reach out to the University Planning and Budget staff at

To see more information and FAQs on additional Workday topics, please visit the Workday FAQ page.

  • What is the Foundation Data Model?

    The Foundation Data Model (FDM) is the financial structure used by Workday to capture budgets, financial transactions,  and facilitate retrieval of information and financial reporting. 
    There is one FDM that encompasses values for all UNF and Direct Support Organization (DSO) companies. 

    The FDM is made up of the following elements also known as segments or Worktags:

    1. Company
    2. Key
    3. Division
    4. Fund
    5. Cost Center (CC)
    6. Program
    7. Designation
    8. Gift
    9. Grant
    10. Project
    11. Ledger Account

    To learn more about the FDM, visit the Workday Operations FAQ Page.

  • Budget Structures

    A budget structure is a set of budget control parameters that determine the type of budget, what worktags it can include, and how the plan can be used. There are separate structures for different types of budgets.

    Operating Budget
    This is the primary budget structure for UNF. It is a detailed budget down to the ledger account. Most every time you run a report or do a budget transaction, you will be using the Operating Budget.

    Control Budget
    The control budget is derived from the Operating Budget. The control budget shows the high-level ledger account summaries such as Total Operating Expenses and will not show a ledger account level of detail.

    Other Budget Structures

    • Position Budget
      • Position Rate & Benefits
    • Gift Budget
      • Foundation Accounts
    • Award Budget
      • ORSP Contracts & Grants
    • Project Budget
      • Construction Projects
  • Budget Types

    Budget Types or Budget Amendment Types indicate the length of impact of each budget or budget amendment.

    Original Budget
    An initial budget or an amendment to the budget that is part of the original budget load. Acts as permanent budget. The original budget amendment type should only be used by the central budget office.

    Permanent Budget
    A budget or amendment to the budget that impacts current and future fiscal year budgets. Recurring Budget Allocations would be a Permanent Budget Amendment.

    Temporary Budget
    An amendment to the budget that impacts the current fiscal year’s budget only. 
    Most budget amendments submitted by end users will be temporary budget amendments.

  • Ledger Types

    Ledger Types categorize transactions according to how they impact the budget. These types will often appear as separate columns on our budget reports.

    Year-to-date transactions. These transactions have actually happened. Examples include payments that have been paid to a supplier, or revenue that has actually been received.

    Contractual obligation to pay a supplier for goods or services. These funds are encumbered (held aside) so that funding is guaranteed to be available once that invoice comes in and needs to be paid.

    The step before a fully executed contractual obligation. These funds are pre-encumbered and held aside so funding is guaranteed to be available for the encumbrance, and later, the invoice.

  • Reserved Journals

    Reserved Journals are pending documents not yet fully routed through the approval process. Reserved Journals will be included on Budget Reports and for Budget Checking purposes.

  • Budget Check
    When transactions are submitted on keys within the UNF company, they will go through a process called budget check. This will ensure there is enough available budget on the selected funding source to complete the transaction. Payroll transactions do not go through budget check.
  • Budget Check Failure

    When a transaction fails Budget Check, that means that there was not enough available budget to complete the transaction as requested. Budget Check Status on the Document will say “Fail.”

    Next, the Budget Check Override Request Task will pop up in the transaction initiator’s inbox providing options to resolve the budget check failure. First, amend the budget if applicable or edit the document to fall within the available budget.

  • Request Budget Override
    If you are not able to resolve the budget failure with the other options and you have an extenuating circumstance where a budget override is warranted, you will check the ‘request override’ box and attach relevant commentary and documentation explaining and justifying why you need the budget check override. The budget check override will route to the Divisional Budget Officer for confirmation, and then to University Budget for final approval. Grant transactions will go to ORSP instead of central budget.
  • What budget reports should I use in Workday?

    The main budget reports we will be using are the reports that compare budget plans to our actual outcomes. All the UNF Budget to Actuals reports are intended for use only with the Operating Budget Structure. There are three main versions available for use:

    UNF Budget to Actuals
    This is the standard version of the Budget to Actuals Reports. This report is presented by Ledger Account Summary and you can drill down to individual ledger accounts.

    UNF Budget to Actuals by Cost Center and Designation
    This version of the report is presented by Cost Center Hierarchy, and you can drill down to individual Cost Centers and Designations within the Cost Center.

    UNF Budget to Actuals - Detail
    This version of the report is presented as a list of all individual ledger accounts within the selected funding source(s).

  • Cost Center Manager Dashboard
    The Cost Center Manager Dashboard is a landing page for the budget tasks and reports you will want to keep on hand. There are tabs for your relevant budget overview reports for Operating, Gift, and Award Budgets. There is a tab to show you a list of Keys in your Cost Center(s), and a tab for Position Budget Information. The Cost Center Manager Dashboard can be added as an App in your Workday Menu.
  • Are there any additional budget reporting tools outside of Workday?
    More details coming soon - stay tuned!
  • Who do I contact if I need help with budget reports or have an idea for a new budget report?
    If you have questions about existing budget reports or have an idea for a new budget or planning report that would be helpful for you, please contact the University Planning & Budget office at
  • What is a position budget?

    A Position Budget in Workday represents the budgeted compensation and fringe amounts for an individual position. Position Budgets are part of the Position Restriction and only exist for budgeted positions. Position budgets exist for filled and vacant positions. They are budgeted on a fiscal year basis. Position budgets should align with a filled position's annual salary plus fringe benefits percentage. 

    Position Budgets can be amended by the University Planning & Budget Office. 

    There are ledger accounts specific to position budget that indicates what type of rate is on the position.

    Account   Name Rate Type
    771003 E&G Rate E&G Funded Recurring Rate
    771004 Temporary Rate   Temporary/Unbudgeted Rate
    771005 Non-E&G Rate Non-E&G Funded Recurring Rate
    771006 Fringe Benefits Fringe Budget based on Annual Fringe Factors
    771040 E&G Rate Holding   E&G Funded Recurring Rate
  • How do I request a new position number?

    In Workday, position numbers are not smart-numbered like they are in Banner. So we no longer have the concept of requesting a new position number due to a different funding source type. If you need to request a brand new position in Workday, use the task called 'Create Position.' This task is only used for budgeted positions which in Workday are called Position Management type positions. For OPS lines, you will not use the 'Create Position' task. They will be assigned a position number upon hire.

    From that task, you will be able to identify the details of the position and submit your request which will then route for approval. This process will be the same for staff and faculty positions.

    When you submit a Create Position request, please indicate in the comments how the position will be funded.

  • What does E&G stand for?

    E&G is Education & General funding which comes from the state. 

    See the definition in the Data Cookbook.

  • How to I plan for additional expenses throughout the year that are not yet in Workday?
    Soon after Workday Go Live, we will begin configuring and rolling out Workday Adaptive Planning. We hope this solution will give us many more options for planning for additional expenses and many more potential scenarios.
  • How do I request additional E&G money?
    Submit a Recurring Request in the budget development cycle for the new fiscal year. The request forms can be found on the Budget Development Resources page and are collected during the Budget Development season each year (typically January to March). Completed request forms should be submitted to your Divisional Budget Officer who will forward the request on to the University Planning and Budget Office if approved by the division.
  • What happens if I am not able to use all my E&G funding by the end of the fiscal year?
    Departments are not able to keep any unused budgeted amounts to use in the next fiscal year. If you need to make any additional purchases, please ensure the charges come through or complete any contracts or purchase order processes and approvals before the fiscal year-end deadlines. If you need to request additional funding to use in a future fiscal year, be sure to go through the additional E&G funding request process in the Budget Development cycle.

Additional Assistance

Your divisional budget officer or college budget officer is a great starting place for you if you have questions about your budget. But, the University Planning and Budget staff is always here to help as well!

Please see our Contact Us page for a breakdown of who is responsible for different budgetary functions, or email with any questions and they will be routed to the appropriate person.