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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Self-Study Report Overview

Office of Institutional Effectiveness will prepare and pre-populate the Self-Study Report (SSR) template. Specifically, the SSR will contain the program mission statement as it appears in Nuventive Platform and some data produced from Institutional Research will be presented within the template. Additionally, a set of appendices will be prepared for you. The appendices include ALC or GALC data from Nuventive Platform and several data charts prepared by Institutional Research (e.g., Degree Productivity).

Accredited Programs

Programs with discipline accreditation must also complete the program review process. The accreditation review serves as the external review of the program.

The Self-Study Report (SSR) template and appendices will be prepared for the program. The accreditation self-study document, follow-up materials, and correspondence from the accrediting body with information about the accreditation review must be submitted to Chadwick Lockley in the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.

When completing the program review SSR, if the item was addressed in the accreditation self-study then you have two options: 

  1. identify where in the accreditation self-study document the information can be found (e.g., volume, page #, section); or 
  2. copy and paste the information from the accreditation self-study document into the program review SSR. There will be some items that were not addressed by the accreditation review (e.g., SUS Limited Access status) that will need to be addressed in the SSR.

Self-Study, Regulations and Policies Resources