Special Admissions and Selective Admission
Special Admissions Status
In accordance with Board of Governors regulation 8.013 Specialized Admissions Status, an undergraduate program may be approved for special admissions status for one or more of the following reasons:
- Lack of available resources (e.g., space, facilities, clinical facilities, faculty)
- Demonstration of minimum skills – audition or portfolio submission
- Higher GPA requirements than normal admission requirements
- Upper-level FTE enrollment exceeded
Whenever an academic unit makes a decision to pursue special admissions status, the Specialized Admissions Status Request form must be completed and electronically submitted to Chadwick Lockley, Director of Institutional Effectiveness. Upon receipt, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) will review the request. If approved, OIE will submit the request to the OIE Committee of the Board of Trustees for consideration. If approved, the request will be submitted for a full vote by the Board of Trustees. Upon approval, OIE will submit the request to the Florida Board of Governors for consideration.
Selective Admission
As noted in Board of Governors regulation 8.013(1)(e), in the case of programs for which prerequisite courses are required for admission, the prerequisites, and grades for the prerequisite courses determined acceptable by the program, by themselves, will not cause a program to be declared selective admission. Therefore, UNF policy 2.0370P outlines the procedure by which a program may be declared to have selective admission.
If a unit wishes to pursue selective admission, contact Chadwick Lockley, Director of Institutional Effectiveness for guidance with the process.