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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Degree Program Requirements

All Programs

A new program may require substantive change approval by SACSCOC if the program represents a significant departure, either in content or method of delivery, from those that were offered when the institution was last evaluated.  Please speak with Chadwick Lockley, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, to determine if SACSCOC notification and/or approval is required for a new degree program.

Undergraduate Programs 

Undergraduate degree programs must adhere to the state mandates listed below. 

Specialized Admissions

Pursuant to Florida Board of Governors (BOG) regulation 8.013 Specialized Admissions the BOG shall establish criteria for assigning limited access status to an educational program and a process for the periodic review of such programs so that the University can determine the need for retention or removal of limited access status. 

120 Hour Rule

Pursuant to Florida Statute 1007.25 and BOG Regulation 8.014 Bachelors' Degree Exceptions to 120 Credit Hours Requirement, a baccalaureate degree program shall require no more than 120 semester hours of college credit, including 36 semester hours of general education coursework, unless prior approval has been granted by the Board of Governors.

Common Prerequisites

Pursuant to Florida Statute 1007.25 and BOG Regulation 8.010 Common Prerequisites, common degree program prerequisites shall be offered and accepted by all state universities and community colleges, except in cases approved by the State Board of Education for community colleges or the Board of Governors for state universities.  Further information about common prerequisites and how to alter them can be found on the Florida Shines web site. Once on the site, choose the Counselors and Educators tab and then select the Common Prerequisite Manual from the Advising Manuals section.  

Graduate Programs

Graduate degree programs must adhere to the following UNF policies.

Graduate Program Independent Learning

Graduate programs must provide opportunities for students to pursue independent scholarly/research engagement and/or appropriate professional preparation experiences.

Graduate Program Course Level

All graduate and post-baccalaureate professional degree programs shall include only courses at the 5000 level and above. This does not include (1) prerequisites, (2) minors, (3) teacher certification add-on programs, or (4) field-based coursework connected to teacher certification programs.

The Graduate School web site contains valuable information and resources for faculty developing new degree proposals.