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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Transportation & Logistics Bachelor of Business Administration

Program Mission Statement

The Transportation and Logistics Flagship Program shares with the University of North Florida and the Coggin College of Business its fundamental mission of providing a first-rate quality education. In its specific role, the Program fosters the intellectual growth of students within a nationally competitive Program of Distinction and is a leading source of the creation and dissemination of knowledge in the areas of logistics and supply chain management.

Through excellence in teaching, scholarship, and professional service, our faculty engage individually and together with students to deliver an exemplary curriculum and student experience which emphasizes the discovery and application of knowledge.

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates will be able:

Content/Discipline-Specific Knowledge/Skills

• Students will acquire knowledge in the major functional areas of business (accounting, economics, management, finance, marketing, and quantitative business analysis) and understand the interrelationships among them.

• Students will demonstrate a foundational knowledge in the principles of transportation and logistics.

Communication Skills

• Students will communicate effectively in both oral and written formats

Critical Thinking Skills

• Students will identify and reconcile ethical issues in decision making.

Assessment Approaches

The Coggin College of Business operates a college-wide strategy to assess its learning outcomes. Each of the programs of study (housed in 4 departments) has adopted a common set of learning outcomes, which links to the university's three broad learning categories. While each of these objectives is differentially emphasized in the various programs of study, they are common to the core body of knowledge provided to all students majoring in any sub-field of business.

In addition, each major of study has its own discipline-specific learning outcome that evaluates the mastery of knowledge that is unique to the particular field of study within business. Direct measures of assessment are used to evaluate student learning and include standardized tests and course embedded essays, presentations, and assignments. These direct measures of achievement are supplemented by indirect measures of assessment such as graduating senior exit surveys. The college utilizes a multi-year time horizon to assess alternating objectives. This time horizon corresponds to the AACSB (re)accreditation cycle.