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Innovative Therapeutics Development Grant

Transforming Cancer Research

UNF is pioneering the use of peptoids for early cancer diagnosis and treatment, focusing on proteins called protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs). These proteins, when overproduced, activate cancer genes. This research aims to "turn off" cancer cells by targeting these proteins.

The UNF team includes:

  • Dr. Bryan Knuckley: Chair and Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Dr. Corey Causey: Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Dr. Fatima Rehman: Associate Lecturer, Department of Biology

Dr. Knuckley initiated this research in 2012, leading the development of these peptoid compounds. Dr. Causey created the building blocks for these compounds, while Dr. Rehman tested their efficacy in human cells. 

This dynamic team is advancing cancer research and have secured a U.S. patent for a novel cancer-fighting compound. This peptoid-based compound targets specific breast, colon, and lung cancers, halting their progression and offering new hope for patients.

Support from MedNexus will enable the team to conduct further testing and explore the mechanisms through which these peptoids kill cancer cells. A second patent for the specific compounds is currently pending.

Dr. Bryan Knuckley in the lab setting

Dr. Fatima Rehman in the lab setting

Dr. Corey Causey in the lab setting