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Office of Undergraduate Research

Make an Appointment

The Office of Undergraduate Research offers personalized research consultations to undergraduate students across all majors. Consultations cover topics such as how to get started in undergraduate research, identifying potential faculty mentors, and funding, publishing, and presenting opportunities. You can view the O.U.R. team's bios before making your appointment. Please follow the instructions below when scheduling your appointment.


 Make an appointment with Dr. Ochrietor       Make an appointment with Kaitlyn 

How to Prepare for a Research Consultation

  • Schedule your consultation via Bookings
  • Identify your research interests and professional and academic goals, including why you want to do research and how participating in research will help you reach those goals
  • Think about how much time you can commit to research
  • Review the UNF faculty bio pages 
  • Bring your laptop, tablet, or notebook to the appointment (and a pen!)