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Office of Undergraduate Research

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will I receive confirmation once I submit my grant application?

    Yes, correctly-submitted grant applications will receive email confirmation of receipt. If you do not receive such confirmation, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Research at 

  • When will I find out if my grant application was successful?

    Grant applications go through several stages of review and approval before funding is awarded. The O.U.R. will be happy to respond to student inquiries about grant application status, particularly if the process is taking longer than expected. Please email us at

  • Will I be awarded the amount for which I asked?

    The Office of Undergraduate Research receives a high volume of grant applications, and thus cannot always award the requested amount. Undergraduate researchers can receive up to $1500 in funding, and their faculty mentors are eligible to receive $500. Compelling, well-written and supported, carefully-detailed applications are more likely to be awarded the requested amount, subject to available funds and the competitiveness of other grant applications. If your application has been approved for funding at an amount less than you requested, you may choose to decline the award in writing. You may apply again during the next application cycle in the hope that the full amount will be funded. 

  • How will I receive the funds?

    Funds awarded will be dispersed to the home department. 

  • Will I receive feedback about my grant? Will I see my scores from the reviewers?

    An important part of writing a grant application is learning from reviewer feedback. All applicants will receive comments from faculty reviewers. 

  • If my grant isn't funded can I reapply next semester?

    Yes. We recommend using the feedback you received from the reviewers to make your grant application stronger. You may also work with the Office of Undergraduate Research staff or the Writing Center to improve your grant application.