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Cascade CMS

AMP Test Schedule

First of the Month

Test Name Department/Division AMP Report Link
Cascade - Brand - monthly President's Office Brand
Cascade - Compliance - monthly President's Office Compliance Office
Cascade - Fast Facts - monthly President's Office Fast Facts
Cascade - General Counsel - monthly President's Office Office of General Counsel
Cascade - Gov Relations - monthly President's Office Government Relations
Cascade - Internal Audit - monthly President's Office Internal Audit
Cascade - Marcom - monthly President's Office Marketing and Communications
Cascade - Newsroom - monthly President's Office Newsroom
Cascade - President - monthly President's Office President's Office
Cascade - Regulations - monthly President's Office Regulations and Policies
Cascade - Strategic Plan - quarterly President's Office Strategic Plan
Cascade - UNF MedNexus - monthly President's Office UNF Mednexus
Cascade - OIE - monthly President's Office Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Cascade - Trustees - monthly President's Office Board of Trustees
Cascade - Homecoming - quarterly UDAE Homecoming
Cascade - UDAE - monthly UDAE University Development and Alumni Engagement
Cascade - CCEC - monthly ASA College of Computing, Engineering and Construction

Fifth of the Month

Test Name Department/Division AMP Report Link
Cascade - Preschool - monthly ASA UNF Preschool
Cascade - Provost - monthly ASA Office of the Provost
Cascade - OCT - monthly ASA On Campus Transition
Cascade - Brooks - monthly ASA Brooks College of Health
Cascade - COEHS - monthly ASA College of Education and Human Services
Cascade - Coggin - monthly ASA Coggin College of Business
Cascade - COAS - monthly ASA College of Arts and Sciences
Cascade - SAC ASA Student Accessibility Center
Cascade - MSE - monthly ASA Materials Science and Engineering
Cascade - fintech - monthly ASA Fintech
Cascade - Smart Center - monthly ASA Smart Center

Tenth of the Month

Test Name Department/Division AMP Report Link
Cascade - Admissions - monthly ASA - Enrollment Office of Admissions
Cascade - Apply - monthly ASA - Enrollment Apply to UNF
Cascade - Enrollment - monthly ASA - Enrollment Office of Enrollment Services
Cascade - Financial Aid - monthly ASA - Enrollment Office of Student Financial Aid
Cascade - OneStop - monthly ASA - Enrollment One-Stop Student Services
Cascade - Orientation - monthly ASA - Enrollment New Student Orientation
Cascade - Records - monthly ASA - Enrollment Records and Registration
Cascade - Residency - monthly ASA - Enrollment Residency Processing
Cascade - Scholarships - monthly ASA - Enrollment Financial Aid and Scholarships
Cascade - Welcome Center - monthly ASA - Enrollment Welcome Center
Cascade - Family Weekend - monthly ASA - Enrollment Family Weekend
Cascade - Commencement - monthly2 ASA Commencement
Cascade - Parents - monthly ASA UNF Parents Hub
Cascade - Grad School - monthly ASA The Graduate School
Cascade - Online - monthly ASA UNF Online
Cascade - Hicks - monthly ASA Hicks Honor College
Cascade - Library - monthly ASA Thomas G. Carpenter Library
Cascade - PLL ASA Professional and Lifelong Learning

Fifteenth of the Month

Test Name Department/Division AMP Report Link
Cascade - Army ROTC ASA Army ROTC
Cascade - ELP ASA ELP (English Language Program)
Cascade - Housing ASA Housing
Cascade-International Center ASA International Center
Cascade - MVRC - monthly ASA MVRC (Military & Veterans Resource Center)
Cascade-Dean of Students ASA Dean of Students
Cascade-Student Life ASA Student Life
Cascade - Fallen Ospreys - monthly ASA Fallen Ospreys
Cascade - WOW - monthly ASA Week Of Welcome
Cascade-Ombuds ASA Student Ombuds
Cascade-Student Media ASA Student Media
Cascade - Student Union ASA Student Union
Cascade-Fraternity-Sorority ASA Fraternity Sorority
Cascade-Student Government ASA SG (Student Government)
Cascade-Taylor Leadership ASA Taylor Leadership Institute
Cascade - Recwell - monthly ASA Recwell (Recreation and Wellness)
FOUNDATION - monthly UDAE Foundation

Twentieth of the Month

Test Name Department/Division AMP Report Link
Cascade-Campus Planning ANF Campus Planning
Cascade - Coronavirus - monthly ANF Coronavirus
Cascade-Emergency ANF Emergency
Cascade-Fine Arts Center ANF Fine Arts Center
Cascade-Treasury ANF Treasury
Cascade-University Center ANF University Center
Cascade-UPD ANF UPD (University Police Department)
Cascade-Parking ANF Parking
Cascade-ITS ANF ITS (Information Technology Services)
Cascade - Camps - monthly ANF Camps
Cascade-DSO Accounting ANF DSO Accounting
Cascade - ADA - monthly ANF ADA Compliance
Cascade - Business Services - monthly ANF Business Services
Cascade - CPDT - monthly ANF Center for Professional Development and Training
Cascade - EOI - monthly ANF Equal Opportunity and Inclusion
Cascade-EHS ANF EHS (Environmental Health and Safety)
Cascade - Physical Facilities - monthly ANF Physical Facilities
Cascade - Botanical Garden- monthly ANF Botanical Garden
Cascade-Planning and Budget ANF Planning and Budget
Cascade-Title IX ANF Title IX
Cascade-AnF ANF ANF (Administration and Finance)
Cascade-Controller ANF Controller
Cascade-Procurement Services ANF Procurement (Procurement Services)
Cascade - CEROC - monthly Committee Compliance, Ethics and Risk Oversight
Cascade - DPC - monthly Committee Digital Presence Committee
Cascade - Visual Identity - monthly Committee Visual Identity Committee
Cascade-CleryActCommittee Committee Clery Act Committee
Cascade - Space Committee - monthly Committee Space Committee
Cascade - Student Fee - monthly Committee Student Fee Committee
Cascade - Bookstore Council - monthly Committee Bookstore Council
Cascade - Food Services Advisory - monthly Committee Food Services Advisory
Cascade - Sustainability - monthly Committee Sustainability
Cascade - AAFSA - monthly Committee AAFSA (The African American Faculty and Staff Association)
Cascade - DL Committee - monthly Committee Distance Learning Committee
APA - monthly Committee APA (Administrative and Professional Association)
Cascade - UNFFA - monthly Committee UNFFA (UNF Faculty Association)
Cascade - USPA - monthly Committee USPA (University Support Personnel Association)

Twenty-fifth of the Month

Test Name Department/Division AMP Report Link
Cascade-Community Engagement ASA Community Engagement
Cascade-Career Services ASA Career Services
Cascade-SRER ASA SRER (Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnic Relations)
Cascade-MOTH ASA Movies on the House
Cascade - IERE - monthly ASA Environmental Center
Cascade-Faculty Excellence ASA OFE (Office of Faculty Enhancement)
Cascade-Research Week ASA Research Week
Cascade-UGStudies ASA UG Studies (Undergraduate Studies)
Cascade-Undergraduate Research ASA OUR (Office of Undergraduate Research)
Cascade - Pavers - monthly ASA Pavers
Cascade - IR - monthly ASA IR (Office of Institutional Research and Assessment)
Cascade - Academic Advising - monthly ASA Academic Advising
Cascade - ASA - monthly ASA Academic and Student Affairs
Cascade-DHI ASA DHI (Digital Humanities Institute)
Cascade- Explearn - monthly ASA Experiential Learning
Cascade-Gallery ASA Gallery (UNF Gallery of Art)
Faculty Excellence and Academic Engagement ASA FEAE (Faculty Excellence and Academic Engagement Association)
Cascade- OSLCE - monthly ASA Office of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement