TERI Publications & Conference Proceedings
Members of the Taylor Engineering Research Institute are engaged in a variety of collaborative research activities revolving around the core interest of coastal and water resources engineering.
Some examples of recent works include:
Moghimi, S., Özkan-Haller, H. T., Akan, C., and Jurisa, J. (2019). Mechanistic analysis of the wave-current interaction in the plume region of a partially mixed tidal inlet. Ocean Modell., in press, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2018.12.003
Branch, R., Horner-Devine, A., Akan, C., Chickadel, C., Farquharson, G., Hudson, A., Talke, S. A., Thomson, J., and Jessup, A., (2018). Airborne Lidar measurements and model simulations of tides, waves, and surface slope at the mouth of the Columbia River. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 56, 12,
Akan, C., McWilliams, J. C., Özkan-Haller, H. T., and Moghimi, S. (2018). Frontal dynamics at the Mouth of the Columbia River. Ocean Modell, 122, 1-22, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.12.001
McWilliams, J.C., Akan, C., and Uchiyama, Y., (2018). Robustness of Surf Vortices. J. Fluid Mech., 50, R2, 850. https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2018.510.
Uchiyama, Y., McWilliams, J. C., and Akan, C. (2017). Three-dimensional transient wavedriven currents: Low-frequency variability in alongshore and rip currents. J. Geophys. Res., 122,
Akan, C., Moghimi, S., Osborne, J., Özkan-Haller, H. T., and Kurapov, A. (2017). On the dynamics of Mouth of the Columbia River: Results from a three-dimensional fully coupled wave-current interaction model. J. Geophys. Res., 122,
Smyth, R., Akan, C., Neale, P., and Tejada-Martínez, A. E., (2017). Time dependent modeling of vertical mixing and photosynthesis in the Ross Sea Polynya. J. Geophys. Res., 122,
Sinha, N., Tejada-Martínez, A. E., Akan, C., and Grosch, C. E., (2015). A K-profile parameterization of Langmuir turbulence in shallow coastal shelves. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45,
Akan, C., Tejada-Martínez, A. E., Grosch, C. E., and Martinat, G., (2013). Scalar transport in large eddy simulation of Langmuir turbulence in shallow water. Cont. Shelf Res., 55, 1-16, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2012.12.009.
DR. RAPHAEL CROWLEY(* denotes a UNF student co-author)
Crowley, R., Davies, M.*, Ellis, T.N., Hudyma, N., Ammons, P.*, and Matemu, C.* (2019). Microbial induced calcite precipitation of dune sand using a surface spray technique. Accepted for Geo-Congress 2019, Philadelphia, PA, March 24-27.
Brown, C.J., Crowley, R., and Hudyma, N., (2019). Geo-hydro forensic investigation of an earthen dam failure. Accepted for Geo-Congress 2019, Philadelphia, PA, March 24-27.
Davies, M.*, Crowley, R., Ellis, T.N., Hudyma, N., Ammons, P.*, Matemu, C.*, Wasman, S., Yahaya, Ford, J., and Zimmerman, A.R. (2019). Microbiologically induced calcite precipitation using surfactants for the improvement of organic soil. Accepted for Geo-Congress 2019, Philadelphia, PA, March 24-27.
Crowley, R., Robeck, C., and Dompe, P. (2018). A three-dimensional computational analysis of bridges subjected to monochromatic wave attack. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 79 (2018), 76-93.
Brown, C. and Crowley, R.(2018). United states bureau of reclamation type IX baffled chute spillways, a new examination of accepted design methodology using CFD and Monte-Carlo simulations, part I. 3rd International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences.
Crowley, R., Hudyma, N., Landon, M., Sharma, R., Akan, C., Brown, C.J., Dally, W.R., and Song, X. (2018). An assessment of hydraulic damages in northeast Florida from Hurricane Irma. National Hydraulic Engineering Conference, Columbus, OH, August 28-31.
Fuller, J.*, Brown, C., and Crowley, R.(2017). Performance-based maintenance contracting in Florida: an evaluation by surveys, statistics, and content analysis. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 144 (2), DOI:
Crowley, R., Bloomquist, D., Konn, V., Faraone, Z., and Pasken, K. (2016). The large-scale soil box: a new device for testing the performance of buried pipe. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 39 (1), 126-136.
Crowley, R.(2015). Computational modeling of a hurricane wave's slamming force. 6thAnnual Scholars Transforming Academic Research Symposium (STARS), University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL.
Crowley, R., Robeck, C., and Thieke, R. J. (2014). Computer modeling of bed material shear stresses in piston-type erosion rate testing devices. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 140 (1), 24-34.
Crowley, R., Bloomquist, D., and Sheppard, D.M. (2013). Investigation of erosion rates of field samples using FDOT's enhanced sediment erosion rate flume (SERF). Final Report No. BDK75 977-53, Florida Department of Transportation, Tallahassee, FL.
DR. WILLIAM DALLY(* denotes a UNF student co-author)
Dally, W.R.and Osiecki, D.A, (2018). Evaluating the impacts of beach nourishment on surfing: Surf City, Long Beach Island, New Jersey. J. of Coastal Research, 34(4), 793-805. https://doi.org/10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-17-00162.1.
Burnette, C.* and Dally, W.R., (2018). The longshore transport enigma and analysis of a 10-year record of wind-driven nearshore currents. J. of Coastal Research, 34(1), 26-41. https://doi.org/10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-17-00010.1.
Dally, W.R., (2018). Comparison of a mid-shelf wave hindcast to ADCP-measured directional spectra and their transformation to shallow water. Coastal Engineering, 131, 12-30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2017.10.009.
Dally, W.R.,(2018). Oblique breakwaters for multi-purpose beach recreation and shore protection. 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, July 30-Aug.3, Baltimore, MD.
Dally, W.R., Bacopoulos, P., Craveiro, B.L. and Kefelegn, H.*, (2018). Measurement and modeling of cross-channel structure of flows in a tidal inlet. In reviewto Coastal Engineering.
Montoya, L.H.* and Dally, W.R.,(2016). Analysis of a 10-year record of nearshore directional wave spectra and implications to littoral processes research and engineering practice. J. of Coastal Research, 32(5),
Burnette, C.*, and Dally, W.R., (2016). The role of wind in longshore transport. 29thAnnual National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, February 3-5, Jacksonville, FL.
Todaro, G.*, and Dally, W.R., (2016). Development of a hydrodynamics-based index for coastal storm severity. 29thAnnual National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, February 3-5, Jacksonville, FL.
Dally, W.R., Cox, A.T., and Burnette, C.*, (2015). Comparison of a deepwater hindcast to directional wave spectra measured with an ADCP. 14th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting and 5th Coastal Hazards Symposium, Nov. 8-13, Key West, FL.
Montoya, L.H.* and Dally, W.R., (2015). Analysis of a 10-year nearshore wave data base and its implications to littoral processes. 28th Annual National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, February 4-6, Sand Key, FL.
Bacopoulos, P., Hagen, S.C., Cox, A.T., Dally, W.R., and Bratos, S.M., (2012). Observation and simulation of winds and hydrodynamics in St. Johns and Nassau rivers. J. of Hydrology, 420-421(1), 391-402.
Bacopoulos, P., Dally, W. R., Hagen, S. C., and Cox, A. T., (2012). Observations and simulation of winds, surge, and currents on Florida's east coast during Hurricane Jeanne (2004). Coastal Engineering, 60, 84-94.
DR. DON RESIO(* denotes a UNF student co-author)
Ardağ, D.* and D.T. Resio, (in press, 2019). Inconsistent spectral evolution in operational wave models due to inaccurate specification of nonlinear interactions. J. of Phys. Oceanography, https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/phoc/49/3/jpo-d-17-0162.1.xml.
Resio, D.T., Powell, N.J., Cialone, M., Das, H.S., and J.J. Westerink, (2017). Quantifying impacts of forecast uncertainties on predited storm surges. Natural Hazards: Jounal of the Intl Society for the Preventionand Mitigation of Natural Hazards, Springer, v88(3), pp
Resio, D.T., (2017). Evolution of wave spectra in shallow water. 1st Workshop on Waves,Storm Surges and Coastal Hazards(Incorporating the 15th International Wave Workshop), September 10-15, 2017, Liverpool, U.K.
Resio, D.T., Vincent, C.L., and Ardağ, D.*, (2016). Characteristics of directional wave spectra and implications for detail-balanced wave modeling. Ocean Modell., 103, pp. 38-52.
Irish, J.L., R. Weiss, and D.T.Resio, (2016). Physical Characteristics of Coastal Hazards. Springer Handbook of Ocean Engineering (M.Dhanakand N.Xiros,eds.), SpringerDordrechtHeidelberg Press, New York, NY,pp549-562.
Resio, D.T., Tumeo, M.A.,and J.L. Irish, (2016). StatisticalCharacterizationof Hazards and Risk in Coastal Areas. Springer Handbook of Ocean Engineering (M.Dhanakand N.Xiros,eds.) SpringerDordrechtHeidelberg Press, New York, NY,pp567-593.
Resio D.T.and J.L. Irish, (2015). Tropical Cyclone Surge Risk, Curr Clim Change Rep, 1, 74-84.
Resio, D.T., (2015). Physics and Statistics of Extreme Events. 14th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting & 5th Coastal Hazard Symposium. November 8-13, 2015, Key West, Florida.
Resio, D.T., Irish, J.L, Westerink, J.J., and N.J. Powell, (2013). The effect of uncertainty on estimates of hurricane surge hazards, Nat Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069-012-0315-1.
Irish, J.L. and D.T. Resio, (2013). Method for Estimating Future Hurricane Flood Probabilities and Associated Uncertainty, ASCE J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engr. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000157.
Perrie, W., Toulany, B., Resio, D.T., Roland, A., and J.P. Auclair, (2013). A two-scale approximation for wave-wave interactions in an operational wave model. Ocean Modell., 70, 38-51.
Kerr, P.C., Westerink, J.J., Dietrich, J.C., Martyr, R.C., Tanaka, S., Resio, D.T., Smith, J.M., Westerink, J.J., Westerink, L.G., Wamsley, T., Van Ledden, W., and W. De Jong, (2013). Surge generation mechanisms in the lower Mississippi River and discharge dependency. J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engr., ASCE, 139, 326 - 335.
Resio, D.T., T.V. Wamsley, M.A. Cialone, and T.C. Massey, (2012). The estimation of very-low probability hurricane storm surges for design and licensing of nuclear power plants in coastal areas, NUREG/CR-7134.