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MSERF offers a variety of materials characterization and testing methodologies, giving users the ability to explore the structure-processing-property relationships of materials. Our partnerships with Tescan, Oxford, and Shimadzu afford a variety of materials, characterization methods, and techniques.

AMBER FIB-SEM scanning electron microscope..  

The Tescan Amber Focused Ion Beam (FIB) SEM is a scanning electron microscope equipped with a second column in the form of a focused ion beam, capable of milling away precise region of samples.  Typical applications for the FIB-SEM include lamellae prep for TEM analysis and 3-dimensional reconstruction through serial sectioning methods.  The Amber FIB-SEM in MSERF is equipped with a Ga ion beam, a STEM detector, and OXFORD EBSD and EDS for chemical and crystallographic analysis.

Mira 300 Machine  

The Tescan MIRA3 is a scanning electron microscope capable of extreme magnification, thanks to the field emitter used as the source of electrons.  This microscope is equipped with an extra-large sample chamber and X-Y-Z tilting/rotating stage that can hold up to 18 pounds. The microscope features advanced imaging capabilities such as in lens detectors for SE and BSE, Low Energy BSE, Inflight Beam Tracing, Beam Deceleration, and a host of measurement and topographic assessment capabilities. In addition, the MIRA3 is equipped with Oxford EDS and EBSD for elemental analysis, phase ID, x-ray mapping and crystallographic characterization. 

Vega 3 Machine  

The Tescan VEGA3 is a scanning electron microscope with a tungsten filament electron source and variable pressure operation mode making it ideal for high magnification analysis of conductive and non-conductive specimens. The VEGA3, like all Tescan SEM’s features unique wide-field optics and In-Flight Beam Tracing. The VEGA3 is also equipped with Oxford EDS for elemental analysis and X-ray Mapping. 


Oxford EDS machine and software  

Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) provides elemental and chemical analysis by analyzing the x-rays produced in the electron microscope. Coupling the Oxford X-Max, liquid nitrogen-free detectors with Oxford’s Aztec software platform allows the SEM user to study the presence of different elements and chemical species, map their layout in the microstructure and perform semi-quantitative composition analysis. Oxford EDS is available on the  VEGA3,  MIRA3, and AMBER FIB electron microscopes.

Oxford WDS Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy  

Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy (WDS) in conjunction with EDS allows precise quantitative analysis of composition.  Elements can be quantified with 0.2 at% accuracy, on elements ranging from beryllium and up.  This method is the gold standard for diffusion analysis, resolving overlapping peaks from EDS and determination of phase diagrams.  The Aztec Wave EDS is available on the MIRA 3 FE-SEM.  

Oxford EBSD Machine and Software  

Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) is a technique that uses the elastic scattering of the electron beam in the SEM to produce characteristic diffraction patterns, unique to each crystal type. Using the NordlysNano high-speed, high special resolution camera, combined with sophisticated pattern recognition algorithms, the Oxford EBSD system can identify and map polycrystalline crystal orientation to determine a number of material properties and processing factors. Oxford EBSD is available on the   MIRA3  and AMBER FIB  electron microscopes.

Keyence VHX 6000
Keyence VHX Machine  

The Keyence VHX 6000 is a digital optical microscope and surface mapping instrument. Imaging and surface mapping can be performed from 20-2000X magnifications and stitched over large surface area. The Keyence focus stacking technology produces crisp focused optical images far beyond the capability of standard stereo-optical microscopes. Coupled with Keyence’s feature identification and image processing software, this instrument yields fast results for quality inspections and general dimensional assessment.

Keyence VK-X1000
Keyence VK X Machine  

The Keyence VK-X1000 is a laser scanning microscope capable of imaging and surface mapping in excess of 18,000X magnification. Unparalleled resolution in the optical imaging and surface mapping category makes this unique instrument a bridge between conventional optical microscopy and SEM. Keyence’s image process software further enhances this versatile research tool.

SPM 9700 - AFM
spm9700 Machine  

The Shimadzu SPM 9700 is a unique scanning probe microscope offering contact, dynamic, phase, Lateral Force, Force Modulation, Magnetic Force, Current and Surface Potential observation modes. Its subnanometer resolution makes it an indispensable tool for characterization of atomic-scale phenomena across all research disciplines. 

DSC 60 / TGA 50
DSG TGA Machine  

The Shimadzu DSC/TGA pair of instruments are used to determine the minute energy and mass changes of materials over a range of temperatures. Phenomena such as melting points, solid-state phase transformation, oxidation, and sublimation are all determined to a high level of precision with these complimentary instruments. The two share the same workstation and Shimadzu operational software to ensure correlation and compatibility of data.

XRD 6100
xrd6100 Machine  

The Shimadzu XRD 6100 is an X-ray diffractometer used for determination of amorphous versus crystalline content, identification of crystal structure, degree of lattice strain and presence of lattice shift from alloying. This XRD exhibits high spatial resolution at fast collection rates.

AIM 9000
AIM9000 Machine  

The Shimadzu AIM 9000 infrared microscope is a correlative instrument that allows optical microscopy to be correlated in real-time with FTIR spectroscopy to permit chemical mapping of specimens. With a best-in-class signal to noise ratio, the AIM 9000 can obtain fully indexed spectra from extremely small contaminants or microconstituents.

UV3600 Machine  

The Shimadzu UV3600 is a first of its kind, three-detector spectroscopic analyzer capable of gathering data from the ultraviolet through the near infrared wavelengths at unprecedented resolution and accuracy. This device has a wide range of characterization of optical and EM properties for applications ranging from semiconductors and photovoltaic cells to nanomaterials. 

Horiba Xplora PLUS - Raman Microscope
Horiba Xplora plus Raman Microscope  

Incorporating unique and powerful functions in a reliable, high-performance system, ideally suited to the research and analytical lab. Using fully confocal topics with uncompromising image quality, spatial and depth resolution, The SWIFT Fast Raman images are the fastest fully confocal Raman images available, typically 10x faster than conventional Raman imaging. Multiple laser wavelengths are available.

LCMS 9030 Q TOF Machine  

The Shimadzu LCMS-9030 quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) mass spectrometer integrates the world's fastest and most sensitive quadrupole technology with TOF capabilities for accurate mass measurement. The LCMS-9030 provides superior sensitivity for quantitative and qualitative analysis of samples over a wide concentration range, including ultra-trace compounds. Patented technologies ensure high resolution and excellent mass measurement accuracy (MMA), supporting structure elucidation and identification of unknown compounds. High throughput is achieved with Shimadzu's unique acceleration technologies designed for high-speed data acquisition.

MALDI Mini Machine  

With its unique Digital Ion Trap (DIT) technology, along with the innovative design of the laser optics, sample stage, and vacuum exhaust system, drastically reduces the size of this device without compromising its capabilities. Sample and matrix are simply spotted on the sample plate, dried, and loaded into the instrument. Analysis can begin in as little as five minutes. This fast, simple setup enables users to conduct and repeat even in-depth structural analyses in a short time span. In addition to measuring micro-quantity samples with the MALDI-MS, it can be used for complex structural analysis. 

MALDI 7090
Maldi 7090 machine  

The MALDI-7090 is targeted for proteomics and tissue imaging, providing the ultimate performance in identifying and structuralizing biomolecules. MultiPlex maximizes the efficient use of the MALDI-7090 through the integrated ten plate loader, the 2 kHz ultra-fast UV laser, and the MALDI Solutions™ multi-user environment software. Consisting of unique wide-bore extraction optics, the MALDI-7090 ion optics are designed to maximize ion transmission and minimize source contamination over time while delivering true 2kHz acquisition speed in all modes. In addition, MALDI-7090 delivers high-quality full HD color images of the sample with 10µm viewing resolution, software-controlled variable focus, and long-life LED illumination. 

Nikon Epiphot TME
Nikon one Piphot Machine  

The Epiphot is an inverted light metallograph, which is a specialty optical microscope for examining the microstructure of polished material specimens. Optical features include polarization and filtering to optimize contrast of resolved features and an automated z-focus to create EDOF images. The Epiphot is equipped with a Nikon DS-U3 Digital Camera and interfaced with Nikon Elements image processing software. This combination of hardware and software enables users to analyze particle sizes, phase distributions and determine grain size.  

AGS-X 50kN
AGS-X machine  

The Shimadzu AGS-X is a 50 kN tabletop universal mechanical tester used to determine the mechanical properties of almost any material. Either using tension or compression, the AGX measures load response from a state of the art, high-resolution load cell or the sophisticated video extensometer, producing stress/train curves and toughness data from a range of sample sizes and geometries. Equipped with an optional environmental chamber, we can analyze materials behavior in different environmental conditions by varying atmosphere and temperatures. 

ez-lx machine  

The Shimadzu EZ-LX is a 5 kN tabletop universal mechanical tester used to determine the mechanical properties of soft materials and small components. Either using tension or compression, the EZ-LX measures load response from a state of the art, high-resolution load cell, producing stress/train curves and toughness data from a range of sample sizes and geometries. 

HMV 300 machine and software  

The Shimadzu HMV-G-FA is a fully automated microhardness tester. This device correlates microscopic imaging with a materials property tester that presses a small indent into the surface of the sample. The result is determination of hardness properties on small components and in precise locations. The integrated software gathers a post indent image to automatically calculate the material hardness, taking the guesswork and human error out of the equation. The FA model is fully automated, meaning it can optically “recognize” parts based on their geometry and gather data from a pattern of indents, using a mechanical stage all on its own.

SEM Sample Coating
SEM Sample Coater machine  

MSERF is equipped with both Carbon evaporation and Gold sputter coating capability for producing conductive coatings on samples for electron microscopy. Both Cressington coaters (108 and 108C) operate in manual or automated setup and are equipped with a rotary-planetary-tilting stage to ensure even, shadow-free coatings.

Thermolyne VTF
Thermolyne VFT Machine  

The Thermolyne Vacuum Tube Furnace is a small benchtop furnace equipped with vacuum and atmospheric control for long term heat treatment. The furnace operates from a range for 200 to 1600 Centigrade and is programmable for various temperature holds and heat treating profiles. 

Tech Cut 4
Tech Cut Saw machine  

The Allied High Tech TechCut 4 is a precision low-speed saw used for sectioning smaller components. The blade’s cutting surface is continually immersed in a cutting fluid reservoir, keeping the cutting surface free of debris, while cooling the blade. The position of the saw is adjustable with a micrometer, allowing the most precise parallel cutting to be performed. 

Tech Cut 5
Tech Cut 5 Machine  

The TechCut 5x™ precision high-speed saw is a versatile, programmable machine designed to cut a wide variety and size of materials. It automatically sections materials at high speeds, increasing sample throughput. The PLC-based system controls sample feed rate, distance and force.

MetPrep 3 with Power Head
MetPrep 3 Machine  

The allied High Tech Metprep 3 is a metallographic sample polisher equipped with a Power Head autopolishing unit. The nature of electron and high resolution spectroscopic/diffraction methods employed in MSERF demand precisely polished, flat samples to achieve the best results. This semi-automated unit capable of both grinding and polishing produces consistently flat, uniformly polished specimens that could take hours and produce inferior results if prepared manually. MSERF is equipped with manual grinders and polishers as well, to meet lower volume or specialty needs. 

Vibromet II
Vibromet Machine  

The Beuhler Vibromet II is the gold standard in fine sample polishing, and often the final step prior to microscopic analysis. The 7200 Cycles per minute horizontal motion creates exceptional flatness with far less deformation than the prior polishing steps. This final step is critical for high resolution electron microscopy and EBSD analysis. 

TIC 3X Ion Mill
TIC 3X Machine  

The Leica Ion mill uses ionized argon gas to slowly polish the surface of materials in preparation for highly surface sensitive research methods. Ion milling is typically the gold standard for final sample prepration for EBSD and SPM analysis. Multiple stages and modalities make this tool functional for a variety of sample types.