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Brooks College of Health

Prevention, Early-Intervention, Resiliency through Counseling & Holistic Health

OspreyPERCH provides necessary community mental health continuum components to support and enhance UNF’s existing Counseling Center & Student Health Services. OspreyPERCH offers help that inspires Hope and supports all students. The “PERCH” is a place to land especially for those Osprey’s who are struggling with mental, emotional, behavioral health, conduct or academic issues. This #UniquelyUNF service-learning program combines UNF interprofessional academic resources from the Brooks College of Health to address campus wide mental and physical health and wellness needs. PERCH provides Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) Student Counselors, Social Work Interns and Graduate Student Interns in Nutrition & Dietetics and Exercise Science working in faculty created intervention programs with clinical faculty supervisors using a model of primary, secondary and tertiary intervention in a fun, engaging and clinically sound method of meeting the students where they are both figuratively and literally. PERCH providers are embedded in student service departments where students live, work, plan and already seek help.


Prevention and Early Intervention ImagePrevention & Early

Perch Services example of two people talkingAssessment & Counseling

Animal Group Therapy SessionsResiliency Based & Whole
Health Focused

OspreyPERCH Program Contact Information

Dr. Carlene Taylor, LMHC-s, ESMHL, ERYT-200
Instructor & Director
OspreyPERCH & AAI in Healthcare Initiatives
Nemours Children’s Speciality Clinic ADAPT Team


Referral Information
PERCH Cell: (904) 716-0602
Office Phone: (904) 620-5716