UNF, Jacksonville Zoo host visiting Scottish scholar Josep Call lecture ‘What makes us human’
The University of North Florida’s College of Arts and Sciences and the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens will host a free and open-to-the-public lecture about new evolving research on animal and human cognition.
Dr. Josep Call, distinguished visiting speaker and professor in evolutionary origins of mind from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, will discuss “What Makes Us Human” from 6 to 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 25, at the Adam W. Herbert University Center.
In his talk, Call will examine Darwin's original ideas against the backdrop provided by modern research on animal cognition and use this evidence to discuss our assumptions and draw conclusions about what distinguishes us as human.
Register by visiting the UNF Foundation webpage or for more information, contact the COAS Development Team at COASGiving@unf.edu.