UNF hosts ‘The Quiet Epidemic’ Lyme Disease documentary screening
The Florida Lyme Disease Association, Project Lyme, University of North Florida Brooks College of Health and UNF Eta Sigma Gamma student honor society are sponsoring a screening of “The Quiet Epidemic”, an important, award-winning new documentary about Chronic Lyme Disease followed by a question-and-answer conversation with Dr. Shirley Hartman, Lyme Disease specialist, and Dr. Kerry Clark, UNF professor of public health.
According to a new CDC estimate, 476,000 people are diagnosed with Lyme disease yearly in the United States alone. “The Quiet Epidemic” follows the search for answers after a young girl from Brooklyn and a Duke University scientist are diagnosed with a disease said not to exist, Chronic Lyme Disease. What begins as a patient story evolves into an investigation into the history of Lyme disease, dating back to its discovery in 1975. A paper trail of suppressed scientific research and buried documents reveal why ticks – and the diseases they carry – have been allowed to quietly spread around the globe.
The screening will be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 27, in UNF’s Adam W. Herbert University Center. Admission is free for UNF students; general admission tickets for $10 can be purchased at the Quiet Epidemic screening webpage.