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Environmental Health and Safety


Name Representation Telephone
John Hale Chairperson

Assistant Vice President, Administration & Finance

(Hicks Hall, Building 53, Room 2211)

(904) 620-1713
Jennifer Wesely Professor, Dept of Criminology & Criminal Justice

(Social Sciences, Building 51, Room 2303)

(904) 620-1685
Dan Endicott Director, Environmental Health & Safety

(Support Services, Building 6, Room 1301)

(904) 620-2019
Adam Brown Associate Director Safety Security

(Martin P. Garris Police Building, Building 41, Room 1009)

(904) 620-2378
Rocelia Gonzalez Director, ADA Compliance Office

(Support Services, Building 6, Room 2014)

(904) 620-2870
Anne Hoover Director Academic Affairs

(J.J. Daniel Hall, Building 1, Room 2508)

(904) 620-2700
Myron Kelly AFSCME Union Representative

Maintenance Mechanic, Physical Facilities

(Building Services, Building 6, Room 1213)

(904) 620-1174
 Jacqueline Small  Student Government Representative, Student Advocate

(Student Union East, Building 58E, Room 3309)

(904) 620-1587
Ruth Lopez Associate Vice President, Student Affairs

(Student Union East, Building 58E, Room 2316)

(904) 620-1097
Steve Crews Asst Dir Facilities Management, University Housing

(Robinson Center, Building 14, Room 1538)

(904) 620-4680
Amy Keagy Laboratory Manager, Department of Biology

(Biological Sciences, Building 59, Room 1310)

(904) 620-1796
Chris Guppenberger Laboratory Manager, Department of Chemistry

(Science and Engineering, Building 50, Room 3402)

(904) 620-1964
Wallace Harris Director Facilities Operations

(Physical Facilities, Building 5, Room 1408)

(904) 620-1310
Cynthia Hoffer Office Specialist, University Police Department

(Building 52, Room 1010)

(904) 620-2379
Sheila Spivey Senior Director, Women's Center

(DDI/Women's Center, Building 2, Room 2108)

(904) 620-1566
Beyza Aslan Asst. Prof, Dept of Mathematics & Statistics

(Robinson Student Life Ctr, Bldg. 14, Room 2710)

(904) 620-3713
Joann Campbell Assoc. VP - Compliance Officer, President's Office

(Hicks Hall, Building 53, Room 2341)

(904) 620-2258
Grace Bosse Instructor, Department of Physics

(Science and Engineering, Building 50, Room 2816)

(904) 620-1389
Curtis Phills Vice-Chairperson & Faculty Representative, Assistant Professor, Psychology

(Social Sciences Building 51, Room 3249)

(904) 620-1665
Rachel Winter           University Conduct Officer, Office of the Dean of Students
(Building 57, Room 2756)     
(904) 620-1491

Michelle Phillips Asst. Director, Human Resources

(Human Resources, Building 1, Room 1113)

(904) 620-2942