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Regulations and Policies

Regulations & Policies

Traffic and Public Safety


Those who operate or use a motorized vehicle on the University campus in a manner described below, may be charged with a traffic violation, or where applicable, a Non-Moving University Parking/Traffic Infraction Citation. The prohibited uses include:

  1. Driving, riding, or parking any vehicle including motor scooters, motorcycles, and mopeds, on sidewalks, paths, grass or nature trails (except University service and emergency vehicles, when necessary);
  2. Driving in a direction opposite to that indicated by arrows in garages, parking lots, roadways, or streets;
  3. Driving on nature trails and dirt or gravel service roads (except University service and emergency vehicles, when necessary);
  4. Making unnecessary disruptive noise from horns, exhaust systems, or any other noisemaking device;
  5. Operating a vehicle in violation of the State Uniform Traffic Code, Chapter 316, Florida Statutes; and
  6. Any other careless, reckless or unsafe use of a motorized vehicle that has the potential to cause harm to the operator, members of the University community, or damage to University property or other property.

Authority: Resolution of the Board of Governors dated January 7, 2003

Florida Statutes 1001.74(35) and 1006.66

History-New 10-20-05, Formerly 5.1004, 6C9-10.003.

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