Regulations & Policies
International Affairs
University Activities Abroad |
Number: | 8.0020P |
Policy Status:
Minor/Technical Revision Responsible Division/Department: Academic & Student Affairs / International Center |
Effective Date: | 02/12/01 | |
Revised Date: | 08/01/19 |
To provide criteria for authorized UNF activities abroad.
Any UNF employee who plans, organizes, and/or leads any activity abroad is subject to the following policy. Faculty are encouraged to develop and implement a wide range of international education programs for credit, including academic exchanges, study abroad courses, internships, and research projects, as a contribution to the mission of the University. Student non-credit international travel, for purposes such as research activity, conference attendance, grant development or implementation, artistic or athletic activities, may also contribute to the mission of the University.
- An "activity abroad" includes any program or activity, credit or non-credit, which is planned, organized and/or led by a UNF employee, or by a University affiliated person/organization, and which is held, in part or in its entirety, beyond the borders of the United States.
- An activity abroad must be recommended and approved by the faculty leader's department chair and college dean, or the equivalent if the activity leader is not a faculty member. The VP for Academic Affairs, or designee, will then review the request for academic approval. If academically approved, the Activities Abroad Risk Review Committee (AARRC) will review the proposed activity for health and safety considerations. After receiving the recommendation of the AARRC, the AVP for International & Diversity will then review the proposed activity for health and safety approval.
- Officially approved activities abroad may reflect the University of North Florida as sponsoring or endorsing the program, make use of any UNF logo or other University representatives in program promotions, indicate the activity leader as representing UNF, and make use of UNF administrative support staff.
- Students may apply for and receive University or State institutional financial aid to participate in such activities, as well as earned academic credit, and faculty may with the approval of their department receive a salary for planning, leading and implementing such programs.
- Any activity involving international travel which is planned, organized, or led by a UNF employee that does not receive official approval must publicly display a disclaimer specifically disassociating the University from any official or unofficial relationship to such activities.
- All UNF employees and/or affiliates leading an approved activity abroad must work with the International Center to ensure that University policies and compliance requirements are met.