Regulations & Policies
Statement of Ethical Conduct |
Number: | 1.0020P |
Policy Status:
Major Revision Responsible Division/Department: Office of the President / Compliance Office |
Effective Date: | 12/19/05 | |
Revised Date: | 10/01/18 |
The University of North Florida's reputation for excellence is sustained by the commitment embodied in its statement of Values to "…promote the welfare and positive transformation of individuals, communities, and societies," and its commitment to uphold the public's trust and confidence, not only in following laws and regulations, but in following high standards of ethical behavior. This Statement of Ethical Conduct is a set of values-based statements that demonstrate these commitments.
All University employees, students, volunteers, employees of affiliated organizations who are paid through the University, vendors of the University and others acting on behalf of the University will maintain the highest level of ethical standards and comply with all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations and University policies. Additionally, each such individual will:
- Protect the integrity of all University business and transactions by avoiding engagement in any actions (directly or indirectly) that are inconsistent with the State and Local procurement laws rules and regulations and avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. (Conflicts of Interest and Outside Employment Activity - 4.0170R; Financial Conflict of Interest in Sponsored Projects, 2.0830P; Procurement Regulation - 13.0010R).
- Adhere to policies and programs that promote the highest standards of ethics, integrity and professional practices in the performance of our educational, research, scholarly and community outreach activities (Academic Freedom, 4.0200P).
- Adhere to policies and programs supporting the rights and recognizing the needs of all citizens regardless of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic information, marital status or political affiliation. (Non-Discrimination, Equal Opportunity and Diversity Regulation - 1.0040R).
- Adhere to policies and procedures regarding the employment of relatives to prevent conflicts of interest, actual and perceived. (Employment of Relatives Regulation 4.0050R)
- Maintain and protect the confidentiality and security of information entrusted to us by the University or its customers, except when disclosure is authorized or legally mandated. (Student Records-Accessing Policy 2.0620P).
- Not use University funds, property, equipment, services, or things of value for or in aid of political parties or candidates for public office.
- Not use University funds, property, equipment, services, systems, information, time and effort or our position for personal gain.
- Protect the University's assets and resources and ensure their proper use by preventing fraud, waste, and abuse. (Fraud Prevention and Detection 1.0110R).
- Adhere to the principle that the public's business should be conducted in the public view by observing and following the letter and spirit of Florida's Public Records laws as embodied in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes.
- Adhere to good health and safety practices and comply with all environmental health and safety laws and regulations (Comprehensive Environmental Health and Safety Policy 6.0150P).
- Comply with the University's accounting policies and procedures and maintain strong internal controls at all times and not make any false or misleading entries in the University's records under any circumstances.
- Strive for excellence in the performance of our duties, mindful of cost and appropriate authorization.
- Nurture a climate of care, concern, and civility towards others.
- Report through appropriate means and channels any dishonesty, fraud, misconduct, violations or neglect of duty, when discovered. We will appropriately investigate all such reports and require warranted corrective action and discipline, in accordance with University policies and procedures and the law.
These are some of the most prevalent areas of concern. However, this list is not intended to be comprehensive. For additional guidance on specific issues, please see other University of North Florida Policies and Regulations, the University of North Florida Compliance Office web page, and Part III of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. Failure to act in accordance with the expectations outlined herein may result in consequences up to and including termination. Comments and questions regarding this Statement or other compliance and ethics issues may be directed to